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Allen Bradley - Drives

PowerFlex 525

Los variadores de CA PowerFlex 525 desarrollados y fabricados por Allen-Bradley son la próxima generación de variadores compactos, que cuentan con programación USB, redes EtherNet/IP integradas, la flexibilidad de trabajar a altas temperaturas ambientales y capacidades de seguridad estándar. Su revolucionario diseño modular facilita una instalación y configuración rápidas y sencillas y ofrece varias opciones de control y montaje del motor. Los variadores de CA PowerFlex 525 son perfectos para transportadores, ventiladores, bombas y mezcladores, especialmente en instalaciones de fabricación a gran escala.

Guía de selección de PowerFlex 525

La familia PowerFlex de variadores de CA y CC brinda los beneficios más importantes. Estas piezas cuidadosamente planificadas están diseñadas para ser lo más flexibles posible, lo que ayuda a mejorar la productividad y proporciona un medio para hacer lo que mejor saben hacer. Ofrecen un control de motor estándar en la industria, pero también con adiciones de sistemas de potencia especializados, como regulación de velocidad de bucle abierto y controles precisos de par y velocidad.

La tecnología FORCE, que fue patentada por Allen-Bradley, ofrece un excelente rendimiento a baja velocidad/velocidad cero al mismo tiempo que proporciona una regulación precisa del par y la velocidad. Los variadores PowerFlex ayudan a agilizar la configuración y la programación con paquetes de software y herramientas fáciles de usar que vienen junto con una experiencia de usuario intuitiva para hacer que el diseño sea más rápido, reduciendo el tiempo de diseño y acelerando el proceso de entrega para máquinas de todo tipo.

Los variadores de CA PowerFlex de clase compacta brindan una solución simple y rentable para aplicaciones de control independientes a nivel de máquina o integración simple del sistema. De fácil acceso, estas máquinas de clase de uso general permiten la optimización del espacio del panel mientras le brindan la versatilidad necesaria en aplicaciones específicas. Lo suficientemente pequeños como para caber en cualquier lugar, los variadores de CA PowerFlex 525 ofrecen funciones estándar como desconexión de par segura cableada y puertos integrados para comunicación EtherNet/IP. Esta guía explorará cada opción para que uno pueda familiarizarse con la selección de la serie PowerFlex 525.


Los variadores de frecuencia variable PowerFlex 525 se han vuelto famosos por su alta versatilidad y eficiencia entre los profesionales de la automatización. Estos productos son fáciles de instalar y configurar debido a su innovador diseño modular. La serie PowerFlex 525 presenta sistemas de comunicación EtherNet/IP incorporados, protocolos de seguridad y una interfaz USB integrada, lo que los hace rentables y satisface todas las necesidades que uno puede desear en un variador.

Según la aplicación, la serie de variadores de frecuencia PowerFlex 525 AC de Allen Bradley ofrece varias opciones de control de motores y montaje flexible con una potencia nominal de 0,4-22 kW (0,5-30 HP) y varias clases de voltaje en todo el mundo que van desde 100-600 V. Estos variadores son ideales para impulsar motores como transportadores, ventiladores, bombas y mezcladores, ya que pueden operar a temperaturas de hasta 158 °F.

Algoritmos de control de motores

Los variadores de CA PowerFlex 525 también brindan una variedad de diferentes algoritmos de control de motores, como voltios por hercio, control vectorial sin sensores, control vectorial de velocidad de lazo cerrado y control de motores de imanes permanentes. Hace esto para adaptarse a muchas aplicaciones, algunas que necesitan eficiencia energética y una desconexión de par segura. Safe Torque-Off está certificado en PLd/SIL2 Cat 3 (para equipos de potencia) según IEC 61508: elimina la potencia de rotación del motor sin desconectar la potencia del variador para arranques más rápidos después de que se haya activado una demanda en el sistema de seguridad.

Tarjetas adaptadoras

La comunicación con los variadores PowerFlex 525 es posible gracias a las tarjetas adaptadoras de comunicación de la serie PowerFlex 520 a través de RS485 integral con Modbus RTU/DSI, puerto Ethernet/IP integrado, tarjeta opcional Ethernet/IP de dos puertos, tarjeta opcional DeviceNet y tarjeta opcional PROFIBUS DP . Estas tarjetas se pueden implementar en el campo sin quitar la unidad completa si se montan en un chasis modular para cada propósito y se comunican a través de DSI (Interfaz serial del dispositivo). Cuando se configura desde una ubicación local o distante, esto podría brindarle acceso a algunas de las capacidades de estos adaptadores.

