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Allen Bradley - Drives

PowerFlex 700S

PowerFlex 700S

1. Descripción general del producto

El variador de CA PowerFlex 700S proporciona un rendimiento excepcional de una manera fácil de usar. Para la mayoría de las aplicaciones en demanda, el variador de CA PowerFlex 700S con control Phase II proporciona un control de alto rendimiento del variador, diagnósticos innatos y opciones de programación integrales. El variador de CA PowerFlex 700S junto con un controlador DriveLogix combina el sólido rendimiento y el control flexible de los variadores de CA PowerFlex con el eficiente motor Logix para ofrecer un sistema de control y variador económico y de buen funcionamiento. Los variadores de CA PowerFlex 700S se fabrican para brindar ventajas que son muy importantes para el usuario. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar a los usuarios una cartera personalizable que los ayudará a mantenerse conectados con sus operaciones y, finalmente, aumentar la productividad, ya que es el objetivo de la industria.

La flexibilidad de los variadores PowerFlex 700S les permite adaptarse a una amplia gama de necesidades de aplicación. Los variadores PowerFlex 700S pueden manejar desde las aplicaciones más sencillas hasta las más complejas porque brindan una variedad de soluciones de control y potencia del motor. Para satisfacer mejor las demandas de los usuarios, el PowerFlex 700S ofrece una variedad de opciones de seguridad, hardware y empaque, así como mucho más.

La flexibilidad permite a los usuarios minimizar el costo de propiedad al elegir la unidad más adecuada diseñada para los requisitos de la aplicación. Aumenta la producción con control de aplicaciones especializadas, como Pump-Off para pozos de petróleo y mucho más. También ayuda a decidir qué características de seguridad y estrategias de aplicación son más efectivas para las aplicaciones de los usuarios.

La conectividad es esencial para monitorear una aplicación y tomar las medidas necesarias para mantener el sistema funcionando sin problemas. La integración perfecta de datos en tiempo real de algunas aplicaciones puede aumentar la eficiencia y la agilidad de las máquinas. Las características que ofrecen los variadores PowerFlex 700S pueden simplificar los datos durante toda la operación. El variador puede realizar mucho más que simplemente reaccionar a órdenes interconectadas, ya que son un componente de la Arquitectura Integrada de Rockwell Automation. Además, tiene la capacidad de ayudar al usuario de múltiples maneras, que incluyen:

  • Adquirir más visibilidad para los datos a nivel de máquina, así como para el sistema.
  • Las herramientas de software facilitan y mejoran la configuración.
  • La capacidad de proporcionar monitoreo remoto para comunicaciones, visibilidad, etc., entre el piso de la planta y la sala de control.
  • Solución de problemas más rápida con datos de diagnóstico fácilmente accesibles desde el controlador.

Cuando el usuario elige un variador PowerFlex 700S con las características apropiadas, ofrece:

  • Funciones de seguridad que protegen a las personas y la propiedad al mismo tiempo que permiten reducir el tiempo de inactividad.
  • Mejor integración dentro de la atmósfera Logix para una configuración y programación optimizadas.
  • Tiempo de comercialización más rápido con un desarrollo y un tiempo de puesta en marcha reducidos.
  • Defensa contra el tiempo de inactividad inesperado con diagnósticos sofisticados y alertas para parámetros operativos anormales
  • El acceso a datos en tiempo real permite tomar decisiones informadas que reducen el tiempo de inactividad y mantienen una producción eficiente.

2. Especificaciones técnicas

Herramientas de interfaz humana fáciles de usar

Los variadores de CA PowerFlex 700S ofrecen herramientas de interfaz humana estándar y fáciles de usar. Estos consisten en herramientas de configuración basadas en PC y módulos de interfaz humana LCD.

La interfaz humana da:

  • Amplia gama de idiomas (inglés, español, francés, etc.)
  • Teclas de función alternativas para atajos de tareas
  • Teclado numérico que se asemeja a una calculadora para una entrada de datos rápida y sencilla
  • Controles locales de arranque, velocidad, parada y dirección

Montaje y embalaje flexibles

El exclusivo diseño de estantería permite unidades Zero-Stacking (o montaje directo, uno al lado del otro). Debido a que no existe un requisito de espacio mínimo entre las unidades, se ahorra un valioso espacio en el panel y se minimizan los costos de instalación. Las barras de terminales de control extraíbles proporcionan una desconexión rápida y un cableado simple.

El PowerFlex 700S está diseñado con elementos de reducción de ruido verificados en los lados de entrada y salida del variador. Muchos requisitos de EMC en todo el mundo pueden satisfacerse y muchos problemas de aplicaciones relacionados con el ruido pueden mitigarse o eliminarse mediante el uso de un variador PowerFlex convencional "listo para usar" que no requiere hardware ni gastos adicionales. Los problemas de acondicionamiento de energía y el requerimiento de hardware adicional se minimizan considerablemente al incluir componentes de mayor capacidad nominal y fuertes dispositivos de retención de voltaje para protección de fase a tierra, así como de fase a fase.

