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Allen Bradley - HMI

Panelview Plus 700

Terminales PanelView Plus 700

El terminal PanelView Plus 700 de Allen Bradley es un dispositivo HMI, es decir, proporciona una interfaz hombre-máquina a través de gráficos en pantalla a color. Este terminal tiene una pantalla táctil, así como un teclado, y está equipado con módulos de comunicación para mejorar la usabilidad. Se pueden conectar diferentes dispositivos periféricos a este terminal utilizando los puertos USB provistos. Viene con un módulo lógico estándar o CE. Además, sus biseles se pueden reemplazar en el campo.

Artículos suministrados

El terminal PanelView Plus 700, como todos los demás terminales PanelView Plus, se envía junto con un bloque de terminales de alimentación, clips de montaje, una plantilla para el corte del panel y una guía de instalación. Estos terminales tienen componentes modulares, módulos de comunicación, módulos lógicos estándar, unidades configuradas de base, módulos de visualización y una fuente de alimentación (CA o CC).

Componentes modulares

Los terminales PanelView Plus 700 utilizan componentes o módulos modulares para diferentes funciones. Esto permite que un usuario configure, instale o actualice el sistema de manera más fácil y rápida. El uso de componentes modulares también brinda la opción de pedir componentes o módulos por separado o ensamblados en la fábrica según la configuración del usuario. Como se mencionó anteriormente, los terminales PanelView Plus 700 utilizan tres componentes modulares, a saber, un módulo de comunicación, un módulo lógico y un módulo de visualización.

Unidad configurada base

Para los terminales PanelView Plus 700, las unidades configuradas de base constan de dos partes: un módulo de visualización y un módulo lógico. Además, las interfaces de entrada de estas unidades pueden variar. Estas interfaces de entrada incluyen un teclado o una pantalla táctil.

Módulo lógico

Los módulos lógicos de los terminales PanelView Plus 700 tienen una multitud de características y subcomponentes para permitir que los terminales logren su funcionalidad. Tiene un puerto de entrada de alimentación, un puerto Ethernet, un puerto RS-232 para comunicación en serie y dos puertos USB (bus serie universal) para conectar dispositivos periféricos como un mouse de computadora, una impresora o un teclado. Una ranura para insertar una tarjeta CompactFlash Tipo 1, reloj en tiempo real, memoria Flash y SDRAM también están integrados en un módulo lógico.

Módulo de pantalla

Los módulos de pantalla de los terminales PanelView Plus 700 tienen una pantalla de 6,5 pulgadas (código '7' en el número de catálogo) con una pantalla gráfica a color TFT (transistor de película delgada). Estos terminales también tienen biseles que son fácilmente reemplazables en el campo. La pantalla o pantalla del terminal puede recibir instrucciones de entrada de una de las tres formas siguientes:

  • Teclado (código 'k' en el número de catálogo)
  • Toque (código 'T' en el número de catálogo)
  • Teclado o táctil (código 'B' en el número de catálogo)

Los terminales PanelView Plus 700 tienen los siguientes módulos de visualización disponibles:

  • Pantalla a color operable con teclado con el número de catálogo 2711P-RDK7C
  • Pantalla táctil a color operable con el número de catálogo 2711P-RDT7C
  • Pantalla táctil a color operable con certificación marina con el número de catálogo 2711P-RDT7CM
  • Teclado y pantalla táctil a color operable con el número de catálogo 2711P-RDB7C
  • Pantalla a color operable con teclado y táctil que tiene certificación marina con el número de catálogo 2711P-RDB7CM
  • Pantalla táctil a color operable con un revestimiento conforme que tiene el número de catálogo 2711P-RDT7CK


El teclado de un terminal PanelView Plus 700 se puede operar con el dedo. Este terminal tiene un conjunto de teclas especificadas para diferentes funcionalidades. Las teclas que componen estos teclados incluyen:

