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Allen Bradley - PLC

Point I/O 1734

La familia 1734 POINT I/O de Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation proporciona dispositivos de E/S modulares flexibles y de bajo costo que se utilizan en una variedad de aplicaciones, como paneles de control de dispositivos locales y remotos. Los módulos 1734 POINT I/O consisten principalmente en unidades base de terminales para cableado, terminaciones de señal, alimentación de backplane y módulos de distribución de alimentación para opciones de expansión, entre otras cosas. Cada módulo está equipado con 1 a 8 puntos y admite varios tipos de E/S, como E/S digitales, analógicas, CA/CC, termopar, RTD y especiales. Estos módulos se alimentan a través de una fuente de alimentación externa a través del backplane y se pueden ampliar para incluir hasta 63 módulos de E/S o 504 canales. Tienen una fuente de alimentación incorporada para la conversión de entrada de 24 a 5 V CC para los adaptadores de red. Los adaptadores de red admiten de 13 a 17 módulos de E/S, con una potencia de campo máxima de 10 amperios. Estos módulos admiten adaptadores ControlNet, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP y Profibus. Los módulos POINT I/O se pueden montar en un riel DIN y tienen la especificación ambiental Clase I, División 2/Zona 2. Los productos 1734 POINT I/O se pueden usar en varias aplicaciones y forman una parte esencial de la arquitectura integrada de Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation. Estos productos son estandarizados y fáciles de usar y, por lo tanto, reducen los costos de ingeniería. Las características y los beneficios adicionales incluyen múltiples opciones de terminación, diagnósticos a nivel de canal que permiten una solución rápida de problemas y ensamblaje combinado de E/S de seguridad en un solo bus. Estas características brindan flexibilidad de operación y manejo, lo que resulta en menores costos, utilización del espacio y reducción del tiempo de instalación y resolución de problemas.

Collage of images depicting Point I/O 1734 units

Guía de selección de POINT I/O 1734

En los controles de procesos industriales, ciertas aplicaciones se benefician de tener dispositivos de campo como sensores y pulsadores cableados en distancias cortas a los nodos de E/S locales, en lugar de cablear largas distancias de regreso a un PLC central. Estos nodos de E/S distribuidas sirven como interfaz entre los dispositivos de campo individuales y la red de control separada (generalmente con protocolos Ethernet/IP o ControlNet) y brindan los beneficios de un costo de instalación reducido, menos bastidores de PLC completos y funciones de diagnóstico mejoradas ubicadas cerca del dispositivos de campo. Varios fabricantes de automatización ofrecen este tipo de productos de E/S distribuidas, aunque la familia POINT I/O de Rockwell Automation se destaca entre la multitud como una solución de primer nivel para aplicaciones pequeñas y grandes. Siga leyendo para conocer en profundidad la familia de hardware de cableado modular POINT I/O, sus características y su función dentro del ecosistema de arquitectura integrada de Rockwell.

Descripción general de la familia POINT I/O

Puede parecer que las complejidades del control de procesos moderno se extienden en todas las direcciones, no solo en términos de los procesos que se controlan, sino en las tecnologías en constante evolución que proporcionan este control, para empezar. El enfoque de Rockwell Automation para simplificar las soluciones de control es su metodología de arquitectura integrada, que describen como un "sistema de información y control de producción permitido por tecnologías de control, red, visualización e información totalmente integradas". La mejor forma en que podemos traducir claramente esta descripción es decir que la Arquitectura Integrada de Rockwell es el paraguas de los controladores, interfaces de operador, computadoras industriales, medios de red, dispositivos de control de movimiento y motor, dispositivos de E/S, dispositivos de seguridad, herramientas de visualización y sistemas de control distribuido que comparten un entorno de programación. Todo este ecosistema es completamente compatible, basado en una tecnología de red común en todo el hardware, las aplicaciones y las operaciones de proceso, en toda la planta.

Como miembro de la cartera de Arquitectura Integrada, Rockwell Automation / Allen-Bradley's Bulletin ##1734 POINT I/O es una familia de hardware de conectividad de E/S modular que sirve para conectar dispositivos de campo a un sistema de Arquitectura Integrada. Puede tratarse de una sola máquina con un PLC y un rack POINT I/O en el mismo gabinete, o hasta varios PLC y varios racks POINT I/O distribuidos en una planta grande con comunicación Ethernet/IP interconectada.

Más allá de simplemente ofrecer una solución de cableado distribuido para dispositivos de campo, POINT I/O tiene una variedad de funciones adicionales destinadas a estandarizar y acelerar la implementación, reducir los costos de ingeniería y mejorar la confiabilidad del sistema. Nos sumergiremos en estos beneficios en la siguiente sección.