Embalaje y Montaje

  • La función de montaje en riel DIN de los variadores de estructura A, B y C hace que la instalación sea rápida y sencilla. También está disponible el montaje en panel, que ofrece más versatilidad.
  • Con Zero Stacking, los cables de alimentación se pueden instalar en cualquier dirección a temperaturas de hasta 45 grados centígrados. De este modo, se liberará un espacio de panel de valor incalculable.
  • Hay varias soluciones para satisfacer las normas EMC EN 61800-3 Categoría C2 y 3 sin un filtro externo, gracias a la disponibilidad de filtrado integral en todos los valores nominales de 200 V (230 V CA) o 400 V (415 V CA). Esto le ahorrará dinero.
  • Si desea filtros externos, están disponibles en clasificaciones continuas que van hasta 300 kW, cada uno de los cuales cumple con las categorías EN 61800-3: C1 a 3 estándares EM&C.

Rendimiento optimizado

  • Cuando se utiliza en sistemas de distribución sin conexión a tierra, un MOV extraíble a tierra y un relé de precarga garantizan un funcionamiento sin problemas.
  • El frenado dinámico es posible gracias a un transistor de freno integral, que está disponible en todos los grados y utiliza resistencias de freno sencillas y económicas.
  • Un puente que permite el control de fuente o sumidero de 24 VCC para un cableado de control flexible.
  • Los variadores con más de 15 HP/11 kW pueden tener clasificaciones de sobrecarga doble. Servicio estándar: 150 % durante 3 segundos o 110 % durante 60 segundos de sobrecarga. El servicio pesado proporciona una fuerte protección contra sobrecarga: 150 % de sobrecarga durante 60 segundos o 180 % de sobrecarga (200 % programable) durante 3 segundos.
  • El funcionamiento silencioso está garantizado con frecuencia PWM ajustable de hasta 16 kHz.

Entradas y salidas disponibles

Según la versión, un variador de frecuencia variable PowerFlex serie 525 puede ofrecer una variedad de puertos de E/S, aunque todas las versiones tienen 7 entradas digitales y 2 analógicas. Las salidas están restringidas a 1 salida analógica, 2 salidas optoaisladas y 2 salidas de relé para cada tipo, aunque pueden diferir según el estilo seleccionado. Es sencillo cometer errores al configurar los puntos de entrada por primera vez, ya que todos están vinculados a una función específica de forma predeterminada.

Esta guía examina el procedimiento para configurar los propios sistemas. Se explican los parámetros con los que se trata y se proporciona un enfoque paso a paso de principio a fin. Uno utilizará una sola entrada digital, por ejemplo.

Cableado de ferretería

Primero se debe cablear la salida del relé. Estas restricciones deben ser consideradas:

  • El variador debe proporcionar señales de 24 V+ y -24 V.
  • El LED tiene polarización. Aceptar la señal de 24 V+ directamente o cambiarla a través del relé funcionará.

El cableado de un relé de salida en un diagrama PowerFlex 525 demuestra que el terminal 11 del variador puede generar una señal de +24 VCC directamente. Este terminal siempre entregará esta señal. Debe tenerse en cuenta la conexión interna entre este terminal y el terminal S+, que se utiliza para circuitos de seguridad.

El terminal 04 "Común digital" puede conectarse a la señal de -24 V CC. Sin embargo, el puente PCB J5 determinará la polaridad de esta conexión. El valor predeterminado del puente es "SRC", lo que hace que la señal se conecte a tierra. Si J5 estuviera configurado en SNK, el conector estaría conectado a +24 V CC. Este valor debe ser cuidadosamente considerado ya que sin -24VDC. La conmutación de salida no funcionará.

La señal de entrada se mostrará utilizando un interruptor normalmente abierto (NO). Estos están limitados por lo siguiente: - El controlador debe conmutar una entrada digital.

El cableado del terminal de entrada digital 5 para el PowerFlex 525 muestra que el circuito del botón pulsador es simple. En el pin de accionamiento 11, se puede utilizar un contacto de 24 V CC para transmitir la señal mientras se conecta un lado a DigIn TermBlk 05 cuando está abierto. Este terminal mostraría ALTO si estuviera cerrado.

Configuración de parámetros

Uno necesita identificar las configuraciones apropiadas y configurarlas de acuerdo con sus preferencias ahora que se ha instalado el circuito. Por ejemplo, consulte la hoja de datos si está buscando un relé o una entrada digital.