Funciones de hardware que ahorran espacio

  • Múltiples algoritmos de control eficiente del motor : para el control del motor de inducción sin sensor y con sensor, así como la operación del motor de imán permanente sin escobillas, el control vectorial de flujo utiliza la tecnología patentada FORCE. Esto maximiza la flexibilidad de la aplicación.
  • Opciones de retroalimentación : la precisión de los reguladores de velocidad y posición se mejora con una variedad de opciones de retroalimentación, que incluyen un codificador incremental básico, un codificador incremental opcional, un resolutor y tarjetas de interfaz de retroalimentación de codificador de alta resolución. También hay interfaces para dispositivos de retroalimentación lineal de Temposonics y Stahl SSI.
  • Filtrado EMC integral : el filtrado EMC integrado ofrece un paquete pequeño todo en uno junto con núcleos de modo común de estrangulador de bus de CC integrado y condensadores de modo común para satisfacer las especificaciones de EMC, incluida la CE en Europa.
  • Comunicaciones internas : El convertidor puede integrarse en el proceso de producción gracias a las comunicaciones internas. Todas las opciones de comunicación interna incluyen indicadores de estado que son visibles en la tapa para una configuración simple y monitoreo de la comunicación del variador. Los usuarios pueden operar, configurar y recopilar datos sin esfuerzo mientras conectan sin problemas todo su sistema desde el piso de producción hasta el nivel superior.
  • Los transistores de freno dinámico integrales ofrecen una forma económica de cambiar la energía regenerativa sin el gasto de circuitos de corte adicionales. Las clasificaciones de potencia para estos transistores intrínsecos varían de 0,5 a 200 HP.
  • La resistencia interna de freno dinámico (hasta 25 HP) no utiliza espacio adicional en el panel y proporciona un fuerte par de frenado rápidamente.

Control y Rendimiento

El rendimiento se puede adaptar a las necesidades de la aplicación debido a muchos algoritmos de control de motores:

  • Para aplicaciones sencillas de ventiladores y bombas, utilice voltios/hercios.
  • Control vectorial sin sensor para generar un par fuerte en un amplio rango de velocidades.
  • Control vectorial para un excelente rendimiento a baja velocidad/velocidad cero y gestión del par (con casete de control vectorial).

La fuerza patentada de Allen-Bradley se utiliza en el control vectorial del variador PowerFlex 700S. Tecnología que, ya sea que se use con o sin retroalimentación, ofrece un excelente rendimiento a baja velocidad. Este control líder en el mercado ofrece el mejor rendimiento del variador y es tan simple de operar como cualquier otro variador de propósito general.

Características de la unidad

Las siguientes son las características distintivas de la unidad.

  • La máxima desaceleración y aceleración se logran sin disparos debido a la regulación activa y vigilante del límite de corriente y voltaje del bus.
  • La capacidad de respuesta del variador a las directivas de par o velocidad se mejora mediante entradas analógicas de alta velocidad.
  • El variador puede vincular configuraciones debido a la libertad de programación.
  • Sin necesidad de entrada de velocidad, Flying Start proporciona una conexión fluida e inmediata a las cargas giratorias, independientemente de la dirección solicitada.
  • Un controlador de bucle de proceso independiente puede ser innecesario con el control PI de proceso integrado.
  • Inertia Ride-Through utiliza la energía giratoria almacenada en cargas de alta inercia y baja fricción para proporcionar un funcionamiento sin interrupciones durante un corte de energía prolongado.
  • Toto ofrece posicionamiento punto a punto o perfiles de velocidad basados en conteos de codificador, entradas digitales, niveles de parámetros o tiempo. El indexador de posición/perfilador de velocidad emplea un indexador de 16 pasos.

Capacidad de comunicaciones de red increíble

Los variadores PowerFlex 700S son completamente compatibles con una amplia gama de adaptadores de comunicación y brindan las siguientes ventajas:

  • Unconnected Messaging permite que otros dispositivos de red, como los productos de la serie PanelView, interactúen directamente con un disco sin necesidad del escáner de red.
  • Enrutamiento del adaptador: conecte una PC a una unidad y comuníquese con todas las demás unidades Allen-Bradley en la misma red sin pasar por un escáner de red.
  • En la red, los usuarios tienen control total sobre todas las configuraciones.
  • Las conexiones iniciales son más fáciles cuando Autobaud está disponible.
  • Change-of-State configura los mensajes de control que deben dirigirse específicamente a los estados definidos por el cliente, lo que reduce considerablemente el tráfico de red. La configuración de cada nodo es bastante configurable (por ejemplo, "la referencia debe variar en más del 5%").
  • Peer Control ofrece un tipo de control maestro-esclavo entre unidades, lo que permite que una o más unidades esclavas, o consumidores, funcionen según el estado de una unidad maestra, también conocida como productor. También puede disminuir en gran medida el tráfico de red.
  • ADR ("Reemplazo automático de dispositivos") ahorra esfuerzo y tiempo al sustituir una unidad al configurar un escáner para reconocer automáticamente cualquier unidad nueva y descargar la configuración de parámetros necesaria.
  • Flexibilidad de configuración de fallas: los adaptadores se pueden configurar para realizar acciones basadas en fallas, es decir, rampa para detenerse y mantener el último estado, parar por inercia, así como comunicar valores de referencia de velocidad personalizables por el usuario y control lógico. Además, se pueden tomar diferentes medidas dependiendo de si la red encontró un incidente significativo (cable roto, por ejemplo) o estaba inactiva (PLC configurado en "Programa").