Características del sistema POINT I/O

La familia POINT I/O de Rockwell Automation se comercializa con los siguientes beneficios clave:

  • Flexibilidad
    • Conectividad a ControlNet, DeviceNet, Ethernet/IP y otras redes abiertas
    • Topología de red Ethernet/IP lineal, en estrella y en anillo
    • Compatible con la tecnología IO-Link
    • Conexiones individuales, de rack y de ensamblaje
    • Montaje horizontal o vertical sin reducción de potencia
    • E/S segura y estándar en el mismo chasis
  • Ahorro de costes
    • El diseño modular requiere menos espacio en el gabinete
    • Hasta 504 canales en una única interfaz de red
    • Las terminaciones extraíbles aceleran la puesta en marcha
    • Remove and Insert Under Power (RIUP) reduce el tiempo de mantenimiento
    • Control autónomo local
  • Facilidad de uso
    • Configuración e integración rápidas y sencillas
    • Diagnósticos a nivel de canal
  • Rendimiento más rápido
    • Múltiples tipos de conexión
    • Tiempo de detección para actuar de menos de 2 milisegundos

Los beneficios anteriores son ciertamente impresionantes para el hardware de conectividad de E/S, pero ¿ofrece la familia suficientes opciones de E/S para que valga la pena invertir en POINT I/O? Decimos que sí: los módulos POINT I/O abarcan prácticamente todos los tipos de E/S necesarios en un proyecto de control de procesos, incluidos:

  • Módulos de E/S digitales Boletín ##1734
  • Módulos de E/S analógicas Boletín n.º 1734
  • Boletín n.º 1734 Módulos de E/S especiales
  • Boletín ##1734 sistemas de cableado
  • Boletín ##1734 adaptadores de comunicación de red
  • Boletín n.º 1734 Módulos de seguridad POINT Guard I/O

Al extraer funciones adicionales del ecosistema de Arquitectura Integrada más amplio, POINT I/O también proporciona diagnósticos completos a nivel de canal, como detección de cortocircuitos y cortes de cables, así como funciones configurables, como filtros y alarmas configurables por el usuario.

Point I/O es la única solución de E/S modular con clasificación IP20 que cumple con los requisitos de ODVA para arquitecturas Ethernet/IP lineales, en estrella y en anillo, lo que proporciona una mayor confiabilidad y disponibilidad del sistema. (Consulte a continuación para obtener más información sobre las opciones de red en anillo).

Por último, POINT I/O ofrece un módulo maestro IO-Link, que permite conectar hasta (4) dispositivos IO-Link a cada bastidor POINT I/O. IO-Link es la primera tecnología utilizada para la conexión directa a sensores y actuadores que se adoptará como estándar IEC 61131-9.

Detalles de selección de Key POINT I/O

El sistema POINT I/O tiene cuatro componentes principales, como se describe en la Guía de selección de módulos POINT I/O de Rockwell, número de documento 1734-SG001G-EN-P, con fecha de septiembre de 2019:

  • Los módulos de E/S proporcionan la interfaz de campo y los circuitos de interfaz del sistema
  • Los módulos de interfaz de comunicación proporcionan el circuito de interfaz de red.
  • Las unidades de base de terminales proporcionan el cableado y la terminación de señal para las conexiones del lado del campo y la alimentación del sistema para el backplane
  • Los módulos de distribución de energía brindan la capacidad de expansión del sistema POINT I/O y la flexibilidad para mezclar una variedad de tipos de señales

Más allá, los módulos POINT I/O ofrecen entre 1 y 8 puntos cada uno, de los cuales podemos tener entre 13 a 17 módulos I/O por interfaz de comunicación (adaptador de red). Los módulos extraen energía de la interfaz de comunicación a través del backplane, para un máximo de consumo de energía de campo de 10 A por rack. Alternativamente, usando una fuente de alimentación externa opcional, estos conteos pueden expandirse a un máximo de 63 módulos de E/S o 504 canales. Los módulos están disponibles como diseños de terminales extraíbles o diseños de bases de terminales/abrazadera de resorte de una pieza.

Los adaptadores de red están disponibles en varios protocolos de arquitectura de red abierta, incluidos ControlNet, DeviceNet, Ethernet/IP y Profibus. Cada uno de estos protocolos utiliza el Protocolo industrial común (CIP), que comparte un lenguaje común y un conjunto universal de servicios de comunicación, una característica homónima del enfoque de arquitectura integrada de Rockwell. Una característica única de POINT I/O es su capacidad para mezclar tipos de E/S estándar y con clasificación de seguridad en el mismo rack, cada uno con sus respectivos servicios de configuración, monitoreo y diagnóstico completamente disponibles.

