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Allen Bradley - HMI

Plus 6181P

Guía de selección Plus 6181P

Esta guía de selección proporciona una descripción general de las diversas funciones de hardware y software de la computadora industrial Plus 6181P, diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de las aplicaciones industriales. Los clientes pueden elegir entre tres opciones de paquete: Estándar, Rendimiento y Avanzado, que vienen con diferentes especificaciones de hardware, como tipo de procesador, tipo de memoria RAM, medios extraíbles compatibles y conectores externos. El Plus 6181P es un ordenador industrial diseñado para su uso en entornos duros y exigentes. Está construido para tolerar la humedad, las altas temperaturas, los golpes y las vibraciones, lo que lo hace adecuado para los sistemas de control y automatización industrial. El Plus 6181P cuenta con un diseño resistente y duradero que garantiza un funcionamiento confiable y a largo plazo, incluso en los entornos más difíciles. Está diseñado para cumplir con los estándares específicos de la industria, como NEMA e IP, y está certificado para su uso en lugares peligrosos. El Plus 6181P también presenta una gama de funciones que lo convierten en una solución versátil y adaptable para la informática industrial, incluidos procesadores de alto rendimiento, capacidades gráficas avanzadas y una variedad de opciones de conectividad. El 6181P está diseñado para funcionar con pantallas y sin unidades de procesamiento industrial de pantalla. Viene con una pantalla táctil optimizada y una unidad de procesamiento central que puede admitir todos los detalles, desde Microsoft convencional hasta imágenes virtualizadas. La plataforma se creó para complementar los procesadores de 4.ª generación de Intel en estas computadoras mediante la adición de funciones DisplayPort, ranura USB 3.0 e Intel Rapid Startup. Al presentar una amplia gama de modelos, tamaños de monitor y enfoques de montaje, el 6181P se integra con pantallas que cumplen con los requisitos de la industria a la que servimos. Hay versiones con pantalla y sin pantalla disponibles, con tamaños de monitor que van desde (4:3 y 5:4) estándar hasta pantalla (16:9). Los requisitos de NEMA 4X se cumplen con las computadoras con pantalla integral 6181P que tienen biseles de acero, lo que las convierte en una excelente opción para aplicaciones relacionadas con alimentos y bebidas. Estas computadoras admiten una variedad de técnicas de montaje tanto en vistas horizontales como verticales, lo que contribuye a una opción de montaje compacta de "estantería" para modelos sin pantalla. Al ofrecer una variedad de opciones de paquetes, los clientes pueden elegir el que mejor se adapte a sus requisitos específicos en función del uso previsto y las necesidades de rendimiento del producto.

Opciones de paquete

Las opciones del paquete se dividen típicamente en tres niveles:

  • Estándar
  • Actuación
  • Avanzado

Cada opción tiene sus especificaciones de hardware exclusivas, como el tipo de procesador, el volumen de memoria, los medios extraíbles admitidos, los conectores externos y el tipo de ranura de expansión. Esta variedad de opciones de paquetes permite a los clientes seleccionar la que mejor se adapte a sus requisitos específicos en función del uso previsto y las necesidades de rendimiento del producto. Al tener diferentes opciones de paquetes disponibles, los clientes tienen la libertad de elegir la opción que satisfaga sus necesidades únicas en lugar de estar restringidos a una única configuración estándar.


La pantalla integrada de atributos de 6181P es una solución informática versátil adecuada para diversas aplicaciones industriales. Brinda a los usuarios una variedad de opciones de visualización para elegir, incluida una opción sin visualización llamada NDM que se puede personalizar para requisitos específicos. Está disponible en cuatro tamaños de pantalla, que son 12,1 pulgadas (1200P), 15 pulgadas (1500P), 17 pulgadas (1700P) y 19 pulgadas (1900P). Las pantallas 1500P y 1900P vienen en formatos de pantalla panorámica con una relación de aspecto de 16:9, lo que ofrece una mejor visibilidad y soporte para pantallas táctiles PCAP.

