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Allen Bradley - HMI

Panelview 900

Collage of images depicting Panelview 900 units

Guía de selección de PanelView 900

En el mundo de la Automatización Industrial, a menudo encontramos Controladores Lógicos Programables, también conocidos como PLC. Los PLC son las computadoras y controladores modernos de grado industrial que manejan tareas de automatización de procesos en muchos campos. A partir de controladores solares y sistemas de riego a pequeña escala, los PLC se han abierto camino en las industrias de fabricación en masa a gran escala, incluida la automotriz e incluso la aeroespacial.

Similar a una computadora personal, los sistemas de automatización basados en PLC pueden manejar una variedad de tareas dependiendo de su programación. Los PLC se utilizan tanto en procesos completamente automatizados como en acciones semiautomáticas que requieren una intervención manual ocasional o periódica.

La palabra 'computadora' crea inmediatamente una imagen en nuestra mente que tiene una unidad de control, algunas entradas y salidas y, lo que es más importante, una pantalla. Al igual que un monitor de computadora, los sistemas de automatización industrial también tienen una contraparte llamada 'HMI'; una interfaz hombre-máquina. Las HMI también se denominan 'Terminal de operador', 'Interfaz hombre-máquina' e incluso 'Interfaz de operador local'.

Una HMI puede considerarse un dispositivo más que una simple pantalla o una pantalla táctil. Actúa como puente entre el usuario y el sistema automatizado para tomar entradas y mostrar cualquier parámetro. Pueden mostrar gráficos, gráficos y elementos de texto para visualizar información que a menudo se usa para monitorear los parámetros del proceso y el estado actual de la(s) máquina(s). Sin embargo, la mayoría de los HMI no registran ninguna información, sino que actúan como una herramienta de comunicación para cerrar la brecha entre el mundo digital y el humano.

Los HMI son fabricados por un gran número de fabricantes. La lista incluye Siemens, Allen Bradley (ahora Rockwell Automation), ABB, Honeywell, Schneider, Mitsubishi y muchos más. Sin embargo, las HMI no se limitan solo a los fabricantes de PLC, empresas como Nextion también han comenzado a fabricar HMI para interactuar con computadoras que no sean PLC, como Raspberry Pis y Arduinos.

Una de estas populares soluciones HMI son los paneles de control Allen Bradley Panel View Series 900. Lanzado en 1996, los paneles de control de la serie PanelView han sido inmensamente populares en los sistemas de automatización industrial, especialmente aquellos que utilizan PLC de Allen Bradley.

Desafortunadamente, la serie PanelView ha sido descontinuada a partir de ahora y ha sido reemplazada por la serie PanelView Plus. Sin embargo, por el bien de aquellos que estén interesados, este artículo tiene la intención de analizar los detalles específicos que se deben considerar al seleccionar un terminal gráfico PanelView Serie 900.

Tipos de terminales PanelView 900

Allen Bradey ofrece dos tipos de terminales gráficos de la serie PanelView 900. Un tipo consiste en una pantalla no táctil con una serie de entradas de botones (Terminal de teclado), mientras que el otro cuenta con una pantalla táctil completa sin ningún botón físico (Terminal de pantalla táctil). Cada terminal, independientemente del tipo, puede tener una pantalla monocromática, en escala de grises o en color. Dependiendo de las opciones, algunos modelos pueden tener botones y entradas de pantalla táctil.

Terminal de teclado PanelView 900

El terminal con teclado consta de 16 teclas de función, que pueden o no tener una leyenda personalizada según las personalizaciones del OEM. Estas teclas se pueden programar para iniciar funciones en la pantalla del terminal.

Hay 4 teclas de cursor (arriba, abajo, izquierda y derecha) para navegar por los menús que se muestran en la pantalla. En la parte superior de los cursores, hay un teclado numérico con un punto decimal, negativo, retroceso y botones de retorno.