  • Teclas de función que van de F1 a F10 y de K1 a K12. Estas teclas de función son programables e inician o activan funciones específicas en la pantalla de un terminal PanelView Plus 700. Para personalizar las etiquetas de las teclas de función, también hay disponibles leyendas reemplazables.
  • Las teclas numéricas en un terminal PanelView Plus 700 incluyen teclas del 0 al 9, entrar, retroceder, tabulador izquierdo, tabulador derecho, Alt, Ctrl, Esc y Shift.
  • Las teclas de navegación de estos teclados incluyen cuatro teclas de flecha. Estas teclas ayudan a los usuarios a seleccionar opciones mientras mueven el cursor. Cuando estas teclas se usan junto con la tecla Alt, abren la pantalla de inicio, finalizan una función o mueven la página hacia arriba o hacia abajo.

Pantallas táctiles

Allen Bradley proporciona pantallas táctiles para terminales PanelView Plus 700. Estas pantallas táctiles son pantallas resistivas analógicas que se pueden operar con el dedo o con un lápiz óptico. Eso sí, el dispositivo debe tener un radio de punta mínimo de 1,3 milímetros, para que la pantalla no se dañe. El fabricante también advierte a sus usuarios que no utilicen ninguna otra herramienta para operar la pantalla porque podría dañarla.

Módulo de comunicación

Los terminales PanelView Plus 700 brindan a sus usuarios la opción de conectar un módulo de comunicación a una unidad configurada en la base. Se puede instalar con bastante facilidad en la parte posterior de una unidad configurada de base sobre el módulo lógico. Los módulos de comunicación mejoran la capacidad de comunicación del terminal con la red ControlNet y DH+ (o DH-45). Los terminales PanelView Plus 700 tienen RS-232, Ethernet y 2 ranuras USB para conectividad (representadas con el código '4' en el número de catálogo).

Tarjetas CompactFlash

Los módulos lógicos en la unidad configurada de base tienen una ranura para tarjetas CompactFlash. Para los terminales PanelView Plus 700, la memoria flash se proporciona con una tarjeta CompactFlash interna.

Opciones de entrada de energía

Las unidades configuradas de base de los terminales PanelView Plus 700 tienen tres opciones de entrada de energía para brindar flexibilidad de aplicación a sus usuarios. Estas opciones incluyen:

  • Señal de CA (corriente alterna) que puede caer entre 85 y 264 voltios (código 'A' en el número de catálogo). La frecuencia de la señal puede variar entre 47 y 63 hercios. Los terminales conectados a CA deben estar aislados de la línea de alimentación principal conectando un transformador secundario al terminal. El consumo máximo de energía de los terminales PanelView Plus 700 AC puede alcanzar hasta 160VA.
  • Las señales de CC (corriente continua) no aisladas con un voltaje nominal de 24 V CC pueden oscilar entre 18 y 32 voltios (código 'D' en el número de catálogo). El consumo máximo de energía de los terminales de CC es de 70 W.
  • Las señales de CC aisladas tienen los mismos límites de 18 y 32 voltios. Sin embargo, se debe usar un juego de fusibles que tenga una indicación al elegir esta opción. En este modo de conexión, cada terminal del sistema está alimentado por una fuente de alimentación separada, aislada y sin conexión a tierra. Tal conexión elimina el riesgo de daño al terminal debido a un bucle de corriente en el cable de tierra.

Si uno tiene un terminal con una aplicación de CC con una fuente de alimentación de CA, se puede utilizar una fuente de alimentación de CA a CC (convertidor o rectificador). La fuente de alimentación de Allen Bradley con número de catálogo 1606-XLE120E es una opción adecuada para este propósito.

Estándares de cableado

Allen Bradley instruye a los usuarios de los terminales PanelView Plus 700 para que realicen el cableado de acuerdo con los métodos de cableado establecidos en la Clase I, Clase II o Clase III de la División 2, Artículo 501, Artículo 502 o Artículo 503 del Código Eléctrico Nacional. El cableado también se puede hacer siguiendo el Código Eléctrico Canadiense mientras se siguen los métodos establecidos en la Sección 18-1J2.