Consideraciones ambientales

La altitud máxima sin reducción de potencia para el variador PowerFlex 700S es de 1000 m. Además, la temperatura atmosférica del área circundante sin reducción de potencia para el PowerFlex 700S debe oscilar entre 0 y 50 grados Celsius. Sin embargo, para el disipador de calor y la parte frontal del backplane, es de 0 a 40 grados Celsius y de 0 a 65 grados Celsius, respectivamente. Su temperatura de almacenamiento debe oscilar entre -40 y 70 grados centígrados. El variador de CA PowerFlex 700S no debe colocarse en un entorno que contenga gases, humos o polvo volátiles o corrosivos. Si la unidad no se va a instalar durante un período prolongado, debe almacenarse en un entorno libre de corrosión. El rango de humedad relativa para la unidad está entre el 5 y el 95 por ciento.


El PowerFlex 700S a menudo se instala con fusibles de entrada o un disyuntor. Las normas de seguridad industrial y/o los códigos eléctricos nacionales y locales pueden imponer restricciones adicionales para estos sistemas.

Protección Contra Picos de Tensión para Motores con Sistemas de Aislamiento Inferior

Aunque el variador PowerFlex 700S Phase II utiliza las mejores tecnologías de reducción de ondas reflejadas, pocos motores pueden poseer sistemas de aislamiento que estén muy por debajo de los requisitos de NEMA/UL. Estos motores podrían funcionar como se espera, pero aún deben protegerse contra los transitorios de ondas reflejadas que generan las unidades PWM.

Un sistema de puesta a tierra apropiado y reducción de ruido relacionada

Cualquier instalación de unidad sólida debe comenzar con los procedimientos de conexión a tierra correctos. La mayoría de los problemas de ruido pueden resolverse fácilmente con buenas técnicas de instalación.

Potencia de entrada monofásica

El suministro de entrada más común para los variadores PowerFlex 700S es un suministro trifásico de seis pulsos.

Selección de voltaje del ventilador

Las estructuras 5 y 6 utilizan un transformador para convertir el voltaje de la línea de entrada en el voltaje del ventilador interno. Puede ser esencial ajustar las tomas del transformador si el voltaje de línea difiere de la clase de voltaje que se muestra en la placa de identificación del variador.

El voltaje del ventilador de enfriamiento para variadores de bus comunes

Los ventiladores de refrigeración de los variadores de bus común deben recibir alimentación de 120 V o 240 V CA suministrada por el usuario.

Para las instalaciones de variadores, se permiten varios tipos de cables. Un cable sin blindaje es suficiente para muchas instalaciones, siempre que se mantenga alejado de los circuitos críticos. Deje un espacio de 0,3 metros por cada 10 metros de longitud. Las carreras paralelas largas deben evitarse en todos los casos.

Se puede usar un cable THWN, THHN o equivalente para la instalación de sitios secos de entrada si se proporcionan suficientes limitaciones de tasa de llenado de conductos y/o espacio de aire libre. No se debe utilizar THHN o alambre revestido de manera similar en lugares húmedos. Cualquier cable utilizado debe tener un espesor de aislamiento de 15 milésimas de pulgada como mínimo y sin desviaciones significativas en la concentricidad del aislamiento.

El cable blindado tiene múltiples ventajas como cable multiconductor más un blindaje trenzado de cobre que puede contener el ruido producido por un convertidor de frecuencia estándar. En instalaciones que contienen componentes sensibles, es decir, máquinas de pesaje, proximidad capacitiva y otros equipos que pueden verse afectados por el ruido eléctrico en el sistema de distribución, se debe tener muy en cuenta el cable blindado. Las aplicaciones que tienen un alto grado de restricciones EMC exigidas por comunicaciones/redes, o una gran cantidad de unidades dentro de un área comparable también son candidatas adecuadas para usar cables blindados.

