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Allen Bradley - Drives

1336 PCB Boards

Guía de selección de placas PCB 1336

Cuando se trata de tecnología de primera clase en automatización industrial, pocos productos, como la serie 1336 de VFD, son tan emocionantes e innovadores como los que tienen control total sobre los variadores. Su objetivo es revolucionar la forma de eficiencia energética y control de par para aplicaciones industriales. Con clasificaciones de voltaje que van de 200 V a 600 V CA y potencia de salida de 1 a 600, ofrece varias opciones para cada serie de variadores 1336, es decir, variadores 1336 IMPACT, PLUS, PLUS II, FORCE y REGEN. Con sus funciones avanzadas y su interfaz intuitiva, no es de extrañar que los entusiastas de la tecnología estén listos para instalarlo en sus variadores de frecuencia. Esta guía de selección lo ayuda a encontrar la opción perfecta de la placa PCB 1336 de acuerdo con sus necesidades, lo que promete brindarle una experiencia inigualable que llevará su vida industrial al siguiente nivel.

¿Qué son los PCB 1336?

El término "PCB" denota placas de circuito impreso que se utilizan en la serie de variadores de frecuencia (VFD) Allen-Bradley 1336. Los PCB 1336 son componentes de los grupos impulsores 1336 FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS, PLUS-II y 1336 REGEN de Allen-Bradley. El PCB central para las unidades anteriores se construye con las versiones de firmware 2.03 a 4.03.

Los PCB también tienen un adaptador principal, la unidad de compuerta, el amortiguador y los PCB de precarga. Una placa de circuito impreso 1336 ofrece excelentes y sencillas alternativas de piezas de repuesto de placa de circuito impreso para todas las series de unidades 1336. Debido a la variedad de alternativas disponibles, son periféricos de repuesto adecuados para ensamblaje, inclusión y servicio.

Otra característica distintiva de dichas piezas de repuesto de PCB 1336 es su capacidad para ser utilizadas e instaladas en otras variantes de unidades.

Número de catálogo Descripción

La descripción del número de catálogo de 1336--BDB--SP1--A proporciona un código que representa un componente particular de la serie de variadores Allen Bradley 1336. Los tres primeros dígitos representan la serie de la unidad, que podría ser 1336S, 1336F, 1336T, 1336E o 1336R. 1336S se refiere a 1336 PLUS, 1336F se refiere a 1336 PLUS II, 1336T se refiere a 1336 FORCE, 1336E se refiere a 1336 IMPACT y 1336R se refiere a 1336 REGEN.

Las siguientes tres letras del código, BDB, representan el tipo de repuesto. En este caso, significa Common Spare, lo que significa que se trata de una pieza de repuesto estándar utilizada en diferentes productos de la serie. Las siguientes dos letras, SP1, son el delineador de piezas que identifica una pieza específica dentro de la categoría de repuesto común. La última letra, A, es el número de revisión, que indica cualquier modificación o mejora realizada en la pieza a lo largo del tiempo.

Tipos de gabinetes para PCB 1336

Los PCB 1336 están disponibles para diferentes tipos de unidades con varias clasificaciones de gabinete. Sus clasificaciones de gabinete incluyen IP 00 (abierto), IP 65 (NEMA 4) e IP 54 (NEMA 12), que deciden el nivel de protección proporcionado contra el polvo, el agua y otras dinámicas ambientales. PLUS, PLUS II, FORCE, IMPACT y REGEN son diferentes modelos de variadores fabricados por Allen-Bradley que requieren tipos específicos de placas PCB para su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, los PCB 1336 de repuesto están diseñados para ser compatibles con estos diferentes modelos de unidades y sus respectivas clasificaciones de gabinete.

Todos los variadores y accesorios, incluido el PCB 1336, tienen un rango de temperaturas para una operación segura y eficiente. Para las placas con clasificación NEMA 4 y 12, el rango de temperatura es de cero a 40 grados centígrados, mientras que para las placas con clasificación abierta NEMA, está entre cero y 50 grados centígrados. y ayuda a garantizar el rendimiento y la confiabilidad continuos de las unidades en las aplicaciones previstas.

Tipos de PCB disponibles

PCB de control principal

Los PCB de control principal son placas electrónicas que proporcionan las principales funciones de control para el variador. Estos PCB vienen en diferentes versiones y firmware, según la serie y los marcos de la unidad 1336.

