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Allen Bradley - HMI

Panelview 600

La serie de productos PanelView 600 incluye terminales fabricados por Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation. Estos terminales incluyen muchas funciones para adaptarse a las necesidades de cualquier usuario o máquina. La exhibición de estos productos puede ser monocromática o en color. Además, los terminales PanelView 600 cuentan con una interfaz de entrada de operador que consta de una pantalla táctil, un teclado o ambos. Estas interfaces de entrada suelen ser utilizadas por los operadores para ingresar datos y comandos, o incluso ayudar con la resolución de problemas. Los terminales PanelView 600 también incluyen un puerto de comunicación. El puerto de comunicación de estos productos incluye Ethernet, DeviceNet, ControlNet, RS-232, DH+ y más. Algunos de estos terminales incluso incluyen un puerto de impresora RS-232.

Collage of images depicting Panelview 600 units

Guía de selección de PanelView 600

Descripción general de la familia estándar PanelView

Allen-Bradley ofrece una amplia gama de soluciones de visualización diseñadas para servir como interfaz crítica entre los operadores humanos y los sistemas automatizados que se controlan. Independientemente de las computadoras industriales y las terminales móviles, la familia PanelView de hardware de interfaz hombre-máquina sirve como la principal solución de 'nivel de máquina' en el catálogo de Allen-Bradley. Si bien es posible que espere una pequeña gama de productos en esta categoría a nivel de máquina, el nombre PanelView representa cientos de números de pieza y configuraciones diferentes, gracias al uso activo del nombre desde hace décadas. La línea de terminales PanelView ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en un grupo de productos un poco desordenado, a menudo atribuido a estándares de nombres confusos y sucesiones generacionales difíciles de seguir.

Para comenzar a delinear la familia PanelView Standard, volvemos a la línea de HMI de Allen-Bradley alrededor de 2008, una época en la que la familia tenía una convención de nombres singular, y durante la cual el modelo que examinaremos más de cerca en este artículo (el PanelView Standard 600) seguía siendo muy activo. En esta era, los terminales HMI estaban disponibles en color, escala de grises o pantallas monocromáticas, y presentaban entrada de pantalla táctil o teclado. Las aplicaciones se usaban a menudo con los sistemas PLC 5 y SLC 500. En ese momento, la alineación a menudo eliminaba el término 'Estándar' y se refería solo como 'PanelView 600' o similar. Para mantener la coherencia con la documentación anterior, usaremos esta convención de nomenclatura predeterminada para el resto del artículo, pero sepa que se refiere a la alineación 'Estándar' heredada.

Los terminales PanelView 600 fueron los primeros modelos de la línea PanelView en ofrecer una pantalla a color, utilizando tecnología de pantalla TFT para una mejor apariencia visual que las pantallas LCD retroiluminadas por LED más pequeñas. Toda la serie fue bastante uniforme en su conjunto de características, incluidas opciones de red sólidas para la época, alarmas avanzadas, compatibilidad con idiomas universales y tarjetas de memoria extraíbles. De hecho, los modelos de la línea se seleccionaron principalmente por el tamaño de la pantalla y el método de entrada (táctil o teclado) y, por supuesto, por el costo total.

Tenga en cuenta que Allen Bradley utiliza números de boletín para categorizar sus líneas de productos. La serie PanelView de esta era, por ejemplo, tiene un número de Boletín de 2711, seguido de dos dígitos que identifican el modelo exacto. Este número de boletín, a su vez, se convierte en el prefijo de todos los números de pieza (también conocidos como números de catálogo) que se utilizan al especificar y pedir piezas específicas para cada serie de PanelView.

En muchas otras familias de productos de Allen-Bradley, los números de boletín tienden a cambiar dentro de una sola familia, lo que hace que sea muy confuso identificar los accesorios y las piezas de repuesto, ya que cada uno puede tener números de boletín diferentes pero seguir siendo compatibles. La familia PanelView, por otro lado, parece haber evadido el problema por una vez, ya que todos los accesorios comienzan con el mismo número de boletín 2711. Dicho esto, todavía sugerimos que los lectores consulten el Manual del usuario y la Lista de piezas correspondientes a su modelo antes de comprar componentes, en los esquemas de numeración de casos cambian con el tiempo (o fueron diferentes más atrás en la historia). Esta familia completa está obsoleta y descontinuada en el momento de la redacción de este artículo y, aunque es poco probable, la información está sujeta a cambios si Allen-Bradley revisa la referencia heredada o la información de la pieza.