Clasificaciones de gabinete

La computadora industrial Plus 6181P está disponible en modelos de pantalla que tienen diferentes clasificaciones de gabinete según las necesidades específicas de la aplicación. Las clasificaciones de los gabinetes están determinadas por estándares de la industria como la "Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes Eléctricos (NEMA)" y la "Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional (IEC)". El paquete de rendimiento del Plus 6181P está clasificado para NEMA tipo 1, 12, 4 e IEC IP66, lo que significa que están diseñados para proteger contra la entrada de polvo, suciedad, aceite y agua. El paquete estándar también tiene las mismas clasificaciones de gabinete que los modelos de rendimiento. El paquete de acero inoxidable tiene clasificaciones de envolvente adicionales de NEMA tipo 4X, lo que significa que están diseñados para proteger contra la corrosión y son adecuados para su uso en entornos hostiles. Es importante tener en cuenta que estas clasificaciones de gabinete son aplicables solo cuando la unidad se coloca con precisión en un plano liso del mismo tipo, como se especifica en las instrucciones de instalación. Al proporcionar una variedad de clasificaciones de gabinetes, la computadora industrial Plus 6181P se puede usar en una variedad de entornos y aplicaciones industriales al tiempo que garantiza un rendimiento confiable y duradero.

  • Característica: Avanzado
    • Temperatura de funcionamiento: 0 - 55 grados centígrados
    • Temperatura de almacenamiento: -20 a +60 grados Celsius
    • Humedad relativa (HR): 10 - 90 % sin condensación al 50 %
    • Choque, en funcionamiento: 15 gramos (11 ms, 1/2 sinusoidal)
    • Choque, almacenamiento: 30 gramos (11 ms, 1/2 sinusoidal)
    • Vibración, en funcionamiento: 0,012 pulg. pp, 10 a 57 Hertz, pico de 2 g (57 a 640 Hertz)
    • Vibración, Almacenamiento: 0,018 pulg. pp, 10 a 57 Hertz, pico de 3 g (57 a 640 Hertz)
    • Altitud, funcionamiento: nivel del mar a 2000 metros
    • Altitud, Almacenamiento: Nivel del mar a 12.192 metros
    • Clasificaciones de gabinete: UL50 Tipo 1, 12 y 4 (solo para uso en interiores); CEI 60529, IP66
  • Característica: Rendimiento
    • Temperatura de funcionamiento: 0 - 55 grados centígrados
    • Temperatura de almacenamiento: -20 - +60 grados Celsius
    • Humedad relativa (HR): 10 - 90 % sin condensación al 50 %
    • Choque, en funcionamiento: 15 gramos (11 ms, 1/2 sinusoidal)
    • Choque, almacenamiento: 30 gramos (11 ms, 1/2 sinusoidal)
    • Vibración, en funcionamiento: 0,012 pulg. pp, 10 a 57 Hertz, pico de 2 g (57 a 640 Hertz)
    • Vibración, Almacenamiento: 0,018 pulg. pp, 10 a 57 Hertz, pico de 3 g (57 a 640 Hertz)
    • Altitud, funcionamiento: nivel del mar a 2000 metros
    • Altitud, Almacenamiento: Nivel del mar a 12.192 metros
    • Clasificaciones de gabinete: • UL50 Tipo 1, 12 y 4 IEC 60529, IP66 (solo para uso en interiores); UL50 Tipo 1, 12, 4 y 4X IEC 60529, IP66 (solo para uso en interiores)
  1. Solo los modelos de pantalla completa tienen tales rangos de temperatura.
  2. La ODD (unidad de disco óptico) se clasifica como un dispositivo de mantenimiento. Evite usar la unidad en situaciones con las vibraciones y los niveles de impacto mencionados. El motor no debe utilizarse a temperaturas superiores a 45 °C.
  3. Esto no se aplica a los dispositivos sin una pantalla almacenada en una estantería.

Conectar periféricos

Al configurar una computadora, es importante conectar los periféricos necesarios, incluidos el teclado y el mouse, para garantizar que la computadora se pueda usar de manera efectiva. Los componentes específicos necesarios para conectar estos periféricos variarán según el modelo de la computadora. Para los modelos Performance y Non-display, los componentes necesarios incluyen un puerto de teclado, un puerto de mouse, un puerto paralelo, un puerto DVI-I, puertos Ethernet, un interruptor de alimentación, una cubierta de ranura PCI riser (según el modelo), un entrada de alimentación (que puede ser CA o CC según el modelo), una ranura para tarjeta CompactFlash Tipo II, un tornillo de conexión a tierra funcional, puertos COM en serie, un conector para micrófono, un conector de entrada de audio, un conector de salida de audio y puertos USB. Por otro lado, para los modelos estándar, los componentes necesarios incluyen un puerto COM serie, interruptor de alimentación, conector de salida de audio, puertos Ethernet, conector de entrada de audio, tornillo de conexión a tierra funcional, entrada de alimentación (que es CC), entrada de alimentación (que es CA ), toma de entrada de micrófono y puertos USB. Es importante seguir las instrucciones del fabricante al conectar periféricos para garantizar un funcionamiento adecuado. Al conectar estos periféricos correctamente, los usuarios pueden disfrutar de una experiencia perfecta mientras usan sus computadoras.