Además, la alimentación de entrada debe estar protegida mediante un fusible o disyuntor con una clasificación máxima de 15A. Esta línea de alimentación de entrada tampoco debe compartir la ruta con una línea de comunicación. Sin embargo, las líneas de CC de bajo voltaje y las líneas de comunicación pueden residir en el mismo conducto. Si las líneas de energía y comunicación se cruzan, hágalos cruzar en ángulo recto. Todos los cables deben estar blindados y conectados a tierra correctamente para evitar interferencias electromagnéticas.


Los terminales PanelView Plus 700 son un tipo de equipo abierto. Sin embargo, el usuario debe ponerlo en un recinto antes de montarlo. Los gabinetes deben tener la clasificación adecuada para su uso en un entorno específico. El diseño del gabinete también debe garantizar que sus partes vivas no sean accesibles, de modo que no represente un riesgo de lesiones para nadie alrededor de la terminal. Además, las partes internas de la envolvente deben ser accesibles mediante herramientas. Para que el terminal cumpla con un tipo específico de NEMA o clasificación IEC, el panel de montaje o el gabinete deben tener una clasificación equivalente.

Dimensiones y montaje

Los terminales PanelView Plus 700 vienen en dos tamaños diferentes según el método de entrada. Las dimensiones de corte de un terminal PanelView Plus 700 con teclado y pantalla táctil o simplemente un teclado miden 167 milímetros de alto y 264 milímetros de ancho. Los módulos de visualización de estos terminales tienen dimensiones de corte de 193 milímetros de alto y 290 milímetros de ancho, mientras que las dimensiones de corte de los terminales con pantalla táctil miden 154 milímetros de alto y 220 milímetros de ancho. El módulo de visualización tiene dimensiones de corte de 179 milímetros para la altura y 246 milímetros para el ancho.

La temperatura ambiente alrededor del terminal no debe exceder los 55 °C. Este factor afecta más el montaje de terminales. Debe haber suficiente espacio libre alrededor del dispositivo dentro del gabinete para que se mantenga este límite de temperatura. También se debe prestar atención a la producción de calor por parte de otros dispositivos dentro de la caja del terminal. Allen Bradley sugiere a sus usuarios que mantengan un mínimo de 51 milímetros de espacio libre en la parte superior del terminal, 51 milímetros de espacio libre en la parte inferior del terminal, 25 milímetros a los lados del terminal (si se va a instalar una tarjeta de memoria o cable se va a realizar el cableado, amplíe este espacio libre a un mínimo de 102 milímetros) y 25 milímetros de espacio libre en la parte posterior del terminal.

Compatibilidad Ambiental

Si un terminal PanelView Plus 700 está marcado, entonces se puede usar en una ubicación común y no peligrosa. También se puede utilizar en entornos clasificados como Clase III. Algunos lugares pertenecientes a las Clases I y II también se consideran aptos para operar. Más específicamente Grupos F y G, División 2, Clase II; Grupo IIC, Zona 2, Clase I; y los Grupos A, B, C y D, División 2, Clase I (este grupo no seguirá siendo adecuado para la ubicación del terminal si se sustituye alguno de sus componentes) son ubicaciones de funcionamiento recomendadas para los terminales PanelView Plus 700. De todos modos, si la terminal se coloca en un lugar declarado peligroso, los usuarios deben seguir un conjunto de instrucciones emitidas por Allen Bradley. Por ejemplo, no se debe quitar el equipo a menos que se haya desconectado la energía y el área se haya declarado no peligrosa. Incluso el reloj de tiempo real y la batería no deben retirarse en un área peligrosa. Tampoco se deben realizar o retirar conexiones sin desconectar la alimentación y contar con una declaración de zona no peligrosa.

Estos terminales, al ser utilizados en sitios industriales, pueden estar rodeados de contaminación de Grado 2. La altitud del lugar de instalación no debe exceder los 2000 metros.

Además, si se tiende a usar cualquier dispositivo periférico con el terminal, también se debe considerar la idoneidad de la ubicación de ese dispositivo.