  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 200 voltios - 240 voltios
    • PCB de control principal: 1336F-MCB-SP2M, 1336S-MCB-SP2B, 1336F-MCB-SP1M, 1336S-MCB-SP1B, 1336E-MC2-SP43A, 1336E-MC2-SP31B, 1336E-MC2-SP23A, 1336E-MCB-4UPGRD (P ROM), 1336E-MC1-SP43A, 1336E-MC1-SP31B, 1336E-MC1-SP23A
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios
    • PCB de control principal: PCB 1336S-MCB-SP1B, PCB 1336F-MCB-SP1M, PCB 1336S-MCB-SP2B, PCB 1336F-MCB-SP2M
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios
    • PCB de control principal: 1336S-MCB-SP1B, 1336S-MCB-SP2B, 1336F-MCB-SP1M, 1336F-MCB-SP2M
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: PCB con revestimiento conformado
    • PCB de control principal: 1336S-MCBMX3-SP1A, 1336E-MCBMX3-SP2A, 1336E-MC2MX3-SP43APCB, 1336E-MC1MX3-SP31BPCB

PCB adaptadores

Los PCB adaptadores son placas de circuito que se utilizan para adaptar o convertir un tipo de interfaz a otro. Se usan comúnmente en sistemas de automatización industrial donde están involucrados diferentes tipos de controladores, dispositivos y protocolos de comunicación.

  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 200 voltios - 240 voltios
    • PCB adaptadores compatibles: 1336T-GT3EN, 1336T-GT2-SP51A, 1336T-GT1-UPGRAD, 1336T-GT1-SP34B, 1336T-GT1-SP51A
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios
    • PCB adaptadores compatibles: 1336T-GT3EN, 1336T-GT2-SP51A, 1336T-GT2-SP42B, 1336T-GT1-UPGRAD, 1336T-GT1-SP51A, 1336T-GT1-SP34B
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios
    • PCB adaptadores compatibles: 1336T-GT3EN, 1336T-GT2-SP51A, 1336T-GT2-SP42B, 1336T-GT1-UPGRAD, 1336T-GT1-SP51A, 1336T-GT1-SP34B

PCB de accionamiento de puerta

Los PCB de accionamiento de compuerta son componentes críticos en los sistemas electrónicos de potencia que regulan el voltaje y la corriente que se entregan a la carga. La serie 1336T de PCB de accionamiento de compuerta está diseñada para usarse con los variadores de CA Allen-Bradley 1336 y proporciona control y protección precisos para el motor.

  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 200 voltios - 240 voltios
    • PCB de Gate Drive compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-BDB-SP61D, 1 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP62D, 3 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP11D, 7,5 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP12D, 10 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP13D, 15 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP14D, 20 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP15D, 25 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP16D, 30 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP25D, 40 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP26D, 50 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP27D, 60 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP35D, 75 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP36D, 100 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP67D, 125 CV
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios
    • PCB de Gate Drive compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-BDB-SP63A, 1 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP63D, 1 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP64A, 3 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP64D, 3 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP1C, 7,5 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP1D, 7,5 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP2C, 10 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP2D, 10 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP3C, 15 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP3D, 15 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP4C, 20 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP4D, 20 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP5C, 25 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP5D, 25 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP6C, 30 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP6D, 30 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP57A, X40 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP57D, X40 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP17A, 40 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP17D, 40 CV
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP19D, 60 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP28D, 60 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP29D, 75 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP30D, 100 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP31D, 125 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP56D, 150 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP37D, 150 HP
      • PCB 1336-BDB-SP38D, 200 HP
      • 1336-BDB-SP39D, 250 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP72D, 250 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP73D, 300 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP74D, 350 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP75D, 400 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP76D, 450 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP58D, X250 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP43D, 300 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP44D, 350 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP45D, 400 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP53D, 450 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP51D, 500 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP59D, 500 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP46D, 600 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP70D, 700 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP69D, 800 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP84D, 500HP
      • 1336-BDB-SP85D, 600HP
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios (rango con revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB de Gate Drive compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP3C, 15 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP14A, 20 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP15A, 25 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP16A, 30 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP57D, 40 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP17D, 40 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP18D, 50 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP19D, 60 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP56D, 150 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP37D, 150 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP39D, 250 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP58A, 200 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP63A, 600 HP (estructura G, bus común)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios
    • PCB de Gate Drive compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-BDB-SP65D, 1 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP66D, 3 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP7D, 7,5 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP8D, 10 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP9D, 15 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP10D, 20 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP20D, 25 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP21D, 30 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP22D, 40 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP23D, 50 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP24D, 60 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP32D, 75 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP33D, 100 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP34D, 125 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP40D, 150 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP41D, 200 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP42D, 250 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP60D, X300 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDB-SP78D, 350 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP79D, 400 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP47D, 300 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP48D, 350 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP49D, 400 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP54D, 450 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP52D, 500 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP50D, 600 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP55D, 650 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP71D, 700 CV
      • 1336-BDB-SP68D, 800 CV
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios (PCB con revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB de Gate Drive compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP60A, 15 CV
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP24A, 60 HP (para marcos C060)
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP61A, 75 caballos de fuerza
      • 1336-BDBMX3-SP62A, 150 CV