1. Configuración de salida de relé

La tabla que ofrece un punto de partida para personalizar la salida del relé se puede encontrar utilizando la búsqueda de relés y desplazándose por los resultados. La configuración del relé de salida 2 en PowerFlex 525 identifica los siguientes componentes cruciales:

  • R5 y R6 son los terminales del Relé 2 (identificados durante el paso de cableado).
  • La configuración predeterminada para el Relé 2 es Motor en funcionamiento. Uno necesita ajustarlo.
  • La referencia para el parámetro Relé 2 es t081.

Hay que valorar especialmente la referencia del parámetro ya que hay que modificar la señal a la que reacciona el relé.

PowerFlex 525 - Parámetro T076 y T081: Todas las opciones para los parámetros t076 y t081 están disponibles en Configuración de salida de relé.

Nota: Hay ajustes de mesa y más opciones. Esta tabla también muestra los parámetros para el Relé 1 y el Relé 2. Tenga en cuenta el parámetro que uno requeriría en función de si lo usa como entrada (por ejemplo, "Control HMI") o como salida (por ejemplo, Voltaje). ). Además, se especifica "ParamControl" o 13 de la lista ya que, en nuestro escenario, es necesario considerar la gestión del relé mediante el software. Además, cuando una función tiene muchas formas de controlarse, se denomina "modo de salida".

2. Configuración de entradas digitales

De manera similar, a un relé, se pueden buscar entradas digitales.

  • PowerFlex 525: la configuración del terminal digital proporciona un ejemplo de cómo la configuración predeterminada es una frecuencia preestablecida. Se puede usar t065 para cambiar qué función tiene la información.
  • PowerFlex 525: el parámetro t062-t068 Configuración de entrada digital muestra cómo funcionan estas configuraciones en todos los terminales digitales.

Es importante tener en cuenta que el variador debe detenerse antes de cambiar este parámetro. Además, para establecer este parámetro en No utilizado o 0, debe hacerlo dentro de los registros b013 y b014.

Inclusión de E/S integradas

El variador de frecuencia variable PowerFlex 525 se utiliza en muchos campos diferentes. Tiene muchos puertos de entrada y salida que un programador de PLC puede configurar para propósitos específicos para reducir la cantidad de cables necesarios fuera de la maquinaria.


La serie de variadores PowerFlex 525 tiene varias certificaciones, incluidas ACS 156, CE, Lloyd's Register, C-Tick, cUL, TUV, UL, ATEX, GOST-R, KCC, RoHS y SEMI F47.

Explore nuestra selección de unidades PowerFlex 525

El catálogo en línea de ofrece una de las mayores selecciones de unidades PowerFlex 525 de segunda mano en el mundo.


The 25B-A2P5N104 from Allen-Bradley is a PowerFlex 525 Variable Frequency Drive. The input voltage range for the 25B-A2P5N104 is 170-265V AC, and it has a single-phase design. It offers an output voltage that ranges from 0-240V AC, 3-Phase, a frequency range of 0-500 Hz, an output current of 2.5 Amperes, and an output power that ranges from 0.4kW (0.5 HP) for moderate duty to 0.5 HP for heavy duty operation.


The AC drive 25B-A2P5N114 is part of the PowerFlex 525 series. It is capable of supporting 0.5 Horsepower of both standard duty and heavy-duty output power respectively. The adjustable frequency drive model 25B-A2P5N114 has a power rating for its 1-phase input that ranges from 200 to 240 Volts AC, and its power rating for its 3-phase output ranges from 0 to 230 Volts AC.


The AC drive 25B-B011N104 is a product of the PowerFlex 525 sequence which is an adjustable frequency AC drive from Allen-Bradley. The input voltage range of this drive is 200-240 VAC, 3-phase, and the output voltage it generates is 0-230 VAC, 3-phase. It has a rated current of 11.0 A and a power output of 2.2 kW (3 HP), making it suitable for both standard and heavy-duty applications. It features a built-in communication interface that is RS485 and Dual Ethernet compatible.


Allen-Bradley makes the 25B-B017N104 drive. This device needs 170-264V AC power, this is a 3-phase supply-based drive, shows an output voltage of 0 to 240V AC, a 3-phase supply, a frequency range of 0 to 500 Hz, and an output current of 17.5 amps. It can be used with AC motors rated at 5 kilowatts (4.0 HP) for normal duty as well as heavy duty operation. The 25B-B017N104 has an Ethernet I/P interface for communication.