Terminal de pantalla táctil PanelView 900

El tipo de terminal de pantalla táctil consiste en una cuadrícula que tiene 384 celdas táctiles en total. Estas celdas son las áreas más pequeñas de áreas sensibles al tacto que pueden distinguir una entrada. Esta es una cuadrícula de 24x16 donde los objetos interactivos, como los botones gráficos, se alinean con cada celda para detectar eventos táctiles.

Al tocar una determinada celda en un terminal de pantalla táctil PanelView 900, se inicia la función del objeto mostrado (es decir, Pulsar botón). Estas funciones deben predefinirse cuando se crea la aplicación para el terminal.

Especificaciones técnicas de PanelView 900

Esta serie de terminales gráficos están disponibles en multitud de periféricos. Esto incluye una variedad de interfaces de comunicación como RS232, ControlNet, DeviceNet, DH-485 y E/S remotas.

La programación de un terminal gráfico PanelView 900 se realiza a través del conector de programación DH-485 (9), que se utiliza para transferir programas al terminal. También hay otro conector DH-485 con un conector diferente que es compatible con controladores SLC o MicroLogix y redes DH-485. La unidad también se puede alimentar a través de este conector utilizando una fuente de alimentación de montaje en pared que tenga el mismo tipo de conector. La mayoría de los modelos incluyen un puerto de impresora RS-232 que se puede usar para conectar directamente una impresora al terminal o

Además de los puertos de comunicación, hay algunas funciones disponibles en cada terminal PanelView 900 a las que se puede acceder desde el panel posterior. En la parte posterior de cada terminal, hay un terminal de alimentación, una etiqueta de placa de identificación, un botón de reinicio, una ranura para tarjeta de memoria y dos indicadores LED disponibles. Los LED consisten en un LED rojo que indica una falla de firmware o hardware y un LED verde que indica cualquier actividad de comunicación.

Cómo seleccionar un terminal gráfico PanelView 900

Como se mencionó anteriormente, Allen Bradley ofrece una variedad de terminales gráficos PanelView 900. Por lo tanto, seleccionar la mejor opción para su proyecto puede resultar confuso al principio. Aquí hay algunos factores clave a considerar al seleccionar una HMI para un proyecto de automatización industrial:

Interfaz de usuario

Al seleccionar una HMI, la experiencia del usuario debe jugar un papel clave. La parte más importante de la experiencia del usuario es cómo se presenta la información al usuario. Para aplicaciones que requieren la indicación de contenido gráfico, como imágenes/iconos, los terminales de pantalla a color PanelView 900 pueden ser una mejor opción.

Para aplicaciones que no requieren que se muestren tales indicaciones gráficas, se pueden usar pantallas monocromáticas.

La serie PanelView 900M tiene una pantalla de plasma de gas de CA que tiene una resolución de 640x400 píxeles. La variante táctil tiene una cuadrícula sensible al tacto de 24x16, donde cada celda táctil tiene un tamaño de 26x25 píxeles. La serie 900C viene con una pantalla TFT con luz de fondo fluorescente de cátodo frío (CFC). Su resolución es de 640x480 y cuenta con la misma rejilla táctil donde corresponde.

Método de interacción del usuario

Los terminales gráficos de la serie PanelView 900 vienen en dos configuraciones de interacción, una con una pantalla completamente sensible al tacto sin botones físicos y la otra con una pantalla no sensible al tacto con un juego de teclas físicas de membrana.

La pantalla táctil se puede personalizar a través del software para tener cualquier tipo de entrada gráfica, como botones o iconos. Los terminales que tienen un número de catálogo que comienza con 2711-T9C o 2711-T9A son todos terminales de entrada táctil.

El modelo con teclado viene equipado con 16 botones de función. Aunque su leyenda es fija, puede ser personalizada por el OEM en el momento de la compra. Estos botones se pueden asignar dentro del software para proporcionar entradas de usuario al programa de PLC. Los terminales de entrada del teclado pertenecen al número de catálogo a partir de 2711-K9C o 2711-K9A.