  • La red Ethernet/IP es un estándar abierto de redes industriales que admite mensajes implícitos y explícitos y utiliza medios físicos y equipos Ethernet comerciales listos para usar.
  • La red ControlNet permite que los dispositivos de control inteligentes de alta velocidad compartan la información necesaria para el control de supervisión, la coordinación de las celdas de trabajo, la interfaz del operador, la configuración de dispositivos remotos, la programación y la resolución de problemas.
  • La red DeviceNet ofrece acceso de alta velocidad y bajo costo a los datos de la planta desde una amplia gama de dispositivos de la planta y una reducción significativa en el cableado.

Para ayudar a imaginar cómo se instala POINT I/O en una red, podemos ver en el siguiente gráfico que un rack POINT I/O está conectado a través de Ethernet/IP (o cualquiera de los otros protocolos) lejos de nuestros racks PLC/PAC. POINT I/O siempre debe instalarse en un gabinete, pero es igualmente útil instalar POINT I/O en el gabinete del PLC para el cableado centralizado que instalarlo en un gabinete remoto para el cableado cerca de los dispositivos de campo.

Para hablar un poco más sobre la topología de red en anillo disponible, POINT I/O es totalmente compatible con la configuración de anillo a nivel de dispositivo (DLR). DLR es un protocolo Ethernet/IP definido por la Asociación de proveedores de Open DeviceNet (ODVA), que proporciona un medio para detectar, administrar y recuperarse de fallas únicas en redes basadas en anillo. Las redes en anillo son configuraciones avanzadas que conectan dos cables Ethernet en un dispositivo de control dado, creando dos rutas para la transferencia de datos que ayudan a aislar contra la falla de un solo nodo en la red (que es un riesgo inherente en las topologías de red de una sola rama comúnmente seleccionadas debido a para abaratar costes).

Selección Completa

A veces, ver la gama completa de opciones en una familia de hardware es la única forma de absorber las verdaderas capacidades y beneficios disponibles con esa tecnología. Cerraremos nuestro artículo publicando la lista completa de módulos POINT I/O y accesorios a continuación. Tenga en cuenta algunas opciones disponibles que podrían sorprenderlo en una plataforma de solo rack de E/S, que incluyen:

  • En Productos especiales, los módulos 'VHSC' son 'Contadores de muy alta velocidad', clasificados hasta 500 kHz
  • Entradas y salidas de relé nominales de 220 VCA
  • E/S discreta autoconfigurable
  • Módulos de compensación de unión fría para usar con termopares
  • Módulos de reserva de direcciones (1734-ARM) para reservar direcciones y números de ranura, manteniendo esquemas de numeración al reemplazar o espaciar módulos de señal

La lista completa de módulos POINT I/O y accesorios se puede ver a continuación.

  • Productos adaptadores
    • 1734-AENT, 1734-AENTR, 1734-ACNR, 1734-ADN, 1734-ADNX, 1734-APB
  • Productos de salida digital
    • 1734-OB8, 1734-OB8E, 1734-OB4, 1734-OB4E, 1734-OB2, 1734-OB2E, 1734-OB2EP, 1734-OV8E, 1734-OV4E, 1734-OV2E
  • Productos de E/S autoconfigurables
    • 1734-8CFG, 1734-8CFGDLX
  • Productos de entrada digital
    • 1734-IB8, 1734-IB4, 1734-IB4D, 1734-IB2, 1734-IV8, 1734-IV4, 1734-IV2
  • Productos analógicos
    • 1734-IE2C, 1734-IE4C, 1734-IE8C, 1734-IE2V, 1734-OE2C, 1734-OE2V, 1734-OE4C, 1734-IR2, 1734-IR2E, 1734-IT2I
  • Productos de CA y relés
    • 1734-OW2, 1734-OW4, 1734-OX2, 1734-IA2, 1734-IA4, 1734-IM2, 1734-IM4, 1734-OA2, 1734-OA4
  • Productos especiales
    • 1734-4IOL, 1734-232ASC, 1734-485ASC, 1734-VHSC24, 1734-VHSC5, 1734-IK, 1734-IJ, 1734-SSI, 1734-ARM, 1734-CTM, 1734-VTM
  • Productos de fuente de alimentación
    • 1734-EP24DC, 1734-EPAC, 1734-FPD, 1734-PDN
  • Bases de terminales y accesorios
    • 1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TB3, 1734-TB3S, 1734-TBCJC, 1734-TOP, 1734-TOPS, 1734-TOP3, 1734-TOP3S, 1734-EXT1, 1734-EXT3

Explore nuestra selección de unidades Point I/O 1734

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades Point I/O 1734 de segunda mano en el mundo.