The 25B-B032N104 from Allen-Bradley is a Variable Frequency Drive, a part of PowerFlex 525 products. This item is powered by a 3-phase voltage range of 170-264V AC, with a motor output of 32.2 amps and a power of 7.5 kilowatts (10.0 Horsepower) for regular duty and heavy-duty operation. It has an IP20 NEMA open case and comes with a conventional interface module with a Frame D frame size.


Allen-Bradley makes the 25B-B2P5N104, as a part of the PowerFlex 525 Adjustable Frequency AC drive. This drive works with 3-phase 240V AC voltage, does have a power output of 0.4 kilowatts or 0.5 HP for both regular and heavy-duty use, and has a current output of 2.5 amperes. It comes with a built-in Human Interface Module, LCD display, and buttons that let you set up and use the drive right out of the box.


Allen Bradley's 25B-B5P0N104 Digital AC Drive offers access to a broad number of control techniques, allowing users to create both fundamental and sophisticated levels of motor control. This 25B-B5P0N104 is powered by a voltage supply that ranges from 170 to 264V AC, a 3-phase line, in addition to an input current of 5.8 Amperes and a frequency that ranges from 50 to 60 Hertz. The output of the drive is specified as having a frequency of maximum of 500 hertz, an output voltage of 0 to 230V AC, an output current of 5 amperes, and an output power of 0.75 kilowatts (1.0 HP).


The PowerFlex 525 adjustable frequency 25B-B8P0N104 AC drive from Allen-Bradley. This electronic item has an input supply rating of 200 to 240V AC, 3-phase, and its output values provide 0 to 230V AC, 3-phase line, rated current of 8 amps, and power of 1.5 kilowatts (2.0 Horsepower) for both ordinary and heavy-duty operation. These values can be found on the product's data sheet. This drive has a frequency output that may be programmed anywhere from 0 to 500 Hertz. In addition to that, it features a built-in communication interface that is RS485 and Dual Ethernet compatible.


The 25B-D010N104 comes with 2 analog inputs, seven digital inputs, 1 analog output, and 2 relay outputs, this 3-phase AC drive also comes with 480 volts and 10.5 amps of output current, and includes a 5.0 horsepower output rated power. This AC drive is made with built-in safety features, such as automatic BUS voltage regulation and fast-acting current limiting, and also has a Safe Torque-Off feature, which is standard on all PowerFlex 525 drives and lets applications respond faster in the event of a safety-related stop and protects the internal parts and people.


Allen-Bradley makes the 25B-D010N114, which is an adjustable Frequency Drive. This drive has an input voltage range of 380-480VAC, 3-phase, and an output voltage range of 0-460VAC, 3-phase, with a rated current of 10.5 A and a power of 4.0 kW (5.0 HP) for both regular and heavily loaded operation. It has a built-in RS485 and Dual Ethernet interface for communication.


This Allen Bradley manufactured 25B-D013N104 AC drive is powered by a voltage level of 323 and 528 VAC, a 3-phase supply, a motor output of 17 amps, and a power of 7.5 kilowatts (5.5 Horsepower) for both normal and highly durable operation. This drive has many different stop modes that can be programmed, such as Ramp, Coast, DC-Brake, and Ramp-to-Stop. It even has four autonomously programmable accelerate and decelerate times that can be set from 0 to 600 s in 0.01 s steps.


The Allen-Bradley 25B-D017N104 Variable Frequency AC Drive comes with an adjustable frequency. Its embedded I/O channels include two analog inputs, seven digital inputs with six fully programmable inputs, one analog output, two opto-outputs, and two relay outputs with Form A and Form B contacts. The 25B-D017N104 PowerFlex 525 drive also has two relay outputs with Form A and Form B contacts. aThe 25B-D013N114 from Allen Bradly is an adjustable frequency drive, and this model has incoming voltage series that extends from 380 VAC and 480 Volts AC (3-phase), and its three-phase power voltage output is approximately 0V to 460V AC. It has an enclosure with an IP 20 rating, allowing it to be set up on either a panel or a DIN rail, and it also has this capability. This 25B-D013N114 variable frequency drive has a safe torque off function. With a Horsepower rating of 10 Horsepower, the 25B-D017N104 is a powerful machine.