PCB de precarga

Los PCB de precarga son placas de circuitos electrónicos que están diseñadas para precargar los condensadores antes de conectar la fuente de alimentación principal. El símbolo TG para PCB de precarga es "PRECHARGE".

  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 200 voltios - 240 voltios
    • PCB de precarga compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-PB-SP1E, 1336-PB-SP4A (20-30 CV)
      • 1336-PB-SP13F, 1336-PB-SP16B (40-125 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios
    • PCB de precarga compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-PB-SP24A (marco J)
      • 1336-PB-SP23D (60-600 CV)
      • 1336-PB-SP21B (60-800 CV)
      • 1336-PB-SP5A (SA), 1336-PB-SP2E (CB) (40-60 CV)
      • 1336R-PRE-SP2A (48/78 amperios a 460 V)
      • 1336R-PRE-SP1A (180 amperios a 460 V)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios (revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB de precarga compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-PBMX3-SP8A (40-60 CV)
      • 1336-PBMX3-SP2A (60-150 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: Bus común de 460 V (650 VCC) (revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB de precarga compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 336-PBMX3-SP10A (60-80 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios
    • PCB de precarga compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-PB-SP3E (SA), 1336-PB-SP6A (CB) (25-60 CV)
      • 1336-PB-SP20F (SA) (75-600 CV)
      • 1336-PB-SP22B (CB) (75-800 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios (revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB de precarga compatibles y su potencia nominal:
      • 1336-PBMX3-SP10A (75-600 CV)

PCB amortiguadores

Los PCB Snubber, también conocidos como Snubber Boards SCR, son placas de circuitos electrónicos que se utilizan en la electrónica de potencia para proteger componentes sensibles de picos de tensión y sobretensiones transitorias.

  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 200 voltios - 240 voltios
    • PCB amortiguadores compatibles:
      • 1336-SN-SP1B, 1336-SN-SP21A (20-30 CV)
      • 13336-SN-SP3A, 1336-SN-SP18A (40-60 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP6A (40-50 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP4A (60 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP8A, 1336-SN-SP10A (75-125 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 200 voltios - 240 voltios (revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB amortiguadores compatibles:
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP9A, 1336-SNMX3-SP4A (40-60 CV)
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP10A, 1336-SNMX3-SP7A (75-125 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios
    • PCB amortiguadores compatibles:
      • 1336-SN-SP23A, 1336-SN-SP21A (40-60 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP18A (60-250 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP19A (250-450 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP20A (250-800 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP3A (60-150 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP4A (125-150 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP6A (60-125 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP8A,1336-SN-SP10A (150-250 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP16A, 1336-SN-SP17A (250 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP12A (250-650 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP14A (250-800 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 380 voltios - 480 voltios (revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB amortiguadores compatibles:
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP9A (60-180 CV)
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP6A (60-100 CV)
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP4A (125-180 CV)
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP10A, 1336-SNMX3-SP7A (150-250 CV)
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP8A (800 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios
    • PCB amortiguadores compatibles:
      • 1336-SN-SP22A (25-60 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP18A (75-300 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP19A (350-400 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP20A (300-800 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP2B (25-60 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP3A (75-125 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP4A (125 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP6A (75-100 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP8A, 1336-SN-SP10A (150-350 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP16A, 1336-SN-SP17A (350-400 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP13A (300-650 CV)
      • 1336-SN-SP15A (300-800 CV)
  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: 500 voltios - 600 voltios (revestimiento conformado)
    • PCB amortiguadores compatibles:
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP10A, 1336-SNMX3-SP12A (150-300 CV)
      • 1336-SNMX3-SP9A, 1336-SNMX3-SP5A (75-125 CV)