Para almacenar la información y la aplicación, los terminales de las series PanelView 900M y 900C cuentan con 240 kilobytes y 1008 kilobytes de memoria flash, respectivamente.

Fuente de alimentación

Las HMI de la serie PanelView 900 vienen en diferentes modelos que se pueden alimentar con fuentes de alimentación de CA o CC. Esto incluye 24 V CC, 12 V CC (en casos excepcionales) e incluso versiones directas de 84-264 V CA. Las versiones alimentadas por CA tienen fuentes de alimentación integradas, mientras que las variantes de 24 V se pueden alimentar desde una unidad de alimentación del sistema externo, como Allen Bradley 1606-XLS. Los terminales alimentados con 24 VCC se pueden identificar por el sufijo "L1" que se encuentra al final de sus números de catálogo.

Interfaces de comunicación

Las HMI normalmente se programan por separado y se conectan con una CPU/PLC/SLC principal para intercambiar información entre ellas. Esto se hace en forma de un enlace de comunicación estándar de la industria.

Los terminales gráficos PanelView tienen varios puertos que admiten una multitud de opciones de comunicación, como:

  • Comunicaciones de E/S remotas
  • Comunicaciones DH-485
  • Comunicaciones DH+
  • Comunicaciones DF1
  • Comunicaciones DeviceNet
  • Comunicaciones ControlNet
  • Puertos RS-232

Los terminales habilitados para comunicación de E/S remotas se pueden conectar a una red de E/S remotas para imitar un 'bastidor' separado en la red. Un solo terminal puede ocupar hasta 128 E/S, lo que representa todo o parte de un solo 'bastidor'.

Los modos de comunicación DH-485/DH+ o DF1 utilizan una comunicación basada en sondeo en la que el terminal sigue solicitando actualizaciones de la CPU y solo escribe información en el procesador cuando se produce un cambio de estado. Los terminales DF1 requieren un enlace DF1 punto a punto dedicado o una red DF1 para proporcionar un enlace de comunicación full-duplex.

El puerto RS-232 es una adición especial a las capacidades de comunicación de la serie PanelView. Este puerto se puede utilizar para conectar una impresora compatible con puerto serie para descargar tales tareas del controlador principal. Además, este puerto se puede utilizar para transferir aplicaciones hacia y desde la terminal.


Seleccionar una interfaz hombre-máquina adecuada para un diseño de sistema en particular puede ser complicado, especialmente con la disponibilidad de una amplia gama de HMI. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo brindar una perspectiva para seleccionar una de las HMI más populares fabricadas por Allen Bradley (ahora Rockwell Automation), los terminales gráficos de la serie PanelView 900.

Si bien los terminales de la serie PanelView eran muy rentables y estaban disponibles en múltiples configuraciones para adaptarse a casi todos los requisitos de HMI, Rockwell Automation dejó de fabricarlos a partir de 2009. La serie PanelView Plus es la sucesora de la serie PanelView y todavía se fabrica en la actualidad.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Panelview 900

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Panelview 900 de segunda mano en el mundo.


Product Number 2711-K9A1 is an Operator Interface Terminal designed by Allen Bradley. It is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. The module has a monochrome display. And it features a keypad containing functional and numeric keys for control. It can operate with an input voltage of 85/264V AC at 47 to 63. Additionally, it can communicate with external industrial controllers using its inbuilt RS232 and remote I/O (RIO) interfaces.


Product Number 2711-K9A2 is a Graphics Terminal from Allen Bradley. This unit is presented in the PanelView Plus 900 series. The device can run at 84 to 265 VAC, and its input frequency ranges from 47 to 63 Hz. Additionally, it contains a keypad with 16 functions (F1 to F16) keys. And it has a 9-inch color display. The unit also has an inbuilt DH485 option, and its housing is NEMA 12/13 rated.