Cableado de energía

Para ayudar con la instalación, el PowerFlex 700S incluye las siguientes características de seguridad:

  • La prevención de fallas a tierra proporciona una operación confiable durante el arranque y la operación.
  • La protección contra sobrecarga para motores electrónicos prolonga la vida útil del motor.
  • Los condensadores de modo común a tierra y el MOV extraíble a tierra proporcionan interactividad con sistemas sin conexión a tierra. Por otro lado, si el variador se coloca en un sistema de distribución con conexión a tierra resistiva, un sistema con conexión a tierra por impedancia, etc., estos dispositivos deben desconectarse. Además, si la fuente de alimentación del variador es una unidad regenerativa, o si la alimentación de CC se suministra a través de un convertidor activo, estos dispositivos también deben desconectarse.
  • La protección contra transitorios de 6 kilovoltios (kV) aumenta la resiliencia de los sistemas con un voltaje nominal de 380 a 480 voltios.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades PowerFlex 700S

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las selecciones más grandes de unidades PowerFlex 700S usadas en el mundo.


The 20DB042A0EYNANGNE PowerFlex 700S AC drive from Rockwell Automation is a high-performance device designed for various industrial applications. This drive features a 240 (208) VAC, 3-phase input, and a rated output current of 42 Amps, making it excellent for driving motors up to 15HP in normal and 10HP in heavy-duty applications. It has an IP20, NEMA UL Type 1 enclosure that protects against noncorrosive solids and liquids. Also, it has a pre-installed motor-stopping brake and EMC filter to prevent electromagnetic interference.


The 20DC2P1A0NYNANANE is a part number assigned to a PowerFlex700S AC drive designed to control an AC motor's speed. It can operate with a 400 VAC input voltage and is compatible with 3-phase electric systems. The device produces a current output of 2.1 Amps, with a maximum power output of 0.75kW under normal and 0.55kW under heavy duty. The drive features an IP20-rated NEMA UL Type 1 enclosure and has an IGBT installed. The drive has Phase II control and an expanded cassette but no communication module or feedback.


The 20DC300A0EYNBNANE is a high-performance PowerFlex 700S AC Drive designed to control electric motors in industrial applications precisely. It operates with a 400 Volts AC, 3-phase power supply and supports 300 amps of output current. The device provides excellent versatility for various industrial applications with a normal duty output power of 132kW and a heavy-duty output power of 110kW. It features an IP20/NEMA UL type 1 enclosure for solid object protection and a customizable front panel. Overall, the 20DC300A0EYNBNANE is a highly reliable AC Drive for industrial environments.


The 20DC3P5A0NYNANANE is a PowerFlex 700S AC drive designed to operate with a 400 Volts (AC), 3-phase power supply. With a current rating of 3.5 amps, this device can deliver a normal duty output power of up to 1.5kW and heavy-duty output power of 0.75kW, making it excellent for various industrial applications. Featuring an IP20/NEMA UL type 1 enclosure, brake IGBT installation, and an expanded cassette, it ensures highly reliable and efficient motor control. It complies with CE EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and offers phase II control with no embedded communication.


The 20DC8P7A0EYNANANE is a high-performance AC Drive from the PowerFlex 700S series by Rockwell Automation. This device is designed to precisely control the speed and torque of electric motors in industrial applications. The 20DC8P7A0EYNANANE drive operates on a 400 Volts AC, 3-phase power supply and has a current rating of 8.7 Amps, with a normal duty output power of 4 kW and heavy-duty output power of 2.2kW. The device is built with a durable IP20/NEMA UL type 1 housing that provides reliable protection against solid objects of up to 12.5mm in size. The device features a brake IGBT and is equipped with a second environment filter per CE EMC directive (89/336/EEC) to reduce electromagnetic interference.


In addition to its high-speed counting capabilities, the 20D-HEID-D0 encoder board is also highly reliable and efficient. It is designed to withstand harsh industrial environments and is built to last. Overall, the 20D-HEID-D0 encoder board is a valuable addition to any PowerFlex AC drive system, providing accurate counting and frequency information while ensuring reliable and efficient operation. The PowerFlex 700S Heidenhain encoder board features a system-side power connection that allows the module to send data to the system while completing logic operations. This makes it possible to integrate the encoder board seamlessly into a wide range of industrial applications.


The 20D-STEG-B1 is a Stegmann high-resolution encoder feedback manufactured by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This encoder is compatible with PowerFlex 700S and 700L drives. It's also referred to as a board or an accessory module. It also has an online and offline configuration making it a flexible and easy-to-use module. Likewise, it has a compact design and durable built quality. It also complies with CE marking, UL, and EAC certifications.


Overall, this Allen Bradley Variable Frequency Drive with Catalog ID 20DD011A0EYNA1CBK is a dependable and efficient motor that is ideal for a wide variety of industrial applications. With the high-performance Logix engine, this PowerFlex drive offers reliable performance & flexible control. They are capable of adapting to every imaginable industrial environment. In addition, the motor has an energy ride-through rating of 15 milliseconds, which ensures reliable and uninterrupted performance during power fluctuations or interruptions.