Descripción general de la serie PanelView 600

La serie de HMI PanelView 600 de Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation presenta una amplia gama de beneficios estándar en cada número de catálogo, que incluyen:

  • Una pantalla en color de matriz activa TFT de 6 pulgadas en diagonal, con una resolución de 320 x 234 píxeles para los modelos táctiles/teclados y una resolución de 320 x 240 píxeles para los modelos solo táctiles
    • Los modelos táctiles/teclados incluyen 10 teclas de función, un teclado numérico, teclas de control del cursor y una profundidad instalada de 3,6 pulgadas.
    • Los modelos solo táctiles incluyen 128 celdas táctiles en la pantalla y una profundidad instalada de 3,12”.
  • Los terminales combinados de teclado, pantalla táctil o teclado/pantalla táctil ofrecen opciones convenientes y flexibles para la entrada del operador
  • Las pantallas de gráficos de píxeles en color están diseñadas para ofrecer una profundidad mínima con ángulos de visión máximos
  • Complemento completo de dispositivos de operador para crear pantallas que incluyen botones pulsadores, selectores, dispositivos de entrada numéricos y ASCII, indicadores de diagnóstico, pantallas de mensajes, pantallas variables numéricas y ASCII integradas, gráficos personalizados y más
  • Amplias capacidades de alarma para registrar y mostrar datos importantes sobre alarmas activadas, incluido el estado activo, con opciones adicionales para imprimir o borrar la lista de alarmas.
  • Seguridad de pantalla: el acceso del operador se puede controlar mediante la asignación de clasificaciones de seguridad a las pantallas de la aplicación
  • Puerto de impresora RS-232 opcional para imprimir alarmas, listas de alarmas, mensajes activados y estados activados de un indicador multiestado
  • Luces de fondo reemplazables en campo para extender la vida útil de cada PanelView 600
  • Soporte de idioma universal para más de 46 idiomas
  • Flexibilidad de las comunicaciones. Los protocolos ControlNet, DeviceNet, Data Highway Plus, E/S remotas, DH-485 y DF1 hacen que estos terminales sean ideales para plataformas de control PLC, SLC 500, ControlLogix y MicroLogix, así como comunicaciones abiertas a nivel de dispositivo

Para agregar una aclaración, la documentación de Allen-Bradley a menudo establece que la serie PanelView 600 (y todas las demás de la familia) están disponibles con "interfaces táctiles o de teclado". Esta es solo una parte de la información que necesitarán los lectores. Estos modelos de PanelView están disponibles en tres configuraciones: solo teclado, solo pantalla táctil o teclado + pantalla táctil. Las opciones varían según el modelo, así que asegúrese de confirmar cada número de catálogo. Describiremos las opciones del PanelView 600 directamente a continuación.

Modelos PanelView 600

Ahora echemos un vistazo al inventario completo de los modelos PanelView 600, comenzando por mostrar los números de catálogo individuales. Para explicar la forma en que se dividen estos números de catálogo, los compradores tienen que tomar tres decisiones principales para determinar un número de catálogo final.

  1. Seleccione la opción de interfaz deseada: teclado (2711-K...), pantalla táctil (2711-T...) o una combinación de teclado y pantalla táctil (2711-B...).
  2. Seleccione el protocolo de comunicación y la conectividad deseada, completando el resto del número de catálogo después de la primera letra, como seleccionar E/S remotas con un número de catálogo de 2711-K6C1.
  3. Determine el tipo de potencia de entrada deseado:
    • Al seleccionar un modelo de pantalla táctil, se selecciona automáticamente la entrada de CC de 18-32 V (no disponible en ninguna otra opción), que agrega el sufijo "L1".
    • La selección de una opción de teclado o teclado + pantalla táctil permite elegir entre alimentación de CA o CC.
      • La alimentación de 18-32 VCC se selecciona agregando L1 al final de cualquier número de catálogo K o B (que no se muestra en la siguiente tabla), como 2711-B6C2L1.
      • La alimentación de CA de 85-264 V se indica dejando el sufijo L1 fuera del número de catálogo, utilizando el número que se indica a continuación, como 2711-B6C2.