The 2711-K9A3 is a monochrome operator interface terminal from Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It has a 9 in. display size. Users can enter data using its keypad. This graphics terminal has a plasma display with a 640 X 400 resolution. And it contains an internal backlight. And 1008 KB of internal memory. Also, its integrated DH-485 and RS-232 interfaces enable point-to-point connectivity with a single SLC 500 or MicroLogix controller.


The 2711-K9A5 is an Operator Interface Terminal designed by Allen Bradley. It has a keypad with functional and numeric keys for control and requires 120 VAC. In addition, it features a monochrome transflective LCD with a non-replaceable LED backlight. Also, it has 2 LED status indicators (COMM: Green Fault: Red). In addition to these features, it can also use inbuilt RS232 and DH485 interfaces to communicate with external industrial equipment.


The 2711-K9A8 is a Standard Operator Interface Terminal from Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It has a 9 inches display and a keypad for input and contains 1008K bytes of application memory. This unit combines connectivity, logic control, and display features in a single package for users. It runs at 120 Volts AC and is available in a NEMA 12/13 (4X indoor) enclosure rating. Also, it features DH+ and RS-232 ports for communication.


Product Number 2711-K9C1 is an Operator Interface Terminal manufactured by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This unit has a 9 inches color display and a keypad with 16 functional keys (F1 to F16). And it has 310 KB of application runtime and 1008 KB of nonvolatile memory. In addition, this module operates on 120V of AC power and can be connected to an external power supply. Besides, its enclosure has NEMA 12/13 (4X indoor) rating.


The 2711-K9C10 by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation is a standard operator terminal from PanelView 900 product series. This module comes with 9 inches color display and a keypad with the functional, numeric, cursor, and other keys. It provides a graphical user interface for user machines and enables connectivity over the same industrial network for its compatible PLC and SLC controllers. And this module has inbuilt DeviceNet and RS-232 printer ports.


The 2711-K9C15 is an operator interface terminal with a keypad and a color display. It was designed and assembled by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation, and it is currently classified as an obsolete product in the PanelView Plus 900 series. This terminal has an 85V to 265V AC input voltage range and contains 1008 Kbytes internal memory. Users can enter their input with a keypad with numeric, functional, and cursor keys.


Product Number 2711-K9C16 is a display module from Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This device is packaged with the hardware, logic, and connectivity and is tested for human-machine interface (HMI) operations. This terminal offers a rugged electronic interface to industrial devices. It can operate at 120 volts AC input voltage and contains an inbuilt RS232 printer/ download port. And it is a keypad controlled device with a 9 inches color display.


The 2711-K9C3 by Allen-Bradley is an operator interface terminal that monitors and controls industrial devices. This unit is featured in the PanelView plus 900 series and is also known as a graphics terminal. It has a color display and a keypad with functional, numeric, and other keys. It also has 1008KB of nonvolatile memory and 310KB of RAM, and it can operate with an AC input voltage of 85/264V and a frequency of 47/63 Hz.


Product Number 2711-K9C8 by Allen Bradley is an Operator Interface Terminal from the PanelView Plus 900 series. It is a human-machine interface (HMI) module with communication and logic control features. It has a 9 inches display with a 640 x 400 (pixels) resolution. And it has a keypad with functional keys from (F1 to F16). Besides, its application memory capacity is 1008K bytes. Also, it features inbuilt connectivity ports such as DH+ and RS-232.


The 2711-K9C9 is an Operator Terminal by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This module is part of the bulletin D from the PanelView 900 series. It can operate at 120V AC, and its input voltage range is 85/264V AC. Operators can control this terminal using its keypad, which contains 16 function keys (F1 to F16) and numeric keys for control. And it is available in a color display with a resolution of 640 X 400 (Pixels).


The 2711-T9A1 is an Operator Interface from Allen Bradley's PanelView Plus 900 product series. This unit provides control and monitoring to industrial devices and can operate on an AC power supply. It has a 9 inches display with a 640 x 400 (pixel) resolution. And it comes with Remote I/O (RIO) and RS232 (printer) ports for communication. And its input voltage range is 85 to 264V AC at 47/ 63 Hz.