PCB lógicas

Los PCB lógicos son un tipo de placa de circuito impreso que contiene varios componentes electrónicos, como puertas lógicas y procesadores, y están diseñados para realizar funciones específicas dentro de un sistema electrónico más grande. En el caso de los PCB CTL principales 1336S y 1336F, estos PCB lógicos sirven como elementos consumibles que no pueden repararse y deben reemplazarse cuando fallan.

Para los variadores 1336 FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II con revestimiento de conformación, hay tres PCB lógicas disponibles.

  • Rango de voltaje de variadores: variadores FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS y PLUS II: Revestimiento de conformación
    • PCB lógicas:
      • 1336-L4MX3
      • 1336-L5MX3
      • 1336-L6MX3

Placa de circuito impreso de fuente de alimentación

La fuente de alimentación PCB 1336E-PSK-SP1A es una placa de circuito diseñada para proporcionar alimentación al sistema de variador de frecuencia de CA Allen-Bradley 1336E. Está diseñado específicamente para encajar dentro del gabinete de estructura H del sistema de variador 1336E. Está disponible para variadores 1336 FORCE, IMPACT, REGEN, PLUS y PLUS II de 575 y 460 voltios.


Con esta guía esperamos que pueda tomar una decisión informada sobre su próxima compra. Como siempre, recomendamos un análisis experto de su sistema actual para ayudar a dar el siguiente paso correcto.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades de placas PCB 1336

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades de placas PCB 1336 de segunda mano en el mundo.


The SP-140147 kit is a precharge switch kit from Allen-Bradley that can be used as a spare part for drives in various Bulletin 1336 product lines. This precharge switch can extend the operating lifespan of the electronic components in a 1336 drive and increase the reliability of the drive. The SP-140147 precharge switch can also protect a drive's input capacitors from inrush current. This switch can support 40 to 50 Horsepower of output power and 460V AC of voltage.


The 1336-BDB-SP11D is a PCB Gate Drive Board designed for use with 1336 adjustable frequency AC drives. The board is a replacement part for Allen-Bradley adjustable frequency drives with an output power range of 3 to 800 HP. The 1336-BDB-SP11D is a programmable drive with various enclosure types available. It also features a Control Interface L-Option Board for optional control wiring configurations. Overall, it is a durable and reliable PCD board for a wide range of motor control drives.


The 1336-BDB-SP12D is a PCB Gate Drive Board. It is compatible with the 1336 PLUS, FORCE, and IMPACT (series) drives by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It amplifies low current input from the drive power supply board and has 6 jumper connectors and 3 terminal bases. The 1336-BDB-SP12D board is attached to the main control board after removing power and has 8 fastening screws to hold it in place. Optional features are also available for customization.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP13D circuit board is a gate drive circuit board that can replace a worn-out or damaged gate drive circuit board in a 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, or FORCE series drive that is rated at 230 Volts AC. It can also replace an obsolete version of a similar gate drive circuit board. The 1336-BDB-SP13D circuit board operates as a power amplifier inside the drive. It supports drive Horsepower ratings of 15 Horsepower.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP14D circuit board is a "Level 1" spare part for 230V AC-rated drives in the 1336 FORCE, PLUS, PLUS II, and IMPACT product lines. Additionally, this board is meant to be used with 230V AC-rated drives that have size C frames and output power ratings of 20 Horsepower. The 1336-BDB-SP14D circuit board amplifies low input voltage signals and sends the amplified signals to other drive components such as the drive's transistor.