The Allen-Bradley 25B-D017N104 Variable Frequency AC Drive comes with an adjustable frequency. Its embedded I/O channels include two analog inputs, seven digital inputs with six fully programmable inputs, one analog output, two opto-outputs, and two relay outputs with Form A and Form B contacts. The 25B-D017N104 PowerFlex 525 drive also has two relay outputs with Form A and Form B contacts. With a Horsepower rating of 10 Horsepower, the 25B-D017N104 is a powerful machine.


In the PowerFlex 525 series, the Allen-Bradley 25B-D017N114 is an adjustable frequency drive. The power output levels for the 25B-D017N114 adjustable frequency drive both are 10 Horsepower or 7.5 kilowatts for regular duty and heavy-duty operation, respectively. It has a maximum output current of 17 amps. The IP 20-rated housing of the 25B-D017N114 adjustable frequency drive provides protection for the drive


The 25B-D024N104, produced by Allen-Bradley, is a PowerFlex 525 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive that runs when supplied with voltage level of 480 VAC, 3-phase supply. It has a power output of 11 kilowatt or 15 HP for both regular and heavy-duty performance, and the drive's output current is 24 amperes, and with an IP20 NEMA / Open classed enclosure, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.


Allen-Bradley makes the 25B-D024N114 drive, which is a variable frequency drive. The input voltage range for the 25B-D024N114 drive is 323 to 528 Volts AC, and the output current range for this AC drive is 2.5 Amps to 62.1 Amps, with rated power from 4 to 22 kilowatts. The normal-duty output power rating of the 25B-D024N114 drive is 15 Horsepower, and the heavy-duty output power rating is also 15 Horsepower.


The 25B-D030N104 from Allen-Bradley is a PowerFlex 525 sequence AC drive with variable output power. According to the duty operation of the drive, which may be 15 kilowatts or 20 Horsepower for regular operation and 11.0 kilowatt or 15 HP for heavy activity, the output current is preserved at 30 amperes regardless of the operation.


The Allen-Bradley made 25B-D037N114 is an alternating current drive. This AC drive has a rated power of 480V AC, 3-Phase line, a power output value of 18.5 kilowatts or 25 HP for normal operation, and 15.0 kilowatts or 20 HP for heavy-duty operation, and an output current rating of 37.0 Amperes. It has a standard model drive and a case that is rated IP20 NEMA/Open, and its emissions are filtered.


The Allen-Bradley 25B-D043N114 Adjustable Frequency Drive from the PowerFlex 525 series. This drive has an input voltage range of 380-480V AC, a -15 percent to +10 percent input voltage tolerance, and an input frequency range of 47-63 hertz. It can handle normal-duty power ratings of 30 Horsepower or 22 kilowatts and heavy-duty power values of 25 Horsepower or 18.5 kilowatts. The 25B-D043N114 is a variable frequency drive with a Size E class frame and 43 amps of output current.


The PowerFlex 525 Series AC Drive 25B-D1P4N104 is made by Allen-Bradley. This AC VFD is energized by a voltage range of 323 to 528V AC, 3-phase, with an applicable motor output of 1.4 amps and Power of 0.5 kilowatts (0.4 Horsepower) for both regular duty and heavy-duty functions.


Allen-Bradley offers an AC drive with the model number 25B-D1P4N114. In terms of output ability, it offers the shortest output response, delivering 1.4 amperes, 0.4 kilowatts or 0.5 HP and a completely programmable frequency of 0 to 500 hertz, and it has an output capacity of 1.4 amps and 0.4 kilowatts or 0.5 HP. Additionally, it has a frequency that can be set anywhere between 0 and 500 Hertz.


The Allen-Bradley 25B-D2P3N104 AC drive accepts 380 to 480 Volts AC, 3-phase power, and 47 to 63 hertz frequency. Its output voltage varies from 0 to 460 VAC, with 0.75-kilowatt power, and a 37 watts of power loss is associated with this drive. It has an incremental encoder with two channels that runs on 12 Volts and 250 milliamps and an A-frame. This AC drive has safety features like instantaneous fault trip, ground fault trip, and electronic motor overload protection.


Allen Bradley PowerFlex 525 AC Drive may be identified by its model number, 25B-D2P3N114. Those series Variable frequency drives are manufactured by Allen-Bradley, and one of their models is the 25B-D2P3N114. This drive works with an input supply voltage of 480 volts alternating current, three phases, and an input frequency range of 47 to 63 hertz (Hz). It has an output power of 0.75 kilowatts, which is equivalent to 1.0 HP, a current output of 2.3 amperes, and a frequency range of 0-500 Hertz that can be completely programmed.