Procesadores disponibles

Las opciones del paquete se ocupan de los distintos niveles de potencia de procesamiento, determinados por el tipo de procesador incluido. El paquete Estándar incluye el procesador Intel Celeron, adecuado para tareas informáticas básicas. El paquete Performance presenta el procesador Intel i3-4102E, que es capaz de manejar aplicaciones más exigentes. Para tareas complejas, el paquete Avanzado viene con el procesador Intel i7-4700EQ, que incorpora el más alto nivel de potencia de procesamiento.

Tipo de RAM

El Plus 6181P utiliza diferentes tipos de RAM, según el modelo y la configuración. Los modelos estándar vienen con memoria DDR2, con una capacidad máxima de memoria de 4 GB (2 GB instalados). Los modelos de rendimiento cuentan con memoria DDR3 con una capacidad de memoria máxima de 16 GB (4 GB instalados). Los modelos avanzados también cuentan con memoria DDR3 pero con una capacidad de memoria máxima superior de 16 GB (8 GB instalados).

Tecnología de pantalla táctil

El Plus 6181P presenta una variedad de alternativas de pantalla táctil que se adaptan a una variedad de necesidades y entornos informáticos industriales. Los modelos 1200P y 1500P cuentan con pantalla táctil resistiva antideslumbrante, mientras que los modelos 1700P y 1900P cuentan con pantalla táctil PCAP. Para uso exterior, el modelo 1900P tiene un toque de revestimiento resistivo antideslumbrante.

Medios de almacenamiento principal

La computadora industrial 6181P otorga dos opciones principales de medios de almacenamiento: una unidad SATA de 2,5 pulgadas y 32 GIGABYTES SLC para aplicaciones de alto rendimiento y una unidad MLC de 2,5 pulgadas y 256 GIGABYTES más grande para una mayor capacidad de almacenamiento a un costo menor. La selección entre las dos opciones depende de las necesidades de almacenamiento y el presupuesto del usuario; las unidades SLC producen un rendimiento más rápido y mejor resistencia, mientras que las unidades MLC ofrecen una solución más asequible.

Aplicar energía

La serie Plus 6181P de computadoras industriales emplea flexibilidad en términos de opciones de energía. Dependiendo del modelo específico, estas computadoras se pueden conectar a una fuente de alimentación de 100-240 voltios CA o 18-32 voltios CC. Este diseño garantiza que las computadoras se puedan usar en varios entornos industriales que pueden tener diferentes sistemas de suministro de energía. Las opciones de fuente de alimentación dual brindan una fuente de energía confiable y eficiente para garantizar el funcionamiento ininterrumpido de las computadoras industriales.


La limpieza de la pantalla, los orificios de ventilación y el disipador de calor, y la eliminación de pintura o grasa, son importantes para el mantenimiento de la computadora. Para limpiar la pantalla, desconecte la fuente de alimentación y use un jabón suave con un paño suave. Tenga cuidado de no usar solventes abrasivos (limpiadores) que puedan dañar la ventana de visualización y evite las duchas de alta presión que también pueden perder las juntas frontales y el bisel. También es importante evitar los productos químicos que resisten los biseles de la computadora 6181P y tener cuidado si la computadora tiene una pantalla táctil para evitar que los objetos de la pantalla se activen cuando se limpia el equipo si la computadora está funcionando.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Plus 6181P

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Plus 6181P usadas en el mundo.


The 6181P-12NPXPH is a VersaView 1200P Display Terminal by Allen Bradley. It features a 12-inch color display with a touchscreen as the primary input method. It also includes two serial ports, one parallel port, and two Ethernet ports for communication purposes. It requires 90-264V AC for input power, has 256 GB of memory, and is powered by an Intel Core Duo U2500 processor. And it is designed for panel mounting.