The 1336-BDB-SP17D circuit board is an Allen-Bradley 1336 series gate drive type of circuit board and a spare part for compatible 1336 series drives. In addition to being a spare part for 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, and FORCE drives, this circuit board is also a spare part for 1336 REGEN drives. The 1336-BDB-SP17D circuit board supports an input voltage rating of 460 Volts AC and an output power rating of 40 Horsepower.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP18D PCB is a spare part PCB for Allen-Bradley 1336 series drives. It is compatible with 1336 REGEN series drives as well as with 1336 IMPACT, FORCE, PLUS, and PLUS II series drives as long as the drives have Horsepower ratings of 50 Hp, voltage ratings of 460 Volts AC, and size C frames. The 1336-BDB-SP18D PCB can also support current ratings of 78 Amps.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP19D circuit board can be used as a gate drive circuit board in a variety of compatible 1336 series variable frequency drives. It is a 1336 series drive spare part. The 1336-BDB-SP19D gate drive board is suitable for use in a 1336 IMPACT, FORCE, REGEN, PLUS, or PLUS II drive with a voltage rating of 460 Volts AC and a Horsepower output rating of 60 Hp. It amplifies control signals.


The 1336-BDB-SP1D gate drive board is a replacement gate drive board for certain types of Allen-Bradley 1336 series drives. It is classified as a Level 1 type of replacement part or spare part, and it can be used as a replacement part for a 1336 REGEN, FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS, or PLUS II series drive that has a voltage rating of 460 Volts AC and a Horsepower rating of 7.5 Horsepower.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP21D gate drive board can be used to replace an old, damaged, or worn out gate drive board in several different 1336 series drive models. It can be installed in a 1336 series drive that operates at 575V AC of rated voltage and at 30 Horsepower of rated output power. The 1336-BDB-SP21D gate drive board can receive low voltage signal and amplify it. It can also interface with a power switch.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP28D circuit board is a 1336 series replacement circuit board for 1336 series IMPACT, FORCE, PLUS, and PLUS II series motor control drives with Horsepower ratings of 60 Horsepower and voltage ratings of 460 Volts AC. This board can replace a drive's original gate drive board when the original board has worn out or become damaged. The 1336-BDB-SP28D circuit board is frequently used to amplify signals in its host drive.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP29D circuit board is a gate drive board that can be used to replace an obsolete gate drive board model or used to replace a damaged or worn out gate drive board in a compatible Allen-Bradley 1336 series drive. A compatible drive for the 1336-BDB-SP29D circuit board is a 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, FORCE, IMPACT, or REGEN series drive that operates at 460V AC and 75 Horsepower.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP30D board is a gate drive type of printed circuit board that can be used as a spare part for certain 1336 drives. It can specifically be used as a spare part for 1336 drives that have Horsepower ratings of 100 Hp, Size D frames, and AC voltage ratings of 460 Volts. The 1336-BDB-SP30D board can amplify the control signals in a 1336 drive. It can control an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT).


The 1336-BDB-SP31D is a PCB gate drive board manufactured by Rockwell Automation under the Allen-Bradley brand. It is designed to operate at a voltage of 460V AC and can support a maximum horsepower of 125 HP. The board is compatible with frame models A, B, C, D, and E. An alternative part number for this product is 74101-169-55. This high-performance gate drive board is an essential component in industrial control applications that require precision and reliability.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP32D circuit board is a gate drive board for 575V AC and 75 Hp-rated adjustable frequency drives from the 1336 IMPACT, FORCE, REGEN, PLUS, and PLUS II product lines. This circuit board is a Level 1 type of Allen-Bradley 1336 series spare part only 1 1336-BDB-SP32D circuit board is required by a drive at a time. The 1336-BDB-SP32D gate drive board should be used in systems with 3-phase AC power supplies that have symmetrical line voltage.


The 1336-BDB-SP33D PCB is an Allen-Bradley PCB or printed circuit board that serves as a spare part for several 1336 series variable frequency drives. It can serve as a spare part for a 575V AC and 100 Hp-rated 1336 drives in the PLUS, IMPACT, FORCE, and PLUS II product lines. The 1336-BDB-SP33D PCB receives low levels of input and it amplifies that input before applying that input to components in the drive such as transistors.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP34D circuit board is a gate drive circuit board that can be installed in a 1336 FORCE, 1336 IMPACT, 1336 PLUS, or 1336 PLUS II series motor control drive that has a voltage rating of 575V AC and an output power rating of 125 Horsepower. This circuit board can be installed at the back of a drive with mounting screws and it uses jumper connectors to connect to the drive's main control board.


The 1336-BDB-SP37D gate drive board is an Allen-Bradley 1336 series gate drive board. This gate drive board is a replacement part for compactible variable frequency drives in a range of Allen-Bradley 1336 product lines. The 1336-BDB-SP37D gate drive board can support 460V AC of input voltage and 150 Hp of rated output power and it is compatible with 1336 drives that operate at those input and output ratings.