Catalog number 1734-232ASC is a POINT I/O RS-232 ASCII module manufactured by Allen Bradley. This unit has one full-duplex input. It requires an external DC power supply voltage of 24 volts DC (nominal) to operate, in addition to an external DC power supply voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC. The POINTBus current of the 1734-232ASC is rated as 75 milliamperes maximum at 5 volts DC. The approximate weight of this module is 28 grams, and the dimensions measure approximately 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm.


The 1734-485ASC ASCII module is a product of Allen Bradley and belongs to the POINT I/O product line. The 1734-485ASC connects to the RS-485 network, as well as the RS-422 network. This module has one (1) full-duplex input. The Pointbus current rating of this device is 75 milliamperes at 5 volts DC. The dimension of this product measure approximately 56 inches x 12 inches x 75.5 inches (height x width x depth).


A 24 VDC digital I/O module, the 1734-8CFG comes with eight configurable points. The maximum POINTBus current of this device is 100 milliamperes at 5 volts DC. It has a 50-volt (continuous) isolation voltage. The dimensions of this module measure 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm.


A POINT I/O module, the Allen-Bradley 1734-8CFGDLX supports a 24-volt direct current (DC) voltage. It is suitable for use as a basic input/output module that can aid in interfacing controllers and field signaling devices, as well as other control elements. This device has a 50-volt (continuous) isolation voltage. The dimensions of the 1734-8CFGDLX measure 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm.


The Allen Bradley 1734-ACNR is a ControlNet adapter module from the POINT I/O line of products. It has an input voltage of 24 VDC and an inrush current of 6 amperes for a 10-millisecond duration. This unit has a 24-volt DC field side power requirement at 425 milliamperes maximum. The 1734-ACNR has a PointBus output current of 1-ampere maximum at 5 volts DC. The product dimensions of the 1734-ACNR are 76.2 millimeters x 54.9 millimeters x 133.4 millimeters.


The 1734-AND by Allen Bradley is a POINT I/O DeviceNet adapter module. The module allows for control and communication with I/O modules via the DeviceNet link. This unit has a communication rate of 125K bit/s (500m max), 250K bit/s (250m max), and 500K bit/s (100m max). The 1734-ADN can power a maximum of 63 modules, and it has a maximum of 504 I/O points. This module’s input voltage ranges from 10 volts DC to 28.8 volts DC. Additionally, its POINTBus current rating is 1000 milliamperes.


The Allen Bradley 1734-ADNX POINT I/O DeviceNet adapter connects to and controls POINT I/O modules on the DeviceNet network. The DeviceNet communication rates of this module include 125K bit/s, 250K bit/s, and 500K bit/s. The DeviceNet current of the 1734-ADNX is 30 milliamperes. The input voltage rating required to power this device is 24 volts DC (nominal), in addition to a voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC.


Designed and produced by Allen Bradley, catalog number 1734-AENT is an Ethernet I/P adapter module belonging to the POINT I/O line of products. This device supports up to 63 I/O modules. It has a total of six (6) status indicators. The 1734-AENT consumes a max of 4.5 watts at 28.8 volts DC. It also dissipates a max of 15.5 watts at 28.8 volts DC. The isolation voltage of the 1734-AENT is rated at 50 volts (continuous). This adapter module has physical dimensions that measure approximately 76.2 millimeters x 54.9 millimeters x 133.4 millimeters.


Part number 1734-AENTR from Allen Bradley is a POINT I/O dual-port Ethernet/IP adapter. The input voltage rating of this device is 24 volts DC nominal. Additionally, the input voltage of this unit should range from 10 to 28.8 volts direct current (DC). Furthermore, the 1734-AENTR has a maximum inrush current of 6 amperes for a duration of 10 milliseconds. This adapter is equipped with seven (7) status LED indicators.