Si se ve a un nivel micro, la temperatura ambiente máxima para el terminal debe permanecer en 55 °C. Además, el terminal no debe instalarse en entornos en los que pueda haber gases con una temperatura de ignición inferior a 135 °C.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Panelview Plus 700

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Panelview Plus 700 de segunda mano en el mundo.


This Allen Bradley drive, Catalog ID 2711P-B7C15A1, is a Panelview Plus 700 series operator interface terminal. On its 7-inch touch & display screen, it can support full-color graphics. Another control option for the 2711P-B7C15A1 operator terminal is a keypad. The ControlNet data transmission is supported. The input voltage range for the 2711P-B7C15A1 operator connector is 100 to 240 Volts AC. It also supports remote connectivity & ActiveX controls, and it may be panel-mounted in UL, IP, or NEMA-rated enclosures.


The 2711P-B7C15A2 is a PanelView Plus 700 terminal module from AB/ Rockwell Automation. This module allows operators to interface their machines for real-time monitoring, and control. And it has a total memory of 256 MB and is AC-powered. It mainly features a touchscreen color display and a keypad with all the necessary numeric and navigational keys for control. Also, it has a ControlNet interface for programming and secure data transfer.


Product number 2711P-B7C15A6 is an operator terminal module by Allen Bradley. Its built-in AC power supply is intended to accept input power between 85 and 264 VAC (47–63 Hz). A touchscreen and a keypad are available on this terminal as input methods for operators. The device has an analog resistive touch and a bright display. It also has 128 MB of RAM, 128 MB of nonvolatile memory, and a color graphics option.


Product number 2711P-B7C15A7 is an AC-powered terminal with a keypad and a touchscreen for operators. It is designed by Allen Bradley to provide the interface to industrial devices. The device offers two USB ports and one CompactFlash card slot for external backup storage. Additionally, it contains a real-time clock with a battery backup for timestamping data. Additionally, it has access to the ControlNet port for trustworthy data transmission and control.


The 2711P-B7C15D1 is an Allen-Bradley operator interface terminal with a DC power supply. The maximum power consumption of the unit is 70W/ 2.9A at 24V (nominal). The operators can use the touchscreen or the keypad, which has 22 function keys to control it. It features a 6.5 (inches) flat-panel with 18-bit graphics. In addition to two USB ports and one Compact Flash card for external storage, the device contains a ControlNet port for communication.


Product number 2711P-B7C15D2 is an operator terminal by Allen-Bradley's PanelView Plus 700 series. This device has a maximum output of 70W and a nominal 24V DC (18-32V DC). It features 128MB of nonvolatile memory and 128MB RAM, and a ControlNet interface for communication. The terminal also supports SD cards for data backup and real-time clocks powered by a battery. Also, it features 1 Compact Flash card slot and 2 USB ports.


The 2711P-B7C15D6 is a machine interface terminal, also known as an operator terminal, designed by Allen-Bradley. This PanelView Plus 700 terminal has a keypad and a touchscreen and is available with color graphics. The unit has a DC power supply designed to handle 18 to 32 Volts DC and 2.9 Amps at 24V DC (nominal). Also, the terminal has 128 MB of internal memory and a ControlNet port for high-speed communication.


The 2711P-B7C15D7 is a standard terminal used as a machine control device. It is designed for an 18-32 VDC (47 to 63 Hz) power rating and comes with an integrated AC power supply. And it is an Allen-Bradley module from the PanelView Plus bulletin 700. This module has 2 control methods: a keypad with all the functional and numerical keys and a 6.5 inches touch screen which supports color graphics.


This Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation drive, Catalog ID 2711P-B7C4A1, is a Panelview Plus 700 series operator interface terminal. Either a touchscreen or a physical keypad can be used to operate it. The 2711P-B7C4A1 operator input terminal includes customizable function keys on its keypad and touchscreen. The most popular application functions for the terminal can be saved and labeled using the programmable function keys. The input voltage rating of the 2711P-B7C4A1 operator input terminal is 100 to 240 Volts AC, and it has an Ethernet connector for communication.