A continuación se enumeran varios terminales PanelView 600:

  • Terminales de teclado
    • 2711-K6C2, 2711-K6C3, 2711-K6C5, 2711-K6C9, 2711-K6C1, 2711-K6C8, 2711-K6C10, 2711-K6C12, 2711-K6C14, 2711-K6C15, 2711-K6C16, 2711-K6C16
  • Terminales táctiles
    • 2711-T6C2L1, 2711-T6C3L1, 2711-T6C5L1, 2711-T6C9L1, 2711-T6C1L1, 2711-T6C8L1, 2711-T6C10L1, 2711-T6C12L1, 2711-T6C14L1, 2711-T6C15L1, 2711-T6C16L1, 2711-T6C20L1
  • Terminales de teclado/táctiles
    • 2711-B6C2, 2711-B6C3, 2711-B6C5, 2711-B6C9, 2711-B6C1, 2711-B6C8, 2711-B6C10, 2711-B6C12, 2711-B6C14, 2711-B6C15, 2711-B6C16-B

La lista anterior de posibles números de catálogo muestra 12 artículos que se distinguen por el protocolo de comunicación. Cada uno de estos protocolos se puede entregar en uno de los 3 tipos de interfaz diferentes (teclado, táctil o combinado), lo que da como resultado 36 números de catálogo posibles en la tabla anterior. Además, al hacer referencia a nuestros pasos de selección anteriores, sabemos que podemos modificar la selección de Teclado o Combo Touch + Teclado entre alimentación de CA y alimentación de CC agregando un sufijo L1, que efectivamente agrega otros 24 números de catálogo posibles a la lista. En total, ¡este es un total de 60 números de catálogo posibles para elegir al seleccionar un terminal PanelView 600!

Al hacer referencia a literatura anterior, tenga en cuenta que los protocolos Profibus (2711-…12) y Modbus (2711-…14) se agregaron en algún momento de la historia más reciente. Estos números de catálogo no aparecen en la documentación anterior, que solo muestra 10 opciones de comunicación en lugar de las 12 opciones de la documentación posterior.

Todas las demás características de los modelos PanelView 600 son las mismas, excepto por las pocas diferencias anteriores. Una vez que los lectores absorban el gran volumen de posibles números de catálogo, hacer una selección debería ser relativamente sencillo. Consulte los documentos de especificaciones técnicas para asegurarse de que las versiones del protocolo de comunicación y los voltajes/fases/hercios de alimentación de entrada exactos coincidan con su aplicación.

Consideraciones sobre migración y accesorios

La mayoría de los usuarios buscan actualizar sus terminales PanelView 600 HMI simplemente por el deseo de mantenerse al día con la garantía, la tecnología, el soporte y la disponibilidad de piezas de repuesto. Para los lectores que busquen migrar, Allen-Bradley apunta a su actual serie PanelView Plus 7, o computadoras industriales combinadas con clientes ligeros. Consulte la documentación de 'Migración de PanelView' en el sitio web de Allen-Bradley para obtener más información.

Para algunos usuarios, la migración aún no es necesaria o deseada, especialmente en los casos en los que todavía hay disponible una gran cantidad de piezas nuevas OEM o del mercado de accesorios, incluidas las unidades PanelView completas reacondicionadas. Para aquellos lectores que aún confían en sus unidades PanelView 600 confiables hoy en día, a continuación se incluye una breve lista de accesorios disponibles que pueden ser útiles para aprovechar un poco más sus unidades:

  • Número de catálogo 2711-NM11: Tarjeta de memoria flash de 256 Kbytes
  • Número de catálogo 2711-NM12: Tarjeta de memoria flash para PC de 1 M
  • Número de catálogo 2711-NM12: Tarjeta de memoria flash para PC de 2 M
  • Número de catálogo 2711-NM28: Tarjeta de memoria Flash ATA de 8 M
  • Número de catálogo 2711-NM216: Tarjeta de memoria Flash ATA de 16 M
  • Número de catálogo 2711-NMCC: Retenedor de tarjeta de memoria para PanelView 500, 600, 900, 1000
  • Número de catálogo 2711-NMCE: Retenedor de tarjeta de memoria para PanelView 300/600 Touch solamente

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Panelview 600

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Panelview 600 de segunda mano en el mundo.


The Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation 2711-B6C1 interface is a color terminal from the Panelview 600 product line. Its 6-inch screen displays data in 32 colors and it is also a touchscreen. Operators can control the 2711-B6C1 interface with its touchscreen or with its keypad, and they can control the machine that hosts the 2711-B6C1 interface with the touchscreen and keypad too. This interface is AC-powered and it weighs about 4 pounds.


The Allen-Bradley Panelview 600 2711-B6C10 terminal is a user-friendly operator terminal which is AC-powered. Its communication port supports the DeviceNet network. The 2711-B6C10 terminal also has a printer port which is an RS-232 type of port. It is a key-touch terminal because it has a keypad and touchscreen for input options. The 2711-B6C10 terminal's graphics are 32-color graphics. The function keys on the keypad can be used to activate important application functions quickly.


The Allen Bradley 2711-B6C10L1 operator terminal allows users to communicate with their machines and is part of the PanelView 600 series. It comes with a keypad which is used to enter data. It features a 5-inch color display. Its direct current input voltage ranges from 18 to 32 volts (DC). This terminal has an internal memory of 240 KB. In addition, it comes with a replaceable internal backlight option.


The 2711-B6C15 is an AC-powered operator terminal from the Allen-Bradley PanelView 600 series. It is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) that allows for real-time monitoring and control of machines and processes. The device has a 6-inch colored display screen, touchscreen, keypad input interfaces, and programmable function keys that can be programmed with specific commands for quick and easy access, improving efficiency and streamlining operations. Additionally, the 2711-B6C15 has a built-in RS232 port that supports the DH485 communication protocol, enabling communication with other DH485 enabled devices.


The Allen Bradley 2711-B6C15L1 is a Standard Terminal from Rockwell Automation. It features a 5-inch color display and allows users to input data via a keypad and touchscreen. This device is part of the PanelView 600 product line and is designed to provide real-time monitoring and control capabilities. It is a cost-effective solution for implementing real-time monitoring and interface. It comes with built-in communication ports for connectivity with other devices.


The (2711-B6C16) is an Operator Interface Terminal from Panel View 600 series. This equipment allows operators to interact with machines and processes in real-time. It features a 5 (inch) color display and has both keypad and touchscreen input. And it has programmable function keys for quick and easy access to specific commands. It is powered by 85-264 VAC and has an internal memory of 240 KB. Additionally, it has an inbuilt RS232 port that supports the DF1 protocol, allowing for communication with Allen-Bradley controllers and other equipment.


The 2711-B6C16L1 is a type of operator terminal from Rockwell Automation, part of the PanelView 600 series. It offers real-time monitoring and interfaces, and it comes with a 5-inch color display that allows users to access the device through a keypad or touchscreen. It has built-in communication ports RS-232 (DF1) and RS-232 Printer/Download, which allows it to connect and communicate with other devices. It is powered by an input voltage of 18-32 VDC and has a memory capacity of 240 KB.


The Panelview 600 2711-B6C1L1 is an operator terminal by Rockwell Automation. It allows users to interface with their machines. The 5-inch color display and keypad/touchscreen interface allow easy information and data input. It requires 18-32 VDC for the operation. And it has an internal memory of 240 KB. It also has an internal backlight replacement part number 2711-NL5. It connects to PLC or SLC 500 controllers and ControlLogix systems, supporting discrete and block data transfer.