This Allen Bradley industrial equipment, with Catalog ID 20DD011A0EYNA1CNK, may maintain the proper performance even under intense stress, unlike some of its competitors. The exterior is protected by an IP20, NEMA Grade 1 Container. Also, an Empty Cover HIM is used to safeguard the disk from physical damage. Zero StackingTM Devices are perfectly suited for parallel placement, as this optimizes panel area savings & minimizes installation effort. Sadly, this disk does not come with a built-in wireless connection option.


Unlike its contemporaries, the Allen Bradley 20DD011A0EYNA1CSK equipment can continue to work well under intense stress. The hard drive is housed in a NEMA Grade 1 container with an IP20 certification. The disk is further protected by a Blank Cover HIM. Putting Zero StackingTM Drives in a parallel combination is a good choice because it preserves panel area & cuts down on setup costs and time. This drive, however, does not have a built-in wireless connection slot.


The PowerFlex AC 20DD011A0EYNA1CUK drives feature a high-current performance Logix engine that provides precise and flexible control of the motor. This allows the motor to adapt to a variety of industrial environments, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications. With the Allen Bradley DriveLogixTM feature, the 700S PowerFlex AC drive becomes one highly functional and cost-effective drive and control system that provides reliable performance and adaptable control.


The powerhouse on the 20DD011A0EYNA1DBK keeps running even when other drives fail under pressure, giving maximum performance even in the most difficult of settings. On the other hand, it is crucial to point out that this disk does not come with a wireless communication slot. But don't let it stop you from experiencing the incomparable performance of the Allen Bradley Product ID 20DD011A0EYNA1DBK - the best pick for manufacturing machinery that will never give up on you!


The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 700S 20DD011A0EYNA1DNK drive is rated at 480 Volts AC (3-phase). It also produces 11 Amps of current (normal duty) and 7.5 Horsepower of output power (normal duty) when it operates at 480 Volts AC and 60 Hertz. The 20DD011A0EYNA1DNK drive includes an incremental encoder, an expanded control cassette, and a coaxial DriveLogix ControlNet slot. There is no resistor on the drive for braking, but there is an IGBT.


The Allen-Bradley 20DD011A0EYNA6CNL PowerFlex 700S high performance drive can operate on 480V AC of 3-phase and 6-pulse input voltage. Additionally, its output ratings are 11 Amps of current and 7.5 Hp of output power when it operates in the ND or normal duty mode. The 20DD011A0EYNA6CNL drive has an enclosure with an IP20 ingress protection rating for dust and dirt protection and a conformal coat for temperature, water, and chemical protection.


The 20DD011A0EYNA6NBA Variable Speed Drive is a high-performance solution for motor control applications. The drive is manufactured by Rockwell Automation and designed to deliver reliable performance in demanding industrial environments. It is rated for 480 VAC, 3-phase, and 11 amps, making it a powerful and efficient solution for precise motor control. It can handle 7.5 HP Normal Duty and 5 HP Heavy Duty applications, allowing it to handle a wide range of applications. It is housed in an IP20/Type 1 enclosure, providing ample protection for the drive and connected motor.


The AC Voltage needed for the Allen Bradley 20DD011A0EYNACABE Adjustable Speed Drive is 480 Volts spanning three phases. It can accept input voltages from 11 - 480 volts at its boosted input. This enclosure has been created to withstand the rigors of industrial settings by providing features such as an IP20 rating, NEMA Type 1 accreditation, and a Blank Cover HIM. he PowerFlex 700S AC motor with the DriveLogixTM choice is a highly functional, low-cost control and drive system. This is because PowerFlex AC drives equipped with an elevated Logix engine provide both consistent service and flexible control.


The 20DD011A0EYNACNBN is an AC drive designed for use with a 480V AC three-phase power source. It has a rating of 11 Amperes and 7.5 Horsepower and is housed in an enclosure rated IP20/NEMA/UL 1 for indoor use. It comes with an EMC filter and CM choke pre-installed, which helps to reduce the electromagnetic interference in the system. It also features a Brake IGBT, allowing for precise motor control during braking, and does not have an internal brake resistor. The drive is encased in a size one frame, making it compact and easy to install.


The Allen Bradley PowerFlex 700S AC drive, catalog #20DD011A0EYNANAAE, is designed to provide precise motor control in various industrial applications. It can handle a Normal Duty power rating of 11 Amps and 7.5 Hp at 480V. The drive features an expanded cassette with resolver feedback and includes an EMC filter and common mode choke. It also comes equipped with a brake IGBT for braking applications. The drive does not have an internal brake resistor. However, it is available with the Phase-II control system.


The Allen Bradley Catalog #20DD011A0EYNANABE is a cutting-edge PowerFlex 700S AC drive specifically designed to control motors with a 7.5 Horsepower ND rating and an 11 Ampere current rating. It is optimized to work with a 3-phase 480 volts AC power source, commonly used in demanding industrial environments. The drive's advanced features include an expanded cassette and encoder that provide precise control over the motor. Real-time monitoring of motor position and speed is possible, thanks to the high-resolution encoder.