Product number 2711P-B7C4A2 is an operator interface terminal used to provide a machine interface. It is a PanelView Plus 700 module by Allen Bradley. It features 2 input methods: a keypad and a touchscreen for the data. The device has an integrated AC power supply designed for 85/264V at 47/63 Hz and color graphics. It also has Ethernet and RS-232 ports, 128MB of nonvolatile, 128MB of RAM, and a CompactFlash card slot.


Product number 2711P-B7C4A6 is a Display Terminal by Allen Bradley. It is a product from PanelView Plus 700 series. And it is available in a 6.5 in. display size and color graphics. Operators can use its keypad as well as a touchscreen to control it. In addition, the terminal has Ethernet and RS-232 communication ports. This unit has an integrated AC power supply for 85-264V AC at 47/ 63 Hz.


The 2711P-B7C4A7 is an operator terminal with an integrated AC power supply, a keypad, and a touchscreen for control. It is also known as a human-machine interface device and is a module from PanelView Plus 700 family by Allen Bradley. The unit has a 6.5 in. color display, Ethernet and RS232 communication ports, an internal backlight, and 256 MB of internal memory. The unit has an 85-265V AC input power rating.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-B7C4D1 interface terminal is a PanelView Plus 700 interface terminal. This DC-powered operator terminal is designed to operate at 18 to 32V DC. A colored active-matrix TFT (thin-film resistor) screen measuring 6.5 inches in diameter is installed on the 2711P-B7C4D1 terminal and it is both a display screen and a touchscreen. This terminal also has a keypad. The users can control the can control the 2711P-B7C4D1 terminal with either the touchscreen or the keypad.


Product number 2711P-B7C4D2 is an operator interface terminal. It is an Allen Bradley module. The unit is featured in the PanelView Plus 700 series. This device operates with 85 to 264 VAC, 47/63 Hz power supply. And it also contains 128 MB of nonvolatile and 128 RAM. In addition, it is integrated with 1 Ethernet port and 1 RS-232 port, as well as 1 universal serial bus (USB) port for external storage.


The 2711P-B7C4D6 is a product by Allen Bradley Rockwell Automation. It is a product type of operator terminal from the PanelView Plus 700 series. This unit consumes 70W (max) and 2.9 Amps at 24V DC (nominal) and has an 18 to 32V input range. It has a keypad and a touchscreen, and both can be used to control the device. Also, it has 128MB internal memory and an Ethernet and RS232 built-in communication interfaces.


Product number 2711P-B7C4D7 is an operator terminal by Allen Bradley. It has a 6.5 inches color display. And it is a product from the PanelView Plus 700 series. Users can control it using its touchscreen or a keypad since it offers both. It operates with 24V DC nominal, and its input voltage ranges from 18 to 32 volts DC while it consumes 2.9 Amps. Additionally, the device has RS232 and Ethernet connectors for communications.


The 2711P-B7C6D6 is an operator terminal with both a keypad and a touchscreen. It is designed by Allen-Bradley and is launched in the PanelView Plus series. This unit has DH+ and DH-485 ports and a 6.5 in. display size. And it comes with a DC power supply: (18 to 32 V DC) with a nominal 24V DC at 2.9A and 70W (max). And the device has 128 megabytes of internal memory.


Product number 2711P-B7C6D7 in a PanelView Plus 700 operator interface terminal designed by Allen Bradley. It offers electronic interface solutions to the user machines with excellent graphic capabilities. This device operates at a nominal voltage of 24 V DC (18 to 32 VDC) and consumes 2.9 Amps / 70 W. Additionally, this terminal has two interfaces for communication: data highway plus (DH+) and DH485, as well as an internal backlight.


Product number 2711P-K7C15A1 is an Allen Bradley operator interface terminal featured in the PanelView Plus 700 series. This terminal offers a robust electronic interface solution, operator input method, memory option, and configurations. It has a 6.5-inch display and an integrated AC power source that operates between 85 and 264 VAC. Users can control it using a keypad with various navigational and useful keys. For connectivity, it has a ControlNet slot.