The Allen-Bradley Panelview 600 series 2711-B6C2 interface is an AC-powered operator interface. The interface's communication port is a DH-485 communication port. The 2711-B6C2 operator interface has a keypad and a 6-inch color touchscreen as its control options. This interface can be installed or mounted in a panel or enclosure and it is easy for the operators to use. The 2711-B6C2 operator interface can be used in a variety of industrial machine control applications and system-monitoring applications.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-B6C20 is a PanelView Standard operator terminal. It is specifically designed for the PanelView 600 subcategory and features a 6-inch colored screen with a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The terminal allows for the creation of useful graphical representations and user interfaces to easily monitor and control machines or processes. It has both a keypad and touchscreen interface for input, as well as Ethernet and RS232 ports for communication and printing. It also comes with functional keys, cursor keys, and numeric entry keys for added functionality.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-B6C20L1 is a PanelView 600 HMI with a 5-inch color display and a keypad/touchscreen input method. It has built-in Ethernet communication capabilities and can be powered by a DC voltage supply between 18-32VDC. This HMI is a cost-effective solution for real-time monitoring and controlling industrial processes and machines. It can be used for local or remote monitoring and supports connection to various controllers via the DH+ and RS-232 communication ports.


The 2711-B6C2L1 is a standard operator terminal by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This electronic equipment plays a vital role in factory automation as it offers a reliable interface to the machines. It has a touchscreen and a keypad with numeric, arrow, and function keys for control. It has a 6 (in.) flat panel full-color display and DC power supply. In addition, it has an inbuilt DH-485 communication port.


The 2711-B6C3 PanelView 600 Operator Terminal from Allen-Bradley is a reliable and efficient device that is well-suited for industrial automation. It has a compact 5-inch display, a built-in DH485 communication interface, and an RS232 printer connector for easy data transfer. Its robust design makes it ideal for use in harsh industrial environments. The device is user-friendly, easy to operate, and offers advanced functionality, making it a great option for managing and monitoring industrial operations.


The 2711-B6C3L1 is a PanelView 600 color terminal, an operator interface device that allows operators to interact with a programmable logic controller (PLC) or other industrial control systems. It features a 6-inch screen and a keypad for input. It is capable of DH-485 communication and can connect to an RS-232 printer. This device is powered by a 24V DC supply. It makes it easy to use and navigate through different functions.


The 2711-B6C5 from Allen Bradley is a Panel View 600 Standard Operators Terminal. It features a 5-inch display and a built-in RS232 communication interface that supports the DH485 protocol. This device offers an electronic interface to the machines and processes and works as a user-friendly Human Machine Interface (HMI). With its compact size and advanced features, it is an excellent solution for a wide range of industrial operations.


The Allen Bradley 2711-B6C5L1 is a visualization tool. It is part of the Panel View 600 series. It has a 6-inch colored screen, a keypad and touchscreen input, and an integrated RS232 port with DH485 communication capability. It is known as a Human Machine Interface (HMI). It allows for real-time monitoring and control of machines and processes, improving efficiency. It is powered by a 24V DC supply and has a power consumption of 24 watts.


The 2711-B6C8 color terminal is an Allen-Bradley Panelview 600 color terminal. Its operator input options are a keypad and a touchscreen and it is a user-friendly operator terminal that makes it easy to control industrial machines. The 2711-B6C8 terminal has a DH+ communication port and an RS-232 printer port. The graphics on the 2711-B6C8 terminal's screen are shown in 32 EGA colors which are standard graphics colors.


The 2711-B6C8L1 is an operator terminal from Rockwell Automation, which features a 5-inch color display and allows for data input through a keypad and touchscreen. This device is part of the PanelView 600 series, which is designed to provide real-time monitoring and control capabilities. It also has built-in communication ports for connectivity with other devices using DH+ and RS-232 Printer protocols. It is powered by an external 18-32 VDC supply voltage.


The 2711-B6C9 is a discontinued operator terminal by Allen Bradley. It allows for user interface with machines. This HMI has a 5-inch color display. And it can be controlled through a keypad or touchscreen input. It operates on 85-264 VAC power and has an internal memory of 240 KB. In addition, it can connect devices on DH-485 networks through its primary RS-232 interface and to alarm and event printers through its secondary RS-232 interface. The terminal has a NEMA Type 12/13 protection rating. And its physical dimensions are 192 x 290 x 116 mm, and its weight of 2 kg. It is intended for indoor use only.