Product Number 2711-T9A10 is a Monochrome Display Terminal from Allen Bradley. It provides a rugged electronic interface solution to suit your interface requirements. It has a touchscreen and a flat panel (9 inches) display. This equipment is presented in the Panel View 900 product series. The DeviceNet and RS-232 (printer) port options are available with the unit for reliable connectivity. Since it is an AC-powered terminal, it requires 120V AC power.


Product Number 2711-T9A2 is a PanelView Plus 900 operator interface terminal. It is manufactured by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This module is primarily used to provide real-time monitoring and control to industrial devices. It requires 120V AC to operate. The unit has a 9 inches display. And its display color is monochrome. In addition, it can also provide connectivity over the industrial network and can use the DH485 inbuilt port.


The 2711-T9A3 is an Allen Bradley standard operator terminal. It is designed to provide interface and connectivity to the user machines such as PLC and SLC controllers. It has a touchscreen and a keypad for user input. And it is a monochrome module. The device features an internal memory of 1008 KB and a 9 in. display size. It has an RS232 printer and DS-485 port compatibility. It also has a replaceable internal backlight option.


Product Number 2711-T9A5 is an Operator Interface from Allen Bradley. It is featured in the PanelView 900 series. This unit comes with a 9-inch display and touchscreen. It is designed to run on an AC power supply with 120V AC. One of its primary applications is monitoring and controlling industrial devices. It also includes a non-replaceable CCF backlight. In addition, it also includes a DH-485 interface for communicating with external devices.


Product Number 2711-T9A8 is an Operator Interface Terminal designed by Allen Bradley. This unit is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. It has a 9 inches monochrome display. It supports data highway plus (DH+) and RS-232 (printer) interfaces. And it operates at 85/264V AC input voltage range and 47/63 Hz input frequency. Also, it features a battery-backed real-time clock and a field-replaceable backlight as well as an analog resistive touchscreen.


Product number 2711-T9A8L1 is an Operator Interface Terminal made by Allen Bradley. It is a touchscreen-controlled terminal with 9 inches monochrome display and internal backlight. This device is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. This module offers excellent graphics capabilities allowing users to interface with their industrial equipment. Moreover, it is a DC-powered terminal with 1008 Kbytes of internal memory (KB). It consumes 56 Watts (2.5 Amperes at 24V DC).


The 2711-T9C1 is a standard Graphic Terminal Operator Interface module from Allen Bradley. It features an active matrix thin-film resistor (TFT) 9 inches color display with cold cathode fluorescent (CCF) backlight. This terminal has a 240 Kbytes application flash memory and can use 2711-NC13 communication cable and remote I/O and RS-232 printer ports. And its input voltage ranges from 85V to 265V AC. And it can be connected to an external power supply.


Product Number 2711-T9C10 is a Display Module also known as a terminal. It is an Allen Bradley device that offers an electronic interface solution to the SLC and PLS units. It has a 9 inches color display. Users can input data using its keypad. This unit is also known as the human-machine interface (HMI). It requires a 120V alternating current to operate. And this terminal has earned ratings for high shock, vibration, and temperature.


The 2711-T9C15 is a PanelView Plus 900 standard operator terminal from Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It features a 9 inches color display and can be controlled through a touchscreen. Since it is an AC-powered terminal, it requires 120V AC to operate. This unit can use a ControlNet terminal to interface devices with the Control Logix and PLC controllers. Also, it has 1008 KB of internal memory and an option for a backlight.


The 2711-T9C16 is a standard operator terminal manufactured by Allen-Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This module has a touchscreen operator interface. It is commonly referred to as an operator interface terminal and is presented in the PanelView Plus 900 series. Its input voltage ranges from 85V to 265V AC and can work at 47 to 63 Hz input frequency. Also, this unit is available in color graphics and 9 inches flat display.