Product number 2711P-K7C15A2 is a touchscreen terminal for the operators. It has a keypad for input and a color display. This PanelView Plus 700 unit has been designed and assembled by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. Additionally, it features an integrated power supply with an 85-264 VAC rating, 128 MB of internal memory, and a ControlNet interface for communication. Although it comes with one, the device can also accommodate a replacement for the backlight.


Product number 2711P-K7C15A6 is an operator interface terminal by Allen Bradley. It has an integrated AC power supply and contains 128 MB of internal memory. Also, this electronic device has a ControlNet port for high-speed communication. This device has an internal backlight that users can also replace. And its power supply rating is 85/ 264 V AC at 47 to 63 Hz. Users can control this terminal with its keypad.


The 2711P-K7C15A7 is an operator terminal engineered to provide the user interface for industrial devices. Designed by Allen-Bradley and presented in the PanelView Plus 700 family, this terminal has ControlNet and other interfaces, 256 MB internal memory, and logic controls. Its keypad features functional, numerical, navigational, cursor, and other keys used to control the equipment and has a 6.5 inches color display. And it has an 85-265V AC (integrated) power supply option.


The 2711P-K7C15D1 is an operator terminal with 2 USB ports and 1 CompactFlash card. The unit has a DC power supply: of 24VDC nominal (18-32VDC). And it can use the ControlNet port for high-speed data transfer and control. There are 22 functional, navigation, and numeric keys on the terminal's keypad. It has 64MB of RAM and 64MB nonvolatile. Users can mount external SD cards because it features a card slot.


The 2711P-K7C15D2 is an Allen-Bradley operator terminal from the PanelView Plus 700 (series). The unit has a 6.5 inches color display and a keypad with all the functional, numerical, navigational, and other keys used for controlling the device. Its logic module has a DC power supply: (18 to 32 VDC input range). And it consumes up to 70W and 2.9 Amps at 24VDC. The unit also has an integrated ControlNet interface.


Product number 2711P-K7C15D6 is an Allen Bradley terminal from the PanelView Plus 700 series. It offers a graphical user interface for industrial devices. And it features a keypad with 22 functional keys. This device's display measures 6.5 inches. It has a DC power supply with a voltage range of 18–32V DC (24V nominal), and its maximum power consumption is 70 W (2.9 A at 24V DC). Also, this terminal has an inbuilt ControlNet communication interface.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-K7C15D7 is a keypad terminal from the PanelView Plus 700 series. Its keypad has functional, numeric, and other keys for control. The device has a color display and a 6.5 inches screen. It has a 24VDC nominal 18 to 32 Volts DC input voltage and a 70W (max) 2.9 A @ 24V DC power supply. Furthermore, it has a ControlNet port for communication and two USB ports for external storage.


This Panelview Plus 700 drive, Catalog ID 2711P-K7C4A1, is a class operator terminal. Its control & input option is a keypad, which is used to handle industrial machinery and systems. The keypad of the 2711P-K7C4A1 operator interaction terminal has number keys for data entry, arrow keys for panel navigation, and function keys that can be configured to remember the most frequently used application functions for the machine system or the terminal.


The 2711P-K7C4A2 is a machine control display module known as an operator interface terminal. This unit offers communication, storage, logic control, and display features for industrial devices. Its input can be controlled via a keypad, and this unit is available with color graphics. The terminal comes with an internal backlight and 128 MB of memory. In addition, the unit has Ethernet and RS-232 interfaces, enabling high-speed and reliable data transfers.


Product number 2711P-K7C4A6 is a color display module, also referred to as an operator terminal. It belongs to the PanelView Plus 700 series. This device has been designed to operate with AC power. And it has built-in communication ports such as Ethernet and RS-232. It has a keypad for user input with navigational, numerical, and function keys. In addition, it has a nonvolatile memory capacity of 128 MB and 128 MB (RAM).


Product number 2711P-K7C4A7 is a display module known as an operator interface terminal. This product has been presented in Allen Bradley's PanelView Plus 700 series. This device is used for machine control and monitoring. The main input method of this unit is the keypad. It also has Ethernet and RS232 ports and the ability to host external SD cards. It operates at AC 85/265 Volts at 47 to 63 Hertz.