Part number 1734-APB is an Allen Bradley PROFIBUS adapter module. This device is part of the POINT I/O series of products. This unit has an input voltage rating of 24 volts DC nominal, along with an input voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC. The 1734-APB has a maximum inrush current rated at 6 amperes for 10 milliseconds. It has a 1250-volt RMS isolation voltage. The physical dimensions of this product measure 3.0 inches x 2.16 inches x 5.25 inches.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-ARM is an address reserve module that preserves the numbering schemes of purchased I/O modules by reserving the modules' addresses and slot numbers. It is a digital and analog module from the POINT I/O product family. The structure and address of non-parameterized signal modules are replaced and retained by a signal module. This module does not communicate I/O data without module configuration.


The Allen Bradley 1734-CTM POINT I/O common terminal module expands the termination capability of a POINT I/O module. The field power bus supply voltage ranges from 10 to 28.8 VDC or 120/240 VAC. Additionally, the output current of the field power bus is rated at 2 amperes per point or a maximum of 4 amperes for the module. The 1734-CTM has dimensions measuring 56 millimeters x 12 millimeters x 75.5 millimeters.


Manufactured by Allen-Bradley, catalog number 1734-EP24DC is an expansion power supply belonging to the POINT I/O product line. This device has a 24-volt DC nominal input voltage rating. In addition, the input voltage range of the 1734-EP24DC is 10 - 28.8 volts DC. This product has a maximum inrush current of 6 amperes for a 10-millisecond duration. The 1734-EP24DC has a maximum power consumption of 9.8 watts at 28.8 volts DC, in addition to a maximum power dissipation of 3.0 watts at 28.8 volts DC. The dimensions of this expansion power supply approximately measure 76.2 mm x 25.4 mm x 133.4 mm.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-EPAC is a POINT I/O 120 to 240 VDC expansion power supply that sends field power to I/O modules. It is also used to separate field power, logically and functionally partition input and output modules, and group modules according to a specific function or task. This power supply can accommodate between 4 and 17 I/O modules.


The 1734-FPD from Allen Bradley is a field potential distributor module. This module is part of the POINT I/O series of products. This product has an input voltage rating of 12/24 volts DC or 120/240 volts AC, along with an input voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC. Additionally, the maximum input current of the 1734-FPD is 10 amperes. This device has a pass-through POINTBus current. The approximate dimensions of this module measure 76.2 mm x 25.4 mm x 133.4 mm. The 1734-FPD is not equipped with an enclosure.


A 120-volt alternating current (AC) POINT I/O module, the 1734-IA2 is part of the 1734 product group. It has two non-isolated, sinking input points. ControlNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are among the networks that are supported. It is an open-style DIN-mounted module. The dimensions of this product measure 56.0 mm x 12.0 mm x 75.5 mm.


Catalog number 1734-IA4 is an AC input module. This unit was manufactured by Allen-Bradley, and it belongs to the POINT I/O product series. This unit has four (4) non-isolated sinking inputs. The on-state voltage range of this device is 65 VAC to 132 VAC, with a nominal on-state voltage of 120 VAC. The nominal input impedance of this device is rated as 10.6 kilo-ohms. This module can be mounted via the use of a DIN rail. The dimensions of this module approximately measure 56 millimeters x 12 millimeters x 75.5 millimeters. Additionally, the approximate weight of the 1734-IA4 is 30.9 grams.


Part number 1734-IB2 is an input module from the POINT I/O product series. It was designed and produced by Allen Bradley. This module has two (2) sinking inputs. The on-state voltage of the 1734-IB2 ranges from 10 to 28.8 VDC with a nominal voltage of 24 VDC. The approximate weight of the 1734-IB2 is 30.9 grams.


The Allen Bradley 1734-IB4 is a POINT I/O input module with four sinking input channels. The on-state voltage of this device ranges from 10 - 28.8 volts DC, while the on-state current ranges from 2 - 5 milliamperes. The 1734-IB4 has a maximum input impedance rated at 4.7 kilo-ohms. This module is equipped with four yellow indicators located on the logic side. The 1734-IB4's weight is approximately31.8 grams.


Product number 1734-IB4D is a discrete input module from Allen Bradley. This unit is a part of the POINT I/O product line. This device has a nominal supply voltage rating of 24 volts DC, in addition to a voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC. The POINTBus current rating of the 1734-IB4D is 50 milliamperes max at 5 volts DC. It has dimensions that measure approximately 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm (height x width x depth).


Catalog number 1734-IB8 is an input module belonging to the POINT I/O series of products. This input module has eight (8) sinking input channels. The on-state voltage range of this device is 10 to 28.8 volts DC with a nominal on-state voltage of 24 volts DC. Additionally, the on-state current range of the 1734-IB8 is 2 to 5 milliamperes with a nominal on-state current of 4 milliamperes at 24 volts DC. This input module has a rated power dissipation of 1.6 watts max at 28.8 volts DC, as well as a rated thermal dissipation of 5.5 BTU/hr max at 28.8 volts DC.