This Allen Bradley Computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TP2KH, is one cutting-edge operator interface terminal with a 12-inch LED touchscreen display that is specifically made for controlling different industrial processes. The VersaView Allen Bradley Industrial Workstation line includes the integrated display terminal 6181P-12TP2KH. This style of the industrial workstation can be installed in a panel cutout while taking the necessary precautions to ensure the installation's hermeticity. Allen Brandley advises using a panel cutout that is 254.0 millimeters high by 324 millimeters wide (10.0 inches x 12.76 inches).


The computerized features built into this Integrated Display Operator Computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TPXP, can be useful for industrial systems. The 1200 P Versa View, a feature designed for easy maintenance in an otherwise complicated industrial system, is included. One device can manage both the machinery control and user interface. The 6181P-12TPXP computer can perform various tasks, including communication, input and output, file storage, and much more. Its concept and design are similar to several 2-in-1 personal desktop computers.


An industrial computer with a 12-inch integrated display used for control, maintenance, and visual interaction for various industrial applications is this Allen-BradleyVersaView 1200P Integrated Display Computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TPXPDC. The touchscreen color active matrix TFT display on the computer enables visualization and control. It has a display size of 246 mm x 185 mm (9.7 in. x 7.3 in.) and an 800 x 600 resolution with 256K colors. It offers viewing angles of 40° vertically and 60° horizontally, with a typical screen reaction time of 15ms.


A VersaView 1200P Allen Bradley LED display computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TPXPH, comes with a 12.1-inch display, & one touchscreen input that typically responds in 15 ms. The display is an active TFT matrix with 256 Kilo-Bytes colors and an 800 pixel × 600 pixel resolution. An optional resistive anti-glare shield can be installed on the screen. Remember that the display area is 9.7 inches x 7.3 inches in size. The total weight and dimensions of the 6181P-12TPXPH computer are 9.3 kg / 21 pounds and 10.99 inches x 13.75 inches x 6.93 inches.


The VersaView Plus series includes this Allen Bradley display computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TPXPHDC. Both DC power & color graphics are supported. The 6181P-12TPXPHDC display computer uses a DC voltage range of 18 to 32 volts. It has a 12-inch widescreen that supports its color graphics. The 6181P-12TPXPHDC display computer may be carried and stored at temperatures ranging from -4 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and can function between 32 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit.


This Allen Bradley VersaView 1200P Interactive Display Computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TS2KH, is an industrialized workstation and HMI display with a 12-inch touchscreen, 256 MB of RAM, a 40 GB Hard Drive, as well as a Floppy Drive. It also has a Pentium III Celeron microprocessor with 566 MHz processing speed. It is also advised to use forced ventilation systems, container climate control systems, or air conditioning to maintain the display computer's operating temperature range.


This computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TSXP, measures 279 mm x 349 mm x 99 mm and weighs 7.85 kg (17.31 lb) (10.98 x 13.74 x 3.91 in.). Ratings for enclosures include Type 12, 4, 1, NEMA, & IEC IP66 (such ratings are applicable only when this computer is adequately set up on a flat wall surface of a compliant enclosure type). The non-operating temperature range is -20-60 degrees Celsius, whereas the operational temperature range is 0-50 degrees Celsius (31-122 oF) (-4-140 oF). Non-condensing relative humidity ranges from 10 to 90%.


This Allen-Bradley display computer, Catalog ID 6181P-12TSXPH, is part of the VersaView Plus computer series. A resistive touchscreen with an anti-glare cover is available for controlling it. The 12-inch screen of the 6181P-12TSXPH screen computer can accommodate full-color graphics. Additionally, it features a line frequency of 47-63 Hertz, an AC power usage of 150 VA (1.5 A at 100V RMS & 0.63 A at 240V RMS), and auto-ranging voltage levels of 90-264 Volts AC.


The Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation VersaView Plus class display computer, model number 6181P-15NPXPH, is a high-performance industrial computer with a 15-inch color display with graphics capabilities. It also includes a CD-ROM drive, a floppy drive, and a rotating media hard disk for storage. The computer has various ports for connectivity, including 2 USB ports, 1 VGA port, 1 printer port, 3 serial communication ports (COM1, COM2, and COM4), 2 PS/2 ports for a keyboard and mouse, a PCI expansion port and a CompactFlash port.