This Allen Bradley drive, Catalog ID 2711P-K7C4D1, is a class operator terminal station that belongs to the Panelview Plus 700 series. It can operate software and hardware that lack integrated control panels. The keypad on the operator terminal 2711P-K7C4D1 is used for data entry and control. With the help of its programmable function keys, the operator terminal 2711P-K7C4D1 may store its most often-used application functions. A 64 MB core module is included with the 2711P-K7C4D1.


The 2711P-K7C4D2 is a terminal with a graphics display that has been designed for the DC power supply. This terminal has a user input keypad that can be used to control it. Besides that, it has two communication ports: Ethernet and RS-232, as well as 2 USB ports and one compact flash card slot for data backup and reliable storage. And the internal memory capacity of the unit is 128 MB.


The 2711P-K7C4D6 is a terminal with a display module, communication, logic control, and storage features. It features a keypad for user input with all the functional, numerical and navigational keys. It has a DC power supply that can handle 18-32 VDC input power and consumes a maximum of 70W power. In addition, this terminal has EtherNet and RS-232 communication interfaces and 2 USB ports, and 1 SD card slot for data backup.


The 2711P-K7C4D7 operator terminal is designed by Allen-Bradley and is a part of the PanelView Plus 700 series. The display panel of this terminal is 6.5 inches in size and has a keypad for input. Its keypad has stainless steel keys and a durable panel that can be used in harsh industrial settings. This unit has a DC power supply for 24V DC nominal (18 to 32V DC) input voltage.


The operator interfaces terminal, Product ID 2711P-K7C6A1, from Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation, is managed via a keypad. It belongs to the 700 series of Allen-Bradley Panelview Plus interface terminals. Users can program many function keys on the 2711P-K7C6A1 controller interface terminal to save their most used or significant application functionality. It runs on an AC voltage between 100 and 240 volts, a frequency between 50 and 60 hertz, and an ambient temperature between 32 and 131 degrees Fahrenheit.


The 2711P-RBK7 is an accessory module made by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It is a replacement bezel for the PanelView Plus terminals 700 to 1500. The replacement bezel is made of plastic and includes a clear overlay with a glass touchscreen. The unit has a 7-inch screen and supports both grayscale and color terminals. Furthermore, because of the clear overlay, it does not disrupt the users' view of the screen.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-RBT7 is a replacement bezel accessory module for the PanelView Plus 700 products, such as operator terminals. This replacement bezel has a sturdy design and an IP65 protection rating, which means it is dustproof. It complies with C-TICK, CCC, and KC standards. This accessory unit has a plastic body and is easy to remove. It does not affect other modules, such as logic and communication on the terminal.


The 2711P-RDT7C display module is an Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 700 display module. It is a product component that be installed in compatible PanelView Plus 700 devices in the field or used to replace a damaged PanelView Plus 700 series terminal's original display module. The 2711P-RDT7C display module is a color display module with a touchscreen. It is not marine-certified or conformal-coated.


The 2711P-RR256 is a 256 MB SODIMM memory module designed and assembled by Allen Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It is compatible with the PanelView Plus 700 to 1500 operator terminals. This accessory equipment provides the functions required to safely store application code and run-time data. This unit has a built as an integrated circuit board. It is a compact dual in-line memory module with measurements of 6.3 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm.


The 2711P-RSACDIN is an Allen-Bradley AC power supply module. It is compatible with terminals in the Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus series and PanelView Plus CE series. The 2711P-RSACDIN power supply has a 120/230V AC-rated ground feature, a 120/230V AC-rated common feature with L2/N connections, and a 120/230V AC-rated power feature with L1 connections. It also has 24V DC connections and 24V common connection features. The 2711P-RSACDIN can power 1 PanelView Plus series or PanelView Plus CE series terminal.


The Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation Panelview Plus 700 interface series includes this operator terminal, Catalog ID 2711P-T7C15A1. Its 6.5-inch wide screen is both a display screen and a touchscreen, and it supports color graphics. Communications over ControlNet are supported by the operator terminal. Its operational voltage range is from 85 - 264 Volts AC, and its memory size is 64 MB. They enable redundant cabling, and scheduled and unscheduled accessibility to controller data.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-T7C15A2 is a terminal used for machine control and as a display module. Because of its powerful logic module, it has memory, storage, and connectivity features. The device has 128 MB of internal and 128 MB of nonvolatile memory. It also has an integrated AC power supply designed for 85 to 264V AC (47 to 63 Hz) input power and a maximum AC power consumption of 160VA (65VA typical).


The 2711P-T7C15A6 is an operator terminal manufactured by Allen-Bradley/ Rockwell Automation. It has a color display and is operated by a touchscreen. This device serves as an interface for user machines and can be used for PLC communication and I/O data transfer, and other applications. It is rated for 85-264 VAC input power and has a maximum power consumption of 160VA. The unit has a ControlNet port and 128 MB of internal storage.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-T7C15A7 touchscreen terminal is manufactured by Rockwell Automation. This module can provide interface to the user machines and can be used to control and monitor industrial equipments. It has an integrated AC power supply. The unit features 2 USB ports for external storage. And it also has 256 MB of nonvolatile memory and 256 MB random access memory. In addition, it has a SD card slot for more storage and data backup.


The Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation operator, Catalog ID 2711P-T7C15D1, is an Allen-Bradley Panelview Plus 700 series touchscreen-only interface terminal. It has a 7-inch touchscreen with color graphics support. The input voltage span for the DC-powered 2711P-T7C15D1 touchscreen terminal is 18 - 32 Volts of Direct Current. It features a ControlNet connection port and supports standard ControlNet networks. The operator terminal Allen Bradley Panelview Plus 700 2711P-T7C15D1, enables users to communicate with their other industrial equipment. There is one 6.5-inch color display on this HMI.


The Allen-Bradley 2711P-T7C15D2 is a terminal from the PanelView Plus 700 product line. It has a 6.5-inch color display and is controlled by a touchscreen. The unit has a DC power supply with ratings of 70 W max (2.9 A @ 24V DC). In addition, it has an optional 128 MB of internal memory, 2 USB ports for external storage, 1 ControlNet port for communication, and two status and fault LED indicators.


The 2711P-T7C15D6 is a DC-powered terminal designed by Allen-Bradley. Users can control it with the touchscreen which is analog resistive. Its screen accept fingerprints, gloves and mildly sharp stylus. And the unit consumes 70W / 2.9A max power at 24V (nominal). It is integrated with a ControlNet interface and 128MB flash and contains 512MB (RAM), and 79 MB free user memory. It has been designed and tested with EMC and EU compliance.


The 2711P-T7C15D7 is a Display Module known as the terminal for the operator interface. It is an Allen Bradley module from the PanelView Plus 700 (product series). The operators can control this device with its touchscreen panel. And it has a DC power supply with an input voltage range of 18 to 32V and a nominal 24 volts at 2.9 Amps. This device has a max power consumption of 70W.


This Allen-Bradley drive, Catalog ID 2711P-T7C4A1, is an industrial operator and a member of the PanelView Plus 700 series. This operator terminal includes an inbuilt 6.5-inch colored LED display with RS232 & Ethernet communication ports and is directly powered by 85 - 264 Volts AC supply voltage (external). The touchscreen input interface is present on this operator terminal. The shipping package weighs about 8 pounds and measures 14 by 11 by 8 inches. EtherNet/IP & RS232 communication interfaces are provided for establishing connections with process controllers.


This Allen Bradley industry terminal, Catalog ID 2711P-T7C4A2, is a touchscreen terminal and part of the Panelview Plus 700 series from Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation. It serves as the user interface for a commercial machine or control system. A touchscreen that also controls the machine to which the interface is linked is utilized to operate the 2711P-T7C4A2 interface terminal. The touchscreen is 7 inches large and supports color graphics. The application downloads the parameters as well.

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