Catalog number 1734-IB8S is a POINT I/O Guard I/O safety module. This module from Allen Bradley comes in a Series A version and a Series B version. The 1734-IB8S has a total of eight (8) current-sinking input channels and four (4) current sourcing output channels. The on-state input voltage of this device ranges from 11 to 30 volts DC at 3.5 milliamperes. This safety module has an approximate weight of 62.4 grams. Additionally, the physical dimensions of this module measure approximately 77 x 25 x 55 millimeters.


Part number 1734-IE2C is a POINT I/O analog input module from Allen Bradley. This module has 2 input channels. This device requires a 24-volt DC input voltage to operate. The input signal ranges of the 1734-IE2C include 4 to 20 mA and 0 to 20 mA. It also has a 50-volt (continuous) rated isolation voltage. The 1734-IE2C has a 16-bit resolution. This device is equipped with an open enclosure, and it can be mounted using a DIN rail.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-IE2V is a POINT I/O analog input module. This unit is equipped with 2 input points supporting single-ended, non-isolated, voltage inputs with a signal range of 0 to 10V and +/-10 V. The module also allows for delta-sigma conversion with a power dissipation rating of 0.75 watts at 28.8 VDC. The 1734-IE2V has a 15-bit resolution. This module has an open-type enclosure with DIN rail mounting capability.


Product number 1734-IE4C is an analog input module manufactured by Allen Bradley. It belongs to the POINT I/O series of products. This unit has four single-ended, non-isolated, current input channels. These input channels have signal ranges of 4 - 20 mA and 0 - 20 mA. The 1734-IE4C requires an input voltage rated at 24 volts DC. The dimensions of this module measure 56.0 mm xProduct number 1734-IE4C is an analog input module manufactured by Allen Bradley. It belongs to the POINT I/O series of products. This unit has four single-ended, non-isolated, current input channels. These input channels have signal ranges of 4 - 20 mA and 0 - 20 mA. The 1734-IE4C requires an input voltage rated at 24 volts DC. The dimensions of this module measure 56.0 mm x 12.0 mm x 75.5 mm. The 1734-IE4C has an open-type enclosure with DIN rail mounting capability.


Product number 1734-IE4S is a safety analog input module. This device was manufactured by Allen Bradley as part of the POINT Guard I/O line of products. It has four (4) single-ended inputs. The input ranges of the 1734-IE4S include +/-5V, +/-10V, 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20 mA, and 4-20 mA. This module has four analog input indicators, four sensor power indicators, and one power indicator. The 1734-IE4S has an approximate weight of 68 grams. Additionally, the approximate dimensions of this unit measure 77 mm x 25 mm x 55 mm.


The Allen Bradley 1734-IE8C is a high-density current input module from the 1734 POINT I/O product family. This module has 8 single-ended inputs with a POINTBus current of 75 mA at 5 VDC. It has an input signal range of 4 to 20 mA and 0 to 20 mA, as well as a 16-bit input resolution. The 1734-IE8C supports the TCP/IP communication protocol. This module allows for rail mounting with front installation. It has dimensions that measure 12 mm x 56 mm x 75.5 mm.


Manufactured by Allen-Bradley, catalog number 1734-IJ is an encoder/counter module. The rated input voltage of the 1734-IJ is 5 volts. Additionally, the rated input currents of this product include 19.1 mA at 5volts DC and 25.7 mA at 6 volts DC. This device has a 160 mA max POINTBus current rating. The 1734-IJ has physical dimensions that measure approximately 56.0 mm x 12.0 mm x 75.5 mm.


Part number 1734-IK is an encoder/counter module belonging to Allen Bradley's POINT I/O line of products. It has one (1) input channel with a voltage ranging from 15 to 24 volts DC. The input current of this product is 6.1 milliamperes at 15 volts DC and 10.2 milliamperes at 24 volts DC. The 1734-IK has a 160-milliampere maximum POINTBus current. The dimensions of this encoder/counter module measure 56.0 mm x 12.0 mm x 75.5 mm.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-IM2 is a digital AC input module from the POINT I/O series of products. It has two non-isolated sinking inputs, an eight-position key switch, and real-time status indicators. The on-state voltage ranges from 159 volts AC to 264 volts AC. Additionally, it has a nominal on-state voltage rated at 220 volts AC. This module has an open-type enclosure and can be mounted using a DIN rail mount.