The Allen Bradley Catalog #20DD011A0EYNANACE is a PowerFlex 700S AC drive designed for industrial use. It can control motors with an 11 A current and 7.5 Hp ND rating. It is compatible with 480V AC three-phase power source, commonly found in industrial settings. The drive features an IP20/NEMA/UL 1 enclosure rating, making it excellent for harsh environments. It has an expanded cassette and multi-device interface, allowing for customized functionality. In addition, it comes with a blank plate for future HIM installation.


Product number 20DD011A0EYNANANE by Allen Bradley is an AC-powered motor controller drive. Furthermore, this drive is rated at 7.5 HP output power, and its current rating is 11 Amps. The unit operates at 480 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz, 3-phase main voltage. It has a pre-installed IGBT brake, CE/EMC compliant filter, and a common mode (CM) choke. Also, it has a NEMA/ UL Type 1 enclosure with an IP20 protective rating.


The Allen-Bradley 20DD011A0EYNANAUE is an advanced industrial drive that provides precise motor control. The drive features an IP20, NEMA Type 1 enclosure and a blank cover human interface machine for customizable functionality. It operates on 480V AC and can handle up to 11 Amperes output current. The brake IGBT and phase II control ensure optimal performance. At the same time, the expanded cassette and Stegmann Hi-Resolution encoder with Safe Torque Off provides real-time monitoring of motor position and speed for accurate control over the motor.


The Allen-Bradley 20DD011A0EYNANCBK PowerFlex 700S motor drive is engineered to operate with a voltage class of up to 480V AC and can handle a current rating of up to 11 amps. This makes it a highly versatile and reliable solution for a broad spectrum of industrial motor control applications that require precise and efficient speed, torque, and directional control. Furthermore, its sophisticated energy optimization capabilities render it a cost-effective solution for optimized industrial motor control operations.


The Allen Bradley Catalog #20DD011A0EYNANCNL is an advanced PowerFlex 700S motor drive designed for use in demanding industrial environments. This drive is compatible with 3-phase 480V AC motors, featuring 11 Amperes of output current and a 7.5 Horsepower Normal Duty rating. Additionally, the drive includes a Phase-II control with a Logix expansion board, which enables advanced functionality for system control and data acquisition, making it a versatile and powerful tool for industrial motor control.


The 20DD011A0EYNANDNL model, designed to cater to demanding industrial requirements, is a high-performance drive for motors with 11 A and a 7.5 Hp ND rating. The drive is rated for 480V AC three-phase power and is housed in an IP20/NEMA/UL 1 enclosure, ensuring reliable performance in a broad range of environments. The drive includes Phase II Control with SynchLink and Log, providing precise and accurate control of the connected motor. The drive also features a blank plate and does not include an HIM, communication module, or internal brake resistor, making it suitable for customized applications.


The 20DD011A0EYNANNBB is an AC drive designed to regulate the speed of electric motors. It belongs to the PowerFlex 700S series. With a rating of 11 A and 7.5 Hp, this VFD is suitable with a 480V AC three-phase power source. It is enclosed in an IP20/NEMA/UL 1-rated housing, making it suitable for indoor use. This VFD is equipped with a Phase I control system, which allows the user to adjust the speed of the motor. The drive is fitted with a hi-resolution Stegmann encoder, which provides precise speed control, improving the accuracy of the motor’s output.


The PowerFlex 700S AC Drive by Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, model number 20DD011A0EYNANNBN, is a versatile solution for industrial motor control applications. The drive is rated for 480 VAC, 3-phase, and 11 amps, delivering reliable performance and precise control. The IP20/Type 1 enclosure provides ample protection, and the brake IGBT and second environment filter ensure safety and compliance with CE EMC directive (89/336/EEC). The drive is designed with a blank plate and does not include an HIM or communication module, allowing for customization to fit specific needs. It is equipped with phase I control, a hi-resolution Stegman encoder, and a brake IGBT for efficient braking.


The 20DD011A0EYNANNNA is a PowerFlex 700S variable frequency drive for industrial motor control applications. It can operate with a 480 VAC, 3-phase, 50 Hz input and can handle 11 Amperes output current rating. Its advanced technology, including brake IGBT and second environment filter, ensures safe and efficient operation. The Phase I Control, and 5720 DriveLogix facilitate seamless integration with existing control systems, while the IP20/NEMA UL Type 1 enclosure provides moderate protection.


The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 700S 20DD011A0EYNANNNB drive is AC-powered and filtered. It produces 7.5 Horsepower of output and 11 Amps of current at 480 Volts AC and 60 Hertz. The 20DD011A0EYNANNNB drive does not have a communication slot or a brake resistor. Its only braking option is a brake IGBT. The 20DD011A0EYNANNNB drive's enclosure has an IP20 rating and a conformal coat. This drive also has a blank plate instead of a human-machine interface.