The 2711-T9C20 is a PanelView Plus 900 operator interface terminal with a 9 inches display size. It has a color display, and its input type is a touchscreen. Also, it is available with the 2711-NL2 (CCF) backlight. It is an AC-powered terminal that requires 120V AC supply voltage. In addition, it can also use built-in ports for file and application transfers. Aside from that, it has a NEMA 12/13 (rated) housing.


The 2711-T9C3 is an Operator Interface Module from Allen Bradley. This unit has a 9 inches color active matrix display with a 640x480 resolution and 171 x 130 mm display area. It features a touchscreen for user input control with an analog resistive touch. Aside from its display, it can operate at 85/264 VAC at 47/63 Hz. Moreover, its enclosure has NEMA 12/13, 4X (indoor use only), IP54, IP65 ratings.


Product Number 2711-T9C8 is a standard Operator Terminal from Allen Bradley. This device can run at 120V AC. And it can also support an external power supply. It has a 9 inches color display with a 640 x 480 (pixels) resolution and a 26 x 30 (pixels) touch cell size. It can communicate using DH+ and RS232 (printer) inbuilt interfaces over industrial protocols. This module has 1008K bytes of application memory.


The 2711-T9C9 is an operator interface terminal designed by Allen Bradley. It is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. It has built-in communication ports such as RS-232 (DH-485) and RS-232 printer. And it can use a 2711-NC13 communication cable. This module is designed for 85 to 264V AC at 47/63 Hz input power. Besides, its display type is an active color matrix thin-film resistor (TFT) with a CCF backlight.


The 2711-K9A10 by Allen Bradley is an operator terminal that provides an interface for the user machines. It is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. It allows user input via a keypad, which combines numeric, functional, and other keys. The device has a 9-inch display and monochrome graphics. Aside from that, this terminal can use a DeviceNet terminal that allows interfacing with the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and many control devices.


The 2711-K9A16 is a Display Module also known as a terminal. This PanelView 900 terminal comes with an inbuilt keypad panel for user input. The device has 2 connectivity interfaces: RS-232 (DF1) and RS-232 (printer/download). And it requires 120 V AC to power. It comes with monochrome graphics and a 9 (inch) display size. This terminal's primary use is to provide an interface to user devices, such as programmable logic controllers.


The PanelView Plus 900 2711-K9A16L1 is an operator interface terminal from Allen Bradley. It has a keypad that allows users to enter data. Its keypad features 14 data input keys, 10 numeric (0/9) keys, and plus, minus, enter, backspace, and decimal point keys. Its input voltage ranges from 18 to 32V DC. It can use an RS-232 communication port. Also, it can connect to MicroLogix and SLC 500 controllers using the DH-485 protocol.


The 2711-K9A1L1 is an operator interface terminal from the PanelView Plus 900 series. The terminal has a 9 inches flat panel monochrome display and a non-replaceable backlight option. Besides, it contains 1008 (KB) internal memory and requires 24V DC input power. Moreover, it has a keypad with stainless steel functional keys (F1 to F16), numeric keys (0-9), and others. Also, it can use RS-232 and remote I/O ports for file and application transfers.


The 2711-K9A2L1 is a PanelView Plus 900 operator interface terminal. This terminal runs on DC power and provides HMI features to industrial devices. It has a 9-inch LCD screen that only supports monochrome graphics. And has an integrated keypad for control with the functional, numeric, cursor, and other keys. Its operating voltage range is between 18 and 30V DC, and its nominal operating voltage is 24V DC. Aside from that, it contains a DH-485 port.


Part Number 2711-K9A5L1 is a product type of Display Module from Allen Bradley. This graphic equipment provides a rugged electronic interface to the user machines. The DC input voltage range for this device is 18 to 32V. At 24V direct current, it uses a maximum of 50 Watts and 2.1 Amps. Since it includes a card slot, it can handle external memory. Additionally, the enclosure's rating is 4X and NEMA type 12/13.