The 1336-BDB-SP38D circuit board from Allen-Bradley is a PCB or printed circuit board that can operate as a gate drive board in an Allen-Bradley 1336 series drive. It can be used with 1336 drives that have voltage ratings of 460V AC and output ratings of 200 Horsepower. The 1336-BDB-SP38D gate drive board can be used in any environment where it will not be exposed to static or to water and other fluids.


The 1336-BDB-SP39D is a PCD Gate drive board by Allen-Bradley. Its primary function is to provide power to the drive's main & isolation boards, making it a Level 1 component. This component also acts as the drive's last stop with its interconnection to the TB1 terminal block. Drive PCBs with slotted connectors for ribbon & jumper wires take 460VAC power input from the terminal block labeled TB1. The main board, separation board, and IGBT circuit are all linked to one another through these wires.


The 1336-BDB-SP3D is a printed circuit board (PCB) for the gate drive system manufactured by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation, designed specifically for use in the 1336 AC Drive series. The 1336-BDB-SP3D PCB board is intended for the 1336STG model and operates at a voltage rating of 460, with an HP rating of 15 horsepower. As a base drive board, this component plays a critical role in regulating the motor's power output, thereby precisely controlling the motor's speed and torque.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP40D board is a gate drive printed circuit board for Allen-Bradley 1336 variable frequency drives. It can be connected to the main control board of a variable frequency drive in the 1336 IMPACT, PLUS, or FORCE product lines with jumper connectors. The 1336-BDB-SP40D printed circuit board can support 150 Hp of output power and 575V AC of voltage. It is meant to be installed at the rear side of its host drive and installed with mounting screws.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP41D is a printed circuit board (PCB) gate drive device designed and manufactured by Rockwell Automation for use in demanding industrial control applications. It can operate at a voltage of 575V AC and deliver a maximum power of 200 horsepower (HP). This 1336-BDB-SP41D gate drive board is compatible with frame models A, B, C, D, and E, making it a versatile and adaptable solution for various AC drives. Its alternative part number is 74101-169-66.


The 1336-BDB-SP42D circuit board is an Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336 series gate drive type of printed circuit board and a spare part for an Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336 series drive. One gate drive board like the 1336-BDB-SP42D gate drive board can be connected to the main control board of a 1336 series drive through jumper connectors. The 1336-BDB-SP42D gate drive board can support 250 Horsepower of output power. This board is installed at the back of the drive that hosts it.


The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP43D PCB is a gate drive type of PCB that can be used as a signal amplifier for compatible drives. It is compatible with Bulletin 1336 series drives that have voltage ratings of 460V AC and output power ratings of 300 Hp. The 1336-BDB-SP43D PCB can receive a low-powered signal and convert or amplify it to a higher-powered signal that can be used by drive components such as transistors.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 spare parts series 1336-BDB-SP44D PCB is a gate drive PCB which is compatible with several Bulletin 1336 drive models. It is compatible with drives rated at 460V AC and 350 Hp. The 1336-BDB-SP44D gate drive PCB can amplify low power signals into high power signals and it can support PWM signals. This PCB must be connected to the drive's main control board when it is installed.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP45D gate drive board is a spare part for adjustable frequency drives in the 1336 series. It can serve as a spare part for drives from several product lines in the 1336 series, including the PLUS and PLUS II product lines, as long as the drives operate at 460V AC of rated voltage and at 400 Horsepower of rated output power. Only 1 1336-BDB-SP45D gate drive board needs to be installed in a drive at a time.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP46D circuit board can replace a worn out or damaged circuit board in an Allen-Bradley 1336 FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS, or PLUS II series drive. The drive should be disconnected from power before the 1336-BDB-SP46D circuit board is installed because this board can carry dangerous voltage levels when it and its host drive are powered on. The 1336-BDB-SP46D circuit board can be used as a power signal amplifier board.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP49D gate drive board is a G-frame replacement gate drive board for G-frame motor control drives from several Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336 product lines. It was designed for G-frame Bulletin 1336 drives that have output power ratings of 400 Horsepower and voltage ratings of 575 Volts AC. The 1336-BDB-SP49D gate drive board is commonly used to amplify a low power signal into a high power signal that transistors and other drive components can use.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP51D gate drive board is a circuit board for adjustable frequency drives. It is compatible with Allen-Bradley drives in most of the 1336 product lines. The 1336-BDB-SP51D gate drive board's voltage rating is 460V AC and its Horsepower rating is 500 Hp and it is compatible with drives that have these ratings. This board should be grounded for protection and the power to its host drive must be disconnected before it is installed.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP52D board is a gate drive type of circuit board from the 1336 series. It is a spare part for several 1336 drives, including REGEN, FORCE, IMPACT, PLUS, and PLUS II drives, that have voltage ratings of 575 Volts AC and Horsepower output ratings of 500 Horsepower and that come in size G frame. The 1336-BDB-SP52D circuit board is connected to a drive's main control board and it can be connected to other drive components for different applications.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP53D gate drive board can be installed in a compatible 1336 variable frequency drive. It can also be used as a replacement for an old gate drive board in a compatible 1336 drive. The 1336-BDB-SP53D board amplifies a signal from the drive's control circuit board and it directs that amplified signal to the drive's IGBT. This board is easy to install in the field, but it should not be installed until the drive has been disconnected from the power supply and completely powered down.