Part Number 2711-B6C9L1 is a high-performance Human Machine Interface (HMI) device by Rockwell Automation. It is part of the PanelView 600 product line, known for its durability and ease of use. The device features a 5-inch color display, an intuitive keypad/touchscreen input, and two RS-232 communication ports, one for DH-485 and another for printer communication. This allows for easy integration with other automation equipment and enables the device to be used in a wide range of industrial applications.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C1 is a PanelView 600 operator terminal that features a large, 6-inch color display screen. The display can display high-resolution graphics in full color, making it ideal for visualizing process data and machine status. The device is powered by AC source and has a keypad for user input, allowing operators to easily navigate and control the interface. This operator terminal is a cost-effective solution for implementing real-time monitoring and machine interface.


The 2711-K6C10 is a PanelView 600 color display module for machines. This equipment is also known as an operator interface. Since it offers a rugged electronic interface solution and can be controlled with a keypad, its keypad is a combination of functional, navigational, and other keys. And its display is 5 inches in size. It operates with 85 to 264 Volts AC and comes equipped with DeviceNet and RS-232 printer ports.


The 2711-K6C10L1 is an interface terminal from PanelView 600 series by Allen Bradley. This panel view has a 6 (inches) screen that can display color graphics and provides an interface to the user machines. The nominal voltage rating is 24 Volts DC. This terminal includes a keypad for control and data input. In addition, this terminal supports the DeviceNet network through its communication port which has been integrated into it.


The 2711-K6C15 by Allen Bradley is an interface terminal from PanelView 600 series. It runs on an AC power source and is controlled by a keypad. The keypad on the 2711-K6C15 interface terminal has ten function keys that users can program to save one function each that can then be quickly activated. Its communication port is compatible with the ControlNet network. It has a 6-inch display screen that supports color graphics.


The 2711-K6C15L1 is a display module by Allen Bradley. It is a PanelView 600 standard operator interface that offers a reliable machine interface. It has a 6-inch color graphics screen, a keypad with configurable function keys, and a ControlNet connectivity port. It is powered by a direct current ranging from 18 to 32 volts. Its keypad includes a numeric keypad, navigation keys, and programmable function keys.


The Allen Bradley 2711-K6C16 is a PanelView 600 Standard Operator Terminal that is designed to provide real-time monitoring and control of machines or processes. It has a 5-inch color display and 10 fully programmable function keys for input. It is powered by an external 85-264 VAC supply voltage. And it has dual embedded RS232 ports for DF1 and printer communication. It is a cost-effective solution for implementing real-time monitoring and interface.


The Allen Bradley 2711-K6C16L1 Panelview 600 is a color display terminal manufactured by Rockwell Automation. With a 5-inch screen, this terminal features keypad input, RS-232 (DF1) and RS-232 Printer/Download communication capabilities, and an input power range of 18-32 VDC. The terminal also includes 240 KB of memory and a 2711-NL3 backlight. It also comes with a 2711-NC14 communication cable. This terminal is ideal for industrial control applications, providing an interface for operators to monitor and control processes.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C1L1 is an operator terminal from Rockwell Automation's PanelView 600 line. It has a 5-inch color display and keypad input and supports communication with Remote I/O and RS-232 printers. It requires an input power of 18-32 VDC. This product is a versatile Human Machine Interface (HMI) that can be used in various industrial applications. It is designed to help operators and maintenance personnel monitor, control, and troubleshoot their processes.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C2 AC terminal is a Panelview 600 operator terminal. The operators can control or monitor industrial machines through the 2711-K6C2 terminal, but this terminal should not be used for emergency stopping or other emergency or safety functions. This terminal has a DH-485 port for communication, but it does not have an RS-232 printer port like most of the other Panelview 600 terminals. The 2711-K6C2 terminal has a control keypad.


The Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation 2711-K6C20 operator terminal is a part of the Panel View 600 series. It features a 6 (inches) wide, full-color graphics screen and is designed to be used as an operator interface in industrial automation applications. The 2711-K6C20 runs on AC power with an operating voltage range of 85 to 264 V AC. It is a reliable and user-friendly way to monitor and control machine processes.


The 2711-K6C20L1 is a PanelView 600 Standard Operator Terminal from Rockwell Automation. It features a 5-inch color display, embedded Ethernet communication, and an RS232 printer port. The 2711-K6C20L1 is powered by an external 18-32V DC supply voltage and has ten fully programmable function keys for easy operation. This operator terminal is designed for industrial use and allows for easy monitoring and control of processes. It is a cost-effective solution for industrial automation.


The 2711-K6C2L1 is a cost-effective Human Machine Interface (HMI) device from PanelView 600 line. It is designed to provide real-time monitoring and control of machines or processes and can be customized with user-created applications. It features a 5-inch color display, keypad input, and a DH485 communication interface. The device is easy to use and does not require a license, making it a great option for budget-conscious users. It also supports communication with Remote I/O and RS-232 printers.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C3 is a product from Rockwell Automation's PanelView 600 line. It has a 5-inch color display and keypad input. It supports communication with DH-485 and RS-232 printers and requires an input power of 85-264 VAC. The device also has a memory capacity of 240 KB. This product is a versatile Human Machine Interface (HMI) that can be used in various industrial applications. It is designed to help operators and maintenance personnel monitor, control, and troubleshoot their processes.


The 2711-K6C3L1 is a PanelView 600 human-machine interface (HMI) device. It features a 5-inch color display and can be operated via both keypad and touchscreen input. It is powered by an external 18-32VDC power supply. For communication, it has a DH+ port and an RS-232 port for connecting a printer. It is designed to give users real-time access to a machine or process's critical monitoring and control points. It can be connected to various controllers such as SLC500, PLC5, MicroLogix, CompactLogix, and ControlLogix through the DH+ communication port.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C5 terminal is a Panelview 600 series interface terminal. The input method supported by this terminal is a keypad. The 2711-K6C5 terminal has a 6-inch display and color graphics. It operates with AC input voltage and its communication port is a DH-485 type of RS-232 port. The 2711-K6C5 terminal does not have a printer port type of RS-232 port. It is a standard type of Panelview 600 terminal.


The 2711-K6C5L1 is a human-machine interface (HMI) terminal from the Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation PanelView 600 series. It is designed for industrial environments and is powered by DC voltage. The terminal features a 6-inch color graphics display, which provides clear and detailed visuals. It also has a keypad for easy control and data input. The 2711-K6C5L1 HMI terminal is a versatile and reliable solution for monitoring and controlling industrial processes.


The Allen-Bradley Panelview 600 2711-K6C8 terminal is a keypad type of operator interface. It was made to monitor and control machines. The 2711-K6C8 terminal's 6-inch screen is a 32-color display. This terminal operates at 100 to 240V AC at 50/60 Hz. The 2711-K6C8 terminal has a DH+ communication port. It also has an RS-232 printer port. The 2711-K6C8 terminal was designed to be a user-friendly interface device.


Catalog number 2711-K6C8L1 is a member of the PanelView 600 series of operator interface terminals manufactured by Allen Bradley. It features a 6-inch full-color graphic display and operates on a DC power range of 18-32V. It also supports the DH+ industrial communication network, allowing easy integration with other automation equipment and enabling it to be used in a wide range of industrial applications. This terminal is designed to provide a reliable and user-friendly interface in harsh environments.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K6C9 is a PanelView 600 Standard Operator Terminal, an HMI device that allows operators to interact with a machine or process. It has a 6-inch colored TFT display with a CCF backlight and an embedded keypad for operator input. It is powered by an external voltage of 85-264 VAC and has two RS232 communication interfaces that support DH-485 and printer communication, respectively. It is a dependable and user-friendly device widely employed in industrial applications.


The Allen Bradley 2711-K6C9L1 terminal is a color-graphics Panel View 600 series operator terminal. It is also a display module that offers an electronic interface to the machines. Users can operate with a keypad and interact with its six (6) inches color screen. In addition, it can operate within 18 to 32 Volts DC. And it comes with an inbuilt RS-232 and DH-485 port.