The 2711-K9A8L1 is a standard operator interface terminal with a keypad for input. It is an Allen Bradley module from the PanelView Plus 900 series. Its keypad has 16 (F1-F16) functional keys. And it is rated at 24V DC (nominal). In addition, it has DH+ and RS-232 ports and a non-replaceable backlight. Also, it has 1008 KB of nonvolatile memory for the application objects, text, and bitmaps and 310 KB of application runtime.


The 2711-K9A9 is a standard graphics terminal from Allen Bradley. And it is featured in the PanelView 900 series. It can connect to the external power supply. And it has a keypad terminal display for operator input. Its keypad consists of function (F1 to F16), numeric (1 to 9), cursor, and other keys. In addition, it contains an RS-232 Printer/File transfer port that connects to a printer on a Remote I/O terminal.


The Allen-Bradley 2711-K9A9L1 is a PanelView (900) monochrome operator interface terminal with a keypad. Its keypad includes 16 function keys that control the operations. And it also has numerical and navigational keys for entering decimal and numeric data. Also, it has colored indicator lights that use the green and red light indicators to show the COMM and FAULT state of the device. And it also includes RS-232 (DH-485) and RS-232 ports.


The 2711-K9C10L1 is an Allen Bradley operator interface terminal from the PanelView 900 series. It is also known as a human-machine interface (HMI) because it provides the user interface to the machines. This device can run on direct current. It consumes 58W (2.5A at 24V). Its keypad has numeric, function, and other keys. It is commonly used with SLC and PLC controllers. It can use DeviceNet and RS232 communication ports


The 2711-K9C16L1 is an operator interface terminal from Allen-Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It is a human-machine interface (HMI) that can provide rugged electronic interface solutions to user machines. And it is available in a 9 inches color display. Users can use its touchscreen to enter data and control the terminal. And it is a DC (powered) module that has been integrated with RS-232 (DF1) and RS-232 (printer/ download) ports for application and data transfers.


The 2711-K9C1L1 is an Allen Bradley operator interface terminal with color graphics and a keypad for user input. This terminal is available in monochrome graphics and shows real-time monitoring and control of industrial devices. It is rated at 24 Volts AC and has 1008 KB internal memory. In addition, it is pre-assembled with the Remote I/O and RS-232 printer ports and comes with a 9 inches active color matrix display.


Product number 2711-K9C3L1 is a graphics terminal manufactured by Rockwell Automation. This terminal is designed to suit users' interface requirements as it provides an operator interface for user machines, shows real-time monitoring, and provides excellent logic control to the industrial controllers; it can also use DH-485 and RS-232 ports to interface with PLC controllers and other devices. The unit has a 9 inches flat panel display and is available in monochrome graphics.


Product Number 2711-K9C8L1 is an Operator Interface Terminal. It is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. It is designed for an 18V to 32V DC input voltage. And it has an internal memory of 1008 KB and a 9-inch color display. Since this PanelView model is keypad controlled, it has numeric, functional (F1 to F16), and other keys. It also has built-in RS-232 and DH+ ports for application and file transfers.


The 2711-K9C9L1 is an operator interface terminal from Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. This module is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series and is used to provide an interface to user machines. It runs at a 24V (nominal) input voltage rating. Since it is a graphics terminal, it features a 9 inches color display and a keypad for input which consists of numeric (1 to 9), function (F1 to F16), and other keys.


The 2711-T9A16 is a standard operator interface terminal from Allen Bradley's PanelView Plus 900 series. This device has a 9 inches monochrome display. This unit can provide industrial devices with real-time logic control, interfacing, and connectivity features. And it supports the operator's input with a touchscreen to allow users to interface with their machines. In addition, it has built-in RS-232 (DF1) and RS-232 printer/download ports for data and application transfers.