Using 480 Voltages of AC Power and a three-phase power Supply, this Allen Bradley Constant Frequency AC Drive, Item ID 20DD011A0EYNANNNN, runs. It can generate input amps from 11 - 480 volts. It is guarded from industrial waste, vapor, dirt, as well as other particles by an IP20, NEMA Type 1 Housing, and a Bare Cover Human Interface Machine. For even the most demanding integrated, standalone drive control & drive system applications, the PowerFlex 700S AC Drives provide ideal integration.


The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 700S 20DD011A0EYNARACE drive is a motor control drive with adjustable output frequency, 3-phase AC input voltage, and a DPI RIO communication slot. Its input voltage rating is 480 Volts AC, and it generates up to 7.5 Hp of normal duty output power at this voltage rating. The 20DD011A0EYNARACE drive can support a multi-device interface for feedback and it also supports an IGBT for braking.


The Allen Bradley 20DD011A0EYNARNNN Adjustable Speed AC Drive is fueled by 480 Volts of AC Voltage that is delivered in 3 Phases. It can generate input watts at voltages ranging between 11 - 480. This shield is protected by an IP20, Type 1, NEMA Compartment as well as a Blank Cover Human Interface Machine against industrial pollutants, vapor, dirt, and other contaminants. The PowerFlex 700S AC Drives provide the best integration for the most challenging stand-alone, synchronized drive control, & drive system applications.


The 20DD011A0EYYA5NNA Allen Bradley VFD AC Drive is driven by 480 Volts of Ac Power, provided in three Phases. It supports input ampere generation at voltages from 11.1 - 480. An IP20, NEMA Type 1 Compartment as well as a Bare Cover Human Interface Machine work together to keep dirt, filth, gas, and other particles at bay. The PowerFlex 700S AC Drives provide seamless integration for the most demanding standalone, coordinated motion control, & drive system applications.


The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 700S 20DD011A0EYYANAAE variable speed drive supports a 3-phase and 6-pulse input voltage rating of 480 Volts AC. In ND or normal duty operation, it supports 11 Amperes of current and 7.5 Horsepower of output. The 20DD011A0EYYANAAE drive features a resistor and an IGBT device for braking. It also has a CM choke and CE filter for emissions and an IP20 enclosure and conformal coat for environmental protection.


The 480 Volts of AC Voltage are dispersed across three phases, which provide power to the Allen Bradley 20DD011A0EYYANBNE Variable Speed AC Drive. It has an incoming amp range that extends all the way up to 480 volts. This container is impenetrable to dust, filth, vapors, and other contaminants that are common in industrial environments since it is protected by a NEMA, IP20, Type 1 Enclosure, and an Open Cover HIM.


The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 700S 20DD011A0EYYANCSL drive has a 3-phase and 6-pulse input voltage rating of 480V AC. At 480 Volts AC and 60 Hertz, this drive supports 7.5 Hp of normal duty output power and 11 Amps of normal duty current. The 20DD011A0EYYANCSL drive comes with a size 1 frame, a conformally-coated and IP20-rated enclosure, a blank cover interface option, a brake resistor, and a brake IGBT. This drive can support a second encoder which in turn can support a safe torque off feature.


This 480 Volt, three Phase power electricity supply is utilized to run this Allen Bradley Modular Speed AC Drive, Model No. 20DD011A0NYNA1NNA. It performs with voltages ranging from 11 - 480 V/A. This enclosure has an IP20 certification, is a NEMA Type 1 enclosure, and has no protection for the human-machine interface. There is a total absence of entry for dust, sand, mist, and any other pollutants that might be present in an industrialized situation. Even in the most complex standalone, synchronized drive control, and modular system applications, the PowerFlex 700S AC Drive are intended to be easily integrated. The DriveLogixTM solution for the PowerFlex 700S AC motor is a highly effective & reasonably priced control and drive solution. This is because the powerful performance & adaptable control of PowerFlex AC drives are coupled with a high-powered Logix engine.


Overall, the Allen Bradley Adjustable Speed Drive, 20DD011A0NYNACNNN, is a powerful and versatile motor that is designed to deliver reliable performance in harsh industrial environments. The motor's flexible input voltage range and robust enclosure make it a valuable addition to any industrial control system. The 700S PowerFlex AC Drives are engineered to be easily incorporated into even the most difficult standalone, synchronized unit control, & system applications. This makes it possible to seamlessly incorporate the PowerFlex 700S AC drives into different industrial environments.


The 20DD011A0NYNANANE is an AC drive that controls and regulates the speed and torque of three-phase electric motors. It is designed to work with 480 Volt, 3-phase, 6-pulse power sources. The drive adjusts the frequency of the power supplied to the motor, which regulates its speed and torque. The 20DD011A0NYNANANE allows the motor to operate more efficiently, accurately, and with better control than a traditional fixed-frequency power supply. It has a rated current of 11A and a rated power of 7.5 kW, which determines the size and capability of the motor that it can control.