Part number 1734-IR2 is an RTD input module produced by Allen Bradley as part of the POINT I/O line of products. This RTD, or resistance temperature detector, input module features two single-ended, non-isolated input channels. This unit supports RTD sensor inputs, as well as directly-connected 0 - 600 ohm analog signals. The dimensions of the 1734-IR2 measure approximately 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm. This unit has built-in alarms for diagnostics and status indications.


The Allen Bradley 1734-IR2E is a POINT I/O RTD input module. This module is equipped with two (2) analog, single-ended input channels. The 1734-IR2E has a 16-bit resolution, and it utilizes the signed integer type data format. The enclosure of this device is that of an open type. The purpose of the 1734-IR2E is to monitor the network and module statuses of connected inputs.


The Allen Bradley 1734-IT2I is a POINT I/O RTD and thermocouple input module. This module features two (2) analog thermocouple inputs that are differential and individually isolated with a voltage range of ±75 mV. The POINTBus current of the 1734-IT2I is 175 mA. Additionally, this unit has a 15-bit resolution. This module has an open-type enclosure. This product supports TCP/IP communications. The 1734-IT2I may be mounted via the use of a DIN rail mount.


Part number 1734-IV2 is a source input module that was manufactured by Allen Bradley. It belongs to the POINT I/O product series. This module has two (2) input points. The on-state voltage of the 1734-IV2 ranges from 10 VDC to 28.8 VDC with a 24 VDC nominal on-state voltage. The dimensions of the 1734-IV2 measure 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm.


Product number 1734-IV4 is an Allen Bradley source input module belonging to the POINT I/O product series. This unit has four (4) sourcing input channels. The nominal on-state voltage of the 1734-IV4 is rated as 24 volts direct current (DC). This module has a POINTBus current of 75 milliamperes maximum at 5 volts DC. The approximate dimensions of this device measure 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm. Additionally, the approximate weight of the 1734-IV4 is 31.8 grams.


Catalog number 1734-IV8 is a digital source input module with a POINT interface. This unit was manufactured by Allen Bradley. It includes eight input points. Additionally, this device has eight yellow status indicators on the logic side of the module.


The 1734-MB is a POINT I/O mounting base manufactured by Allen-Bradley. This mounting base allows for the installation of I/O modules, adapters, or power supplies on a controller. The 1734-MB provides accurate locking to prevent incorrect placement. This mounting base measures 8.0 inches x 8.0 inches x 6.0 inches with a weight of approximately 0.45 kilograms. It can be mounted on a DIN rail to provide access to the backplane current and power supply via eight removable base locking screws.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-OA2 POINT I/O 120/220 VAC output module has 8 key-switch positions and two non-isolated current sourcing outputs. It has an external voltage supply rating of 120/220 VAC at 60 hertz, as well as an isolation voltage rating of 240 VAC. This unit has an open-style enclosure. The rated power dissipation of this module is 2 watts at 264 VAC, and the rated thermal dissipation is 6.8 BTU at 264 VAC.


The 1734-OA4 from Allen Bradley is a POINT I/O output module. This product has 4 non-isolated sourcing output channels with a nominal on-state voltage rating of 120/220 volts AC. The 1734-OA4 has a maximum POINTBus current rating of 75 milliamperes at 5 volts DC. Additionally, the isolation voltage of this module is rated as 240 volts (continuous). The approximate weight of the 1734-OA4 is 30.9 grams.


The 1734-OB2 POINT I/O digital output module from Allen Bradley has two current sourcing and isolated outputs. It has a minimum on-state voltage of 10 volts DC and a maximum on-state voltage of 28.8 volts DC. It has a 0.2-volt DC drop voltage and an on-state current of 1.0 mA.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-OB2E is a 24 VDC output module with two non-isolated enhanced source output channels. It has a 2-ampere maximum output current rating, with a 1-ampere rated current per output. This module's on-state voltage ranges from 10 VDC to 28.8 VDC, with a 24 VDC nominal on-state voltage rating. This module is a part of the POINT I/O product series.


Product number 1734-OB2EP is a protected output module that was produced by Allen Bradley. It has an input voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts direct current (DC). The maximum output current rating is 4.0 amperes per module and 2.0 amperes per channel, with a POINTBus current of 75 milliamperes at 5 volts DC.


The Allen Bradley 1734-OB4 is an output module from the 1734 POINT I/O product series. It has 4 non-isolated sourcing outputs. The output voltage of this module is 24 VDC, and the POINTBus current is rated as 75 mA at 5 volts DC. The 1734-OB4's on-state voltage ranges from 10 VDC to 28.8 VDC. The maximum power dissipation rating of this module is 1.2 watts at 28.8 VDC, while its maximum thermal dissipation rating is 4.1 BTU/hr at 28.8 VDC.