This industrial computer, Catalog ID 6181P-15NS2KH, is an Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation VersaView industrial workstation. It is a touchscreen industrial computer and visualization interface device specially made for operating and monitoring a machine or a small application. The Allen Bradley VersaView 6181P-15NS2KH Integrated Display Computer, also known as a 15-inch TFT Display Computer, comes with the following standard features out of the box: a Pentium III Celeron 850 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM, a 20 GB rated hard drive, one slim floppy component, and one slim CD-ROM component.


The Allen Bradley 6181P-15NSXPH is a versatile and reliable industrial computer. It is a part of the VersaView 1500P product line. Although it does not have a touchscreen, it still has a range of functions that allows it to connect to and manage industrial processes. The computer is equipped with PS/2 mouse connectors and USB ports that provide a fully functional process controller. Despite the absence of a touchscreen feature, it is a durable workstation that can be used in different industrial settings.


The Allen Bradley 6181P-15TP2KH industrial workstation called the VersaView 1500P Integrated Display Computer was created to serve as the central control for a small application process or machine. The plant's operators may access any variable or mechanism that has previously been programmed into the system by the applications engineers thanks to its 15-inch TFT display and touchscreen. The only maintenance activities allowed are cleaning the device externally, vacuuming the fan filters, and checking the correct connections on the device's bottom.


The 6181P-15TP2KHSS is a product from the Plus 6181P series of Allen-Bradley / Rockwell Automation. It is an integrated display industrial computer with a 15-inch active matrix TFT display and a touchscreen feature. It has a storage temperature range of -20 to 60 degrees Celsius and an operating temperature range of 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. The power requirement for this device is 100 to 240 Volts AC, with a power consumption of 150 VA.


A performance unit from Allen Bradley, Catalog ID 6181P-15TPXP, is an integrated display computer. It is specifically made for different industrial applications. This industrial computer has enclosure ratings of NEMA Type 1, NEMA Type 12, NEMA Type 4, NEMA Type 4X, and IEC IP66, so it may be mounted inside a central control room or close to the application area and operated 24/7 to fulfill the demanding requirements of the industry.


This VersaView integrated display computer from Allen Bradley, Catalog ID 6181P-15TPXPDC, is a performance and advanced series member. It creates a dynamic system with performance and advanced models that provide all-in-one industrial PC alternatives to enable a user to satisfy all industrial application requirements. The VersaView model 6181P-15TPXPDC has advanced features designed to fulfill high demands for integrated computing requirements. With the combination of a multi-touch screen, a powerful processor, remote management capabilities, and changeable parts, these solutions give an application the necessary flexibility.


This industrial display computer from Allen Bradley, Catalog ID 6181P-15TPXPH, has a 15-inch screen. It has been created and manufactured as part of the Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation VersaView Plus line. The input voltage range for this AC-powered device is between 90 and 264 Volts AC. The industrial display computer 6181P-15TPXPH supports color graphics. It can operated in temperatures between 0 and 50 °C and not between -20 and 60 °C.


This Allen Bradley Plus VersaView 1500P integrated LED display computer, Catalog ID 6181P-15TPXPHSS, has a stainless steel bezel and a 15-inch touchscreen for input. A TFT LED screen with 256K color graphics, a resolution of 1024 pixels × 768 pixels, a total display size of 12 by 9 inches, and a mean response time of 15 ms serves as its display. This computer can install a resistive anti-glare screen over the display.


The VersaView 1500P Integrated Display Computer, model number 6181P-15TPXPSS, is a tough industrial computer with an integrated display and a stainless-steel bezel made for usage in a factory setting for the visual interface, management, and upkeep of several automated industrial applications. With a 12 by 9-inch display size and a native resolution of 1024 by 768 inches 16.7M colors, it features a 12.1-inches color active matrix, thin film transistor, and flat touch display screen.


The Allen-Bradley 6181P-15TS2KH is an industrial computer with an integrated display that is a part of the 1500P product line. It features standard performance characteristics and comes equipped with a 15-inch TFT display with resistive touchscreen technology. The computer also includes a slim CD-ROM drive and a slim floppy drive for removable media storage. It has a built-in memory of 256 MB and is powered by an 850 MHz Intel Celeron processor.