Product number 2711-T9A16L1 is an Operator Interface Terminal. It is featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. It has a 9-inch flat panel monochromatic display with excellent resolution and an internal backlight. It has a touchscreen to allow operators to interface with their machines. It consumes up to 58 Watts (2.5 Amps @ 24V DC). This module is designed to give user machines an excellent graphical interface and contains an RS-232 printer port.


Product Number 2711-T9A2L1 is an Operator Interface Terminal. It is manufactured by Rockwell Automation. And it is currently featured in the PanelView Plus 900 series. Since it is designed for DC power supply, it requires 18 to 32V for operation and is rated at 24V DC nominal supply. It serves as a human-machine interface (HMI) device and provides a machine interface to its users. It has IP64/65 / NEMA 12/13 (4X indoor) (rated) enclosure.


Product Number 2711-T9A5L1 is a Monochrome Graphics Terminal for user machines designed by Allen Bradley. It is a PanelView 900 model with excellent resolution and a 9 in. flat panel display. It offers rugged electronic interface solutions in various sizes, operator input methods, memory options, and configurations. This unit consumes 58 Watts (2.5 Amps at 24V DC. Additionally, it features a built-in RS-232 (DH-485) printer port for connecting to other industrial equipment.


Part number 2711-T9A9 is a PanelView 900 touchscreen terminal for the operator interface. It has a 9 inches display, and users can input data and control the terminal with its touchscreen panel. And it runs with 85/264V AC and 47/ 63 Hz supply voltage. Besides, it can establish an interface between PLC controllers using RS-232 (DH-485) and RS-232 inbuilt ports. Aside from that, this terminal has an internal backlight which is non-replaceable.


The 2711-T9A9L1 is a Graphics terminal for the operator interface. It is presented in the PanelView Plus 900 series. This terminal has a touchscreen, monochrome display, and 1008K bytes of internal memory. And it provides a real-time interface to the machines. It consumes 58W (Max) power (2.5 Amps) at 24V DC. Aside from that, the terminal has RS232 (DH485) and RS232 printer ports for application and data transferring with compatible PLC controllers.


The 2711-T9C10L1 is an Allen Bradley operator interface module. This device is also known as the human-machine interface (HMI). It is presented in the PanelView Plus 900 series. The unit has 9 inches flat panel color display. And it comes with a touchscreen for user input. And its primary application is to allow real-time machine interface to the users and facilitate connectivity. Also, the terminal contains DeviceNet and RS-232 (printer) ports.


The 2711-T9C15L1 is an operator interface terminal from the PanelView Plus (900) series. This device runs on DC power and provides an interface to the machines. Users can input data to control the terminal using its touchscreen. The unit has 9 inches display and is available in color graphics. It can also use a ControlNet connector to interface devices with the Logix controllers and other PLC modules. Also, it has an RS232 (printer) port.

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Rockwell Descargo de responsabilidad: El producto se utiliza excedente. Automation Stop no es un distribuidor autorizado de excedentes ni un afiliado del fabricante de este producto. El producto puede tener códigos de fecha más antiguos o ser una serie más antigua que la disponible directamente de fábrica o distribuidores autorizados. Porque Automation Stop no es un distribuidor autorizado de este producto, no se aplica la garantía del fabricante original. Si bien muchos productos de PLC de Allen-Bradley ya tienen firmware instalado, DO Supply no garantiza si un producto de PLC tendrá o no firmware y, si tiene firmware, si el firmware tiene el nivel de revisión que necesita para su solicitud. Automation Stop tampoco garantiza su capacidad o derecho para descargar u obtener firmware para el producto de Rockwell, sus distribuidores o cualquier otra fuente. Automation Stop tampoco garantiza su derecho a instalar dicho firmware en el producto. Automation Stop no obtendrá ni suministrará firmware en su nombre. Es su obligación cumplir con los términos de cualquier Acuerdo de licencia de usuario final o documento similar relacionado con la obtención o instalación de firmware.