The Allen-Bradley 1734-OB4E is an electronically-fused 4-channel POINT I/O output module. For short-circuit and wire-off diagnostics, it has point-level output fault states. The option of direct-connect or rack-optimized communications is available. The maximum POINTBus current of this module is 75 milliamperes at 5 volts DC. Additionally, the 1734-OB4E requires a 24-volt DC (nominal) external power supply voltage to properly operate, along with a voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC.


Product number 1734-OB8 is a POINT I/O output module that was produced by Allen Bradley. This module has eight (8) non-isolated, sourcing outputs. This unit has a nominal on-state voltage rated at 24 volts direct current (DC) with an on-state voltage range of 10 to 28.8 volts DC. The 1734-OB8 has eight output status indicators that light up yellow and two (2) module/network status indicators that light up green and/or red. The maximum POINTBus current of this device is 75 milliamperes at 5 volts DC. The approximate weight of this unit is 35.4 grams.


The Allen Bradley 1734-OB8E is a POINT I/O protected output module with 8 output channels. This module’s external voltage supply is rated at 24 volts DC. Additionally, its POINTBus current is rated as 75 mA at 5 volts DC. Furthermore, the maximum power dissipation of the 1734-OB8E is 2.0 watts at 28.8 volts DC. The physical dimensions of this module measure 56.0 mm x 12.0 mm x 75.5 mm (height x width x depth).


Product number 1734-OB8S is an Allen Bradley safety digital output module from the POINT Guard I/O line of products. This module has eight current-sourcing output channels. The maximum current of each output channel is 1 ampere. Additionally, the rated supply voltage of the 1734-OB8S is 24 volts direct current (DC). This unit has physical dimensions that approximately measure 77 mm x 25 mm x 55 mm (3.03 in. x 0.98 in. x 2.17 in.). Additionally, this device has an approximate weight of 62.4 g (2.2 oz).


The 1734-OE2C by Allen Bradley is a current output analog module belonging to the POINT I/O product series. This product has two (2) single-ended current outputs that are also non-isolated. The current ranges of this unit's outputs include 0-20 mA and 4-20 mA. The 1734-OE2C provides digital to analog conversion at its outputs with a resolution of 13 bits. Its POINTBus current is rated as 75 mA at 5 VDC, and the voltage supply is rated as 24 VDC. The physical dimensions of this module measure 56 mm x 12 mm x 75.5 mm.


Part number 1734-OE2V is a POINT I/O voltage output analog module from Allen-Bradley. This device has two single-ended, non-isolated voltage outputs. Additionally, the output voltage ranges of this module include 0 - 10 volts and +/- 10 volts. The 1734-OE2V has a 14-bit resolution. The maximum POINTBus current of this module is 75 mA at 5 volts DC. The 1734-OE2V has an approximate weight of 36 grams.


The Allen Bradley 1734-OE4C is a POINT I/O 4-channel analog current output module. The four output points of this device have current ranges of 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 20 mA. This module was designed to have a resolution of 16 bits. Its POINTBus current is rated as 75 mA at 5 volts DC. The approximate weight of the 1734-OE4C is 36.9 grams, and the physical dimensions measure approximately 56.0 millimeters x 12.0 millimeters x 75.5 millimeters.

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Rockwell Descargo de responsabilidad: El producto se utiliza excedente. Automation Stop no es un distribuidor autorizado de excedentes ni un afiliado del fabricante de este producto. El producto puede tener códigos de fecha más antiguos o ser una serie más antigua que la disponible directamente de fábrica o distribuidores autorizados. Porque Automation Stop no es un distribuidor autorizado de este producto, no se aplica la garantía del fabricante original. Si bien muchos productos de PLC de Allen-Bradley ya tienen firmware instalado, DO Supply no garantiza si un producto de PLC tendrá o no firmware y, si tiene firmware, si el firmware tiene el nivel de revisión que necesita para su solicitud. Automation Stop tampoco garantiza su capacidad o derecho para descargar u obtener firmware para el producto de Rockwell, sus distribuidores o cualquier otra fuente. Automation Stop tampoco garantiza su derecho a instalar dicho firmware en el producto. Automation Stop no obtendrá ni suministrará firmware en su nombre. Es su obligación cumplir con los términos de cualquier Acuerdo de licencia de usuario final o documento similar relacionado con la obtención o instalación de firmware.