This industrial integrated display computer, Catalog ID 6181P/1500P, belongs to the Allen Bradley panel series. It is intended to manage and control high-performance applications in industrial settings. The 6181P-15TSXP is an ideal 15-inch TFT touchscreen model for complicated HMI applications requiring integrated displays. Its industrial quality components have been carefully selected to ensure reliable functioning in even the most difficult circumstances. This gadget uses resistive touchscreen technology, which enables users to use the module even while donning gloves.


The operating shock for the 6181P-15TSXPH is 15G, & the non-operating rating for shock is 30G, both at 12 sines and 11 ms. Additionally, it vibrates at the same frequency rating of 10-500 Hertz while operating at 1 G peak and 2 G peak, respectively. The 6181P-15TSXPH computer has an Alternate Current power consumption of 150 VA and a 90-264 Volts alternate current rating. Its auto-ranging input voltage is rated at 47-63 Hertz (1.5 Amperes at 100 Volts RMS, 0.63 Amperes at 240 Volts RMS).


The 6181P-17NP2KH is a 1700P series industrial computer from Allen Bradley that features an integrated display. This industrial computer is a compact device for industrial use. The computer's Active Matrix Color TFT digital display measures 17 inches, with a 13.3 x 10.7-inch display area, and offers an enhanced user experience. The computer has a compact and robust design, with measurements of 14.02 x 17.8 x 4.32 inches and a weight of 12.6 kg.


This computer, Catalog ID 6181P-17NPXP, has dimensions of 14.01 inches x 17.8 inches x 3.94 inches and a weight of 27.78 lbs. Its unique features include SLC and MLC solid-state drive options and hyper-threading capabilities that enhance the computer's multitasking performance when it employs the 4th generation Intel Core i-series 64-bit processor. In addition to the touchscreen, the 6181P-17NPXP uses LED indicators to display information. The computer also has a stainless steel bezel.


The Allen Bradley 6181P-17NPXPH is a member of the VersaView Plus family. It is an industrial computer with a 17-inch color display screen with graphics capabilities. It has a capacitive anti-glare touchscreen that allows for easy control and operation. Additionally, it features NEMA Type 1, 12, 4, and IP 66 enclosure ratings, providing protection against dust, water, and other environmental factors.


An integrated display computer specifically made for industrial applications is this Allen-Bradley industrial computer, Catalog ID 6181P-17TP2KH. The computer model 6181P-17TP2KH has a 17-inch touchscreen display. It is a member of Allen-1700P Bradley's family of industrial computers. Mercury is present in the 6181P-17TP2KH computer's backlight assembly. The equipment should be collected separately from unsorted rubbish at the end of its operational life due to the mercury it contains. The 6181P-17TP2KH computer requires a cutout that is 12.97 x 16.69 inches in size.


A 1.2 GHz Intel Core Duo U2500 processor with a 2M L2 cache running at 533 MHz and 9 Watts of power makes up this processor, Catalog ID 6181P-17TPXP. There are also dual-channel DDR2 memory slots (2 DIMM slots enabling a maximum of 4 GB). 4 GB of memory is already installed on the machine. There is 1 PCI extension slot (which may be upgraded to 2 PCI slots or 1 PCI + 1 PCI Express) and 2 CompactFlash II slots, one of which can be used for booting and the other for hot-swapping.


This Allen Bradley drive, Catalog ID 6181P-17TPXPDC, is an industrial integrated display computer. This machine belongs to the VersaView series. 100GB 2.5-inch storage, and 4GB dual channel DDR2 RAM come with it. It contains two serial ports, one PS/2 mouse port, one PS/2 keyboard port, a parallel port, five USB 2.0 ports (four rear and one front, except for models without displays), two gigabit LAN ports, a DVI-I port, audio line in/out, and one microphone. The 6181P-17TPXPDC weighs 12.6 kilograms and has dimensions of 356 millimeters x 452 millimeters x 100 millimeters (14.01 x 17.80 x 3.94 in). (27.78 pounds).


The 17-inch color screen of this computer, Catalog ID 6181P-17TPXPH, offers color graphics. It belongs to the VersaView Plus line of display computers made by Allen Bradley. The 6181P-17TPXPH screen computer offers several ports and a small floppy drive. An Intel Core Duo U2500 processor is included with the 6181P-17TPXPH display computer. This computer's auto-ranging input power ranges from 90 to 264 Volts AC, and the line frequency is between 47 and 63 Hz.


The Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation 6181P-17TPXPHSS display panel is 17 inches long, and the bezel is composed of stainless steel. The screen of the 6181P-17TPXPHSS display computer is 17 inches large. There is 4 GB of RAM included. The touchscreen and mouse ports of the 6181P-17TPXPHSS display computer allow for touchscreen operation. This computer also has one PCI slot, which may be extended to two or two, plus a PCI Express slot.


Several connection options are available on this Allen Bradley drive, Catalog ID 6181P-17TPXPSS, including two Ethernet ports, one parallel port, and two serial ports. Adding two PCI slots or one PCI slot and one PCI Express slot to the built-in half-length PCI is possible. The Intel Core Duo processor of the Allen Bradley 6181P-17TPXPSS operates at 1.2 GHz to ensure smooth operation. Meanwhile, the 4 GB DDR2 (dual-channel) RAM increases processing efficiency even further.


Part of the 1700P product family, this Allen Bradley industrial operator computer, Catalog ID 6181P-17TS2KH, comes with a 17-inch monitor. The operating features of the 6181P-17TS2KH industrial computer are standard and flexible. The 1200P & 1500P family computers, which have 12-inch & 15-inch LED displays, are also made by Allen Bradley. The 6181P-17TS2KH Allen Bradley industrial operator computer, comes with a touchscreen. Active-Matrix Color TFT technology is used for the display.


Allen-Bradley produces the 6181P-17TSXP screen computer as part of their VersaView Plus screen computer series. These computers are simple to connect to and may be used to control the device, whether it be with a touchscreen, mouse, or keyboard. Additionally, the 6181P-17TSXP screen computer features several connectivity interfaces. It has a 17-inch broad screen with colored graphics. The operating temperature range for the 6181P-17TSXP display processor is 0 to 50 degrees Celsius.


This Allen Bradley 1500P series integrated display, Catalog ID 6181P-17TSXPH, comes with one 17-inch hardy industrial touch monitor and offers high-performance processing capabilities for control, a visual interface, and maintenance of numerous information applications. An active matrix flat panel display with a display area of 246 mm × 185 mm (9.7 in. x 7.3 in.) and a default resolution rated at 1280 pixels x 1024 pixels in 16.7M colors is provided by the computer. Additionally, the computer provides 60- and 40 degrees angular views, with a 15 ms maximum screen response time.


The VersaView Plus line of display terminals includes the Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation 6181P-12A2SW71AC terminal. It has a 12-inch resistive touchscreen. The 6181P-12A2SW71AC LCD terminal shows data with graphics in full color. The touch commands that involve two simultaneous touches are supported by the 6181P-12A2SW71AC display terminal, which can be installed on a panel. An alphanumeric keypad & function keys are completely equipped in every component, allowing operators to interact with the system.


The Allen Bradley 6181P-15A2SW71AC is an industrial computer from the VersaView Plus line. It has a 15-inch color display and can show color graphics. It is designed to be powered by an AC supply with an operational voltage range of 120-240 Volts AC at 47-63 Hz. It is built to function securely in dry conditions and can withstand temperatures of 0 to 55 degrees Celsius. The device features a resistive touchscreen, making it simple to use.


This Allen Bradley Direct Current terminal, Catalog ID 6181P-15B3SW71DC from the VersaView 1500P product series, is an integrated display industrial computer that combines cutting-edge Intel technology with durable hardware for improved industrial application. The gadget weighs 23.8 pounds and is panel-mountable (10.7 kilograms). 11.18 inches (283.9 millimeters) in length, 17.6 inches (447.04 millimeters), and 4.19 inches (106.4 millimeters) in width and depth make up the 6181P-15B3SW71DC. The computer has an aluminum 16:9 bezel, a multi-touch touchscreen PCAP input, and one 15-inch color LED display.


An Allen-Bradley 1500P series computer, Catalog ID 6181P-15TSXPHX, is created for industrial automation applications. The display is made with Active Matrix Color TFT technology. The touchscreen has anti-glare resistive technology. The display supports 256 K colors and has a native resolution of 1024 × 768. The 6181P-15TSXPHX industrial computer has two USB ports, two printer ports, an Ethernet connector (RJ45), three serial connections, and a PS/2 port for a keyboard or mouse among its communication ports.