The 20DD011A0NYNANDNL drive by Allen Bradley is a part of the PowerFlex 700S family. It operates on a 480 VAC, 3-phase power supply and is rated for 11 Amps current and 7.5 HP. It features a Phase II control system with SynchLink and DriveLogix capabilities and an IP20/NEMA/UL 1 protection rating for the housing. The enclosure has a size 1 frame and does not have an HIM, but it does include an EMC filter and CM choke. A brake IGBT is installed, but there is no internal brake resistor. The drive also supports Ethernet/IP communication.


The Allen Bradley catalog #20DD011A0NYNANNNA is an AC drive designed for industrial applications. It has a rated current of 11 Amps and a power output of 7.5 Hp. It operates on 480V AC, 3-phase power, and has an enclosure rating of IP20/NEMA UL Type 1. The control option is Phase I, and no communication module or HIM unit (blank plate) is included. However, it comes equipped with an EMC filter and a common mode choke, and the brake IGBT is already installed. Additionally, there is no internal brake resistor, and the drive has a frame size of 1.


The device, cataloged as 20DD011A0NYNANNNN, is an AC drive by Allen Bradley. It operates on a three-phase 480V AC power source with a rated current of 11A and a support motor output of 7.5HP. It is equipped with IP20 / NEMA/UL 1 (rated) housing and frame size 1. And it uses phase I control technology. The device does not have a communication module but a blank plate for HIM (Human-Machine Interface). An EMC filter with a common mode choke is included for efficient performance, and a brake IGBT is installed for added control.


The Allen Bradley Catalog #20DD011A0NYNARACE is a high-performance AC drive rated at 11A and 7.5 HP, with a 480V AC 3-phase input. It features Phase II Control with an expanded cassette, multi-device interface, and remote I/O. Equipped with an EMC filter, CM Choke, and integrated Brake IGBT, the system has a built-in braking mechanism and requires no internal brake resistor. The device is housed in a compact Size 1 Frame with a blank HIM plate and complies with IP20/NEMA/UL 1 standards.


The Allen Bradley device with the catalog number 20DD011A0NYNARANE is an advanced AC drive system designed for industrial applications. It has an 11A capacity and is capable of providing a maximum power output of 7.5 HP, utilizing a 480V, 3-phase source. Its enclosure is rated with IP20 protection and complies with NEMA/UL Type 1 standards. The device also has an EMC filter and a CM choke for noise reduction. Additionally, the Brake IGBT has been integrated and has a remote I/O interface.


The 20DD011A0NYNARNNN is an AC drive by Allen Bradley. It is designed to handle the high-performance demands of industrial applications. This device is rated at 11A and has a maximum output capacity of 7.5 HP, using a 480V, 3-phase for the operation. It is constructed in compliance with IP20 / NEMA/UL Type 1 rating. It features Phase I Control, with a future-use blank plate in place of the HIM unit, and is equipped with Remote I/O. Additionally, the drive is fitted with an EMC filter and CM Choke and is integrated with a Brake IGBT system.


The 20DD011A0NYYAEABE is an AC drive by Rockwell Automation. This drive operates with a three-phase 480V AC power supply and has a rated current flow of 11 Amps, delivering 7.5 Hp of output. It has a compact size 1 frame and is enclosed in an IP20-rated NEMA/UL 1 protective housing. The drive features an expanded cassette with phase II control and is equipped with a Stegmann H resolution encoder for feedback. It includes an internal brake resistor and is fitted with an IGBT system. The device also has EMC filtering and a communication mode choke for enhanced performance.


The 20DD011A0NYYANNAN AC drive by Allen Bradley has a 3-phase input voltage of 480V and a rated current of 11A and 7.5HP. The drive has a NEMA Type 1 enclosure with IP20 protection, providing a high level of protection against dust and other solid objects. The drive also features a resolver, which provides precise feedback for improved control and performance. The EMC filter with a common mode choke helps to reduce electromagnetic interference for stable operation, while the installed IGBT and internal brake resistor ensure the reliable stopping of the motor.


The Allen Bradley catalog #20DD011A0NYYARANE is a drive that has a rated current of 11 Amps at 7.5 horsepower and is designed to work with 480 Volt AC 3-phase power. Its enclosure has a protection rating of IP20/NEMA/UL 1. And it is equipped with Phase II control and an expanded cassette option for future use. This drive does not include an HIM display and has a blank plate instead. It has a remote I/O interface, and an internal EMC filter and communication mode choke installed. It also has a Brake IGBT, an internal brake resistor installed, and a size 1 frame.



The Allen Bradley AC Drive with catalog number 20DD011A3EYNA1CNK is a top-notch solution for industrial applications that demand efficient and powerful performance. It operates on a 480V, three-phase input and has an output rating of 11A at 7.5 Hp. The drive is designed for durability with its IP20/NEMA/UL 1 enclosure rating and sturdy size 1 frame. Furthermore, ease of use is guaranteed by including a numeric keypad and LCD display. The drive is equipped with an EMC filter and common mode choke to ensure reliable operation, and a Brake IGBT is installed for added safety.

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