The 2711-T6C10L1 is a Panel View 1000 operator interface terminal by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It has a touchscreen and can display visuals in full color. This module's display measures 6 inches. Additionally, it has a configurable backlight and internal memory. It has a nominal input voltage rating of 24 Volts DC. It has a DeviceNet connection connector and an RS-232 printer for reliable connectivity.


The 2711-T6C14L1 is a reliable and compact replacement panel from Allen Bradley. It is part of the Panel View 600 product line. It is equipped with the RS 232, USB, DH+, and other connectivity and storage ports for reliable and fast data and application transfers. The panel's voltage rating is 24 Volts DC, and its screen size is 5.7 inches. It is intended to be used in temperatures ranging from 0 to 55 ° C.


The 2711-T6C15L1 is a PanelView 600 Standard Operator Terminal from Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It features a 6-inch color display, built-in ControlNet communication and RS232 Printer interface, and an analog resistive touchscreen operator interface. The 2711-T6C15L1 requires an external 18 to 30 V DC for operation and is designed for industrial use. This device allows for easy monitoring and control of processes, making it a cost-effective solution for industrial automation.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-T6C16L1 terminal is a Panelview 600 color terminal. The terminal is controlled by its touchscreen and its graphics displays are all in color. The 2711-T6C16L1 terminal is rated for 24V DC. It has an RS-232 port that can be used to connect a printer to it. It also has a DF1 type of RS-232 port. The 2711-T6C16L1 terminal was made to be easy to operate.


The 2711-T6C1L1 is a user-friendly interface that allows for monitoring and controlling industrial processes. It is a part of the Allen-Bradley PanelView 600 series and has a 6-inch color display with a touch-sensitive interface. This device is powered by an external 18-32 VDC power supply and is designed for use in clean environments with temperatures between 0-50 degrees Celsius. It features multiple data transfer ports, a built-in clock, and alarms for process monitoring.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-T6C20L1 is a Panelview 600 color operator terminal. Its graphics palette includes 32 colors that are all standard EGA colors. The 2711-T6C20L1 terminal has a touchscreen for input and the touchscreen is 6 inches wide. The terminal's voltage rating is 24 Volts DC. The communication ports on the 2711-T6C20L1 terminal include an Ethernet port and an RS-232 printer port. The 2711-T6C20L1 terminal weighs about 2 pounds.


The 2711-T6C2L1 is an HMI device from Allen-Bradley that allows real-time monitoring and control of machines and processes by integrating data and logic from PLCs and providing a graphical representation of the process. It has a 6-inch display screen and a touch input interface of 128 cells. It is powered by a 24 Volts DC supply and has an internal memory of 240 KB that can be expanded up to 32 MB. It also has a DH485 communication port with other DH485 enabled devices.


Part number 2711-T6C3L1 is a PanelView 600 Operator Terminal manufactured by Rockwell Automation under the Allen Bradley brand. It has a 5 (inch) color touchscreen display and supports DH-485 and RS-232 printer communication interfaces. In addition, this terminal operates on an 18 to 32V DC power supply and has a memory capacity of 240 KB. This operator terminal is designed for industrial use, providing easy monitoring and control of processes.


The 2711-T6C5L1 operator interface is an Allen-Bradley Panelview 600 series operator interface. This interface uses DC voltage. The 2711-T6C5L1 operator interface has an RS-232/DH-485 communication port. It is a touchscreen interface with 32-color touchscreen graphics. The 2711-T6C5L1 operator interface's users can easily monitor and control a variety of industrial applications through the interface's touchscreen, but this interface is not designed to be used as safety equipment.


The 2711-T6C8L1 Panel View 600 Basic Operator Terminal from Allen Bradley is an industrial automation device specifically designed for operator interface solutions. It features a Data Highway Plus (DH+) connector and an RS232 printer interface, allowing easy communication and data transfer. Its user-friendly interface and robust construction make it a reliable and efficient Human Machine Interface (HMI) device. With its advanced functionality, it is excellent electronic equipment for operator interface.

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