A performance model, Catalog ID 6181P-15TPW7DC, the 1500P computer comes with a 1.2 GHz Intel Core Duo U2500 processor, 2 MB of L2 cache memory, and a 9-watt TDP (Thermal Design Power). A PCI expansion slot is on the board (upgradeable to 2 PCI). The computer has 4 GB of installed system memory and a 2.5-inch SATA rotational hard disk with a 100GB storage capacity as its storage drive. Additionally, the performance variant has 2 (two) slots for Compact Flash Type II memory. A Slim DVD-RW/CD-RW Optical Disk unit is also included with the 6168P Integrated Display computer.


This Allen Bradley Alternate Current drive, Catalog ID 6181P-15A2HW71AC, is an industrial computer with an integrated display that runs on 6181P Alternate Current power and includes a 15-inch resistive touchscreen display with single-touch functionality. This computer contains an Intel i3-4120E processor with two cores, a 1.6 Giga-Hertz bus speed (hyperthreading), and 100 Giga-Bytes of onboard storage that can be increased by inserting an external CompactFlash card into the non-bootable CompactFlash Type II slot.


This Allen Bradley drive, Catalog ID 6181P-12A2HW71AC, is a performance model industrial computer with an integrated display and a touchscreen. This 12.1-inch resistive display can only accept single-touch inputs and is resistive. The Allen Bradley 6181P-12A2HW71AC computer's front panel also contains LED status indicators that provide diagnostic data to users. It also has a user interface button that serves as a shortcut key to the computer's BIOS for quicker settings.


This Allen Bradley panel-mounted input terminal, Catalog ID 6181P-15A2HW71DC, a member of the VersaView 1000 product line series, is made to make it the process of carrying out basic information applications easy and simple. Users can also use a universal device to regularly maintain, operate, and interface with the mechanical systems. Modules like the 6181P-15A2HW71DC are available in sizes ranging from 6.5 inches to 15 inches. Additionally, they have a wide range of processing power.


The VersaView Plus product line from Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation includes this display computer, Catalog ID 6181P-19B3HW71AC. Its capacitive projective touchscreen allows for control and boasts a 19-inch display screen. The auto-ranging operational voltage range of the 6181P-19B3HW71AC LCD computer is between 50 and 60 Hertz and 100 to 240 Volts AC. It has a 100 GB hard disk memory capacity. The 6181P-19B3HW71AC LCD computer can function between 32 and 122 °F and be stored between -4 and 140 °F.


The VersaView Plus class industrial display computer, model 6181P-15TPW7 from Allen Bradley/Rockwell Automation, is an operator computer. A touchscreen may be supported for control. The 15-inch screen of the 6181P-15TPW7 computer has full-color graphics. Its rated frequency ranges from 47 to 63 Hertz, and its rated AC input power ranges from 100 to 240 Volts AC. The Allen Bradley 6181P-15TPW7 LCD computer features 256 GB of RAM and two Ethernet connectors.


This drive, Catalog ID 6181P-17TPW7DC, is an industrial integrated display computer. This device belongs to the VersaView Performance series. It has a 100 GB 2.5-inch SATA disk, an Intel Core i3-4102E processor, and 4 GB dual channel DDR2 RAM. It contains two serial ports, one PS/2 mouse port, one PS/2 keyboard port, one parallel port, five USB 2.0 ports (four rear and one front, except for models without displays), two gigabit LAN ports, a DVI-I port, audio line in/out, & a microphone.


The Allen-Bradley VersaView Plus 1700P series E integrated industrial display computer, Catalog ID 6181P-17TPW7SS, includes a touchscreen display with a typical reaction time of 15 ms. This computer's performance package includes a resistive anti-glare touchscreen option and a 17-inch active matrix color thin film transistor (TFT) display with 16.7M colors. Its 13.3 x 10.7-inch display has a native resolution of 1280 pixels x 1024 pixels. This display may be viewed at up to 60 degrees horizontally and 40 degrees vertically.


Similar to all VersaView operator computers, this computer, Catalog ID 6181P-15TP2KHX, can be used as an operator interface in different machine applications to monitor & control machine processes by showing the vital data required for their repair, maintenance, & starting. Basic production data can also be gathered and displayed across the manufacturing floor using the 6181P-15TP2KHX Computer. High computational power is provided in the 6181P-15TP2KHX Computer as a performance model for high-performance applications. It has an LCD screen with a 15-inch diagonal and a resistive touchscreen.

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