The main control board & power supply board may be connected to the 1336-BDB-SP54D PCB board through its six jumper connectors (J2, J7, J8, J9, J10, and J13). There are three main types of terminal bases (T4, T6, and T7) each with its own distinct roles. The board supports a 460V AC power supply and has a rated current of 225 amperes. For optimized performance in industrial settings, the 1336-BDB-SP54D Gate Driver is a critical element of the 1336 series drives, helping to control and regulate the power supply to the AC motors.


Part number 1336-BDB-SP55D, which was manufactured by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, is a PCB Gate Drive Board. This product has a voltage rating of 575 volts. Additionally, the horsepower rating of this PCB Gate Drive Board is 650 horsepower. The 1336-BDB-SP55D is compatible with drives that have a G-frame. This board is connected to a Ground Fault CT via a J2 connector cable.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP56D circuit board is a gate drive circuit board that can be installed and used in a variety of Allen-Bradley drives. This gate drive circuit board is also a member of the 1336 series of replacement parts for 1336 series drives. The 1336-BDB-SP56D gate drive board can be used in a 460V AC-rated drive from the 1336 REGEN, IMPACT, FORCE, PLUS, or PLUS II product lines that has a size D frame.


The 1336-BDB-SP57D gate drive PCB is a Level 1 replacement part from the Allen-Bradley 1336 replacement part product line. It can be used to replace a 460 Volts AC-powered variable frequency drive's gate drive PCB. The 1336-BDB-SP57D gate drive PCB is compactible with 1336 adjustable frequency drives from the FORCE, PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, and REGEN product lines. It also supports Hp output power ratings of X40 Hp.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP58D gate drive board is available in a spare parts kit from the Allen-Bradley 1336 line of variable frequency drives and drive accessories and replacement parts. This board can be installed in a 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, FORCE, IMPACT, or REGEN series drive that has a G-frame, an AC voltage rating of 460V, and a Horsepower rating of X250 Horsepower. The 1336-BDB-SP58D gate drive board features several jumper connectors for connecting to different drive components.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP5C circuit board is available in a 1336 series spare parts kit and it is designed to be used to replace circuit boards in 1336 series motor control drives. This circuit board is also known as a gate drive board and it can be used as a power or signal amplifier in the motor control drive that hosts it. The 1336-BDB-SP5C circuit board can be used in a 1336 motor control drive rated at 460 Volts AC.


The Allen-Bradley / Rockwell Automation 1336-BDB-SP64C is a Gate Drive Board designed for use with the 1336 PCB Boards series. It is intended to be mounted on the internal mounting plate of the drive and is suitable for devices with a voltage rating of 460 Volts AC and a power rating of 3 Horsepower. The board's frame is B, and each drive requires one kit. This board is an essential component of the 1336 PCB Boards series and is critical in precisely controlling the motor drive system.


The 1336-BDB-SP68D is a gate drive printed circuit board (PCB) part of the 1336ST series of boards used as drive board replacement parts for Allen-Bradley variable frequency AC drives, including 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, REGEN, and FORCE. The 1336-BDB-SP68D board is engineered to operate with AC drives ranging from 3 to 800 horsepower, running on the operating voltage of the specific adjustable frequency drives they replace. The 1336-BDB-SP8D PCB is below the main control board and amplifies low-current input from the power supply.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP69D gate drive board is a replacement gate drive board for certain types of motor control drives in the Allen-Bradley 1336 series. This board is compatible with Allen-Bradley 1336 IMPACT and FORCE drives that have high Horsepower ratings (800 Horsepower), size H frames, and voltage ratings of 460 Volts AC. The 1336-BDB-SP69D gate drive board acts as a signal amplifier device inside its host drive.


The 1336-BDB-SP6D gate drive board, manufactured by Allen Bradley, is a crucial component in industrial motor control systems. This board is specifically designed to operate with motors that require a voltage of 460 VAC and a maximum horsepower of 30 HP. The 1336-BDB-SP6D gate drive board interfaces the motor control circuitry and power switches, ensuring precise and reliable control over the motor's speed and direction. Its advanced features, such as fault detection and protection against electrical interference, make it a reliable solution for the 1336 motor drives.


The 1336-BDB-SP70D circuit board was manufactured by Allen-Bradley as a replacement part that can be used as a gate drive circuit board in a compatible Bulletin 1336 IMPACT or FORCE series variable frequency drive. The board is part of the Allen-Bradley 1336 series of drive accessories and replacement parts. The 1336-BDB-SP70D circuit board is compatible with a 1336 IMPACT or FORCE series drive that supports 700 Hp of Horsepower output and 460V AC of voltage.


The 1336-BDB-SP72D circuit board from the Allen-Bradley 1336 spare parts series can function as a replacement gate drive circuit board in several different Allen-Bradley 1336 product lines. This board can operate as a replacement gate drive board in a 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, or FORCE series drive with an H-frame which has a voltage rating of 460V AC and a Horsepower output rating of 250 Horsepower.


The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336 series 1336-BDB-SP73D PCB (printed circuit board) is a gate drive type of PCB that can be used with REGEN drives in addition to PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, and FORCE drives that operate at 460V AC of input voltage and at 300 Horsepower of rated output. Additionally, the drives that the 1336-BDB-SP73D PCB is installed in need to have size F frames. A compatible drive needs only 1 1336-BDB-SP73D PCB at a time.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP74D gate drive circuit board is a 1336 series replacement gate drive circuit board. It replaces 2 older gate drive circuit board models that are obsolete, and it can replace a faulty gate drive circuit board in an Allen-Bradley 1336 IMPACT, FORCE, PLUS, or PLUS II series variable frequency drive which operates at 460V AC of rated voltage and at 350 Horsepower of rated output power.


Catalog number 1336-BDB-SP75D is a PCB Gate Driver Board from Allen-Bradley. This product is required for use with all Impact, 1336 Plus II, and Force Adjustable Frequency drives that have an F-sized frame. This product has a power rating of 400 HP, as well as a voltage rating of 460 volts AC. This PCB Gate Driver Board enhances the 1336 module board's reduced current input. Connections to the 1336 Main Controller Unit and the Energy Supply Board may be established using the 1336-BDB-SP75D's six jumper connectors (J7, J2, J10, J9, J8, and J13). Moreover, there are three Terminal Bases (T6, T4, and T7) on the board, and their purposes vary.


The Allen-Bradley 1336-BDB-SP79D circuit board is a 1336 series circuit board that can be installed in a variety of 1336 series drive models and used as a gate drive board for the host drive. This board can be installed in a drive from the 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, REGEN, FORCE, or IMPACT series that includes a size F frame, that supports 400 Horsepower of output power, and that operates on 575 Volts AC of input voltage.


The Allen-Bradley 1336 spare parts series 1336-PB-SP20F circuit board is a precharge circuit board. It is classified an SA or standalone precharge circuit board and as a Level 2 1336 spare part. The 1336-PB-SP20F precharge circuit board is compatible with 1336 PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, and FORCE series motor control drives that operate at 575V AC and with 75 to 600 Horsepower. It is also compatible with drives with several different frame sizes.


The 1336-PB-SP21B circuit board was manufactured by Allen-Bradley to function as a replacement precharge printed circuit board in several Allen-Bradley 1336 drives. The 1336-PB-SP21B circuit board can be used as the replacement precharge printed circuit board in a drive from the 1336 FORCE, PLUS, PLUS II, IMPACT, or REGEN series that is rated at 460 Volts AC. Additionally, the 1336-PB-SP21B board can support 60 to 800 Horsepower of output.

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