The 25B-D4P0N104 AC driver is supplied by an input power supply range of 323-528 volts alternating current (AC), a 3-phase supply with appropriate motor output of 4.0 amps, and power of 1.5 kilowatts (2.0 Horsepower) for typical and heavy-duty work. The 25B-D4P0N104 has been certified by C-TICK, CE, KC, MARINE, and other organizations. It has different ways to control the motor, including such, sensorless vector control, volts per hertz control, and closed-loop velocity control, and also IGBT brakes are a standard option for stopping for this module.


The 25B-D4P0N114 from Allen-Bradley is an AC Drive with a rated voltage of 480 VAC, 3-Phase supply. It shows an output rated current of 4.0 amps and an output power rating of 1.5 kilowatts or 2.0 HP for regular and heavy-duty operation. It includes a standard model drive and a case that is rated IP20 NEMA/Open, and its emissions are filtered.


Allen-Bradley manufactured 25B-D6P0N104 is an adjustable frequency AC drive. This item needs an input voltage range between 323 and 528 VAC, 3-phase supply, with an acceptable motor output of 6.0 Amperes and Power of 2.2 kilowatts (3.0 Horse power) for both normal and heavy-duty operation.


Allen Bradley produced 25B-D6P0N114 an AC drive with a variable frequency functionality. This drive needs a 3-Phase voltage of 480V Power supply to work. It has an output power of 2.2 kilowatts or 3.0 HP and a motor output current of 6.0 Amperes for both regular and heavy-duty operations. It needs to be mounted on a DIN Rail and comes in a Frame A NEMA Open case that is not waterproof.


The 25B-E4P2N104 drive is an adjustable frequency drive from the PowerFlex 525 series, was produced by Allen-Bradley. The input voltage ranges from 525- and 600-volts AC, while the output voltage ranges from 0- and 575-volts AC, and runs with high-phase 3-phase operation. Through the use of its adjustable frequency, this 25B-E4P2N104 drive is able to exert control over industrial motors.


The 25B-V2P5N104 is an Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 525 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive. This drive works with a voltage level of 120V alternating current, 1 Phase supply, and 0.4 kilowatts or 0.5 HP of output power for both regular and heavy-duty use. The drive has an IP20 NEMA/Open rated enclosure and can deliver out 2.5 Amps of current.


Allen Bradley produced 25B-V4P8N104 is a PowerFlex 525 series AC drive that lets you change the frequency. This drive works when it is given 120V AC, 1-Phase power supply, and output current is 4.8 Amps, works between 47 and 63 hertz. It has an IP20 NEMA/Open certified enclosure and has a power output of 0.75 kilowatts or 1.0 HP for both regular and heavy-duty use.


The 25B-D030N114 produced by Allen-Bradley is a variable speed drive. Including a power range of between 323 and 528V AC, 3-phase supply, and motor output of 30 amps, and a power of 15 kilowatts (20.0 Horsepower) for regular duty and heavy-duty operation, this machine is well-suited for both light and heavy-duty applications. The 25B-D030N114 is housed in a Frame D enclosure and may be ordered with or without EMC filtering.


Allen-Bradley 25B-A4P8N114 is a product of PowerFlex 525 adjustable frequency AC drive. This drive has a one-phase voltage rating of 240 volts alternating current (AC) and outputs a peak power rating of 0.75 kilowatts (kW) or 1.0 horsepower (HP) for typical and heavy-duty usage, and an output current rating of 4.8 amperes. The basic model drive, filtered emission class, and IP20 NEMA/Open certified enclosure are all part of its standard features.


Allen-Bradley manufactured the 25B-A4P8N104 belongs to the PowerFlex 525 sequence variable frequency drive lines. This 25B-A4P8N104 requires an input voltage of 200 VAC to 240 Volts AC, and offers 3-phase voltage output of 0 VAC – 230 Volts AC, as well as a 4.8-ampere output current is obtained from it and 750 watts of power.


The 25B-A8P0N104 is an AC drive made by Allen-Bradley from PowerFlex 525 series. It can run with an output current of 8 Amps and can put out between 200 and 240 Volts AC input voltage (1 phase), and the 3-phase output voltage ranges from 0 to 230 Volts AC. It has an output power rating of 2 Horsepower for normal duty and 2 Horsepower for heavy-duty.


The 25B-A8P0N114 is an EMC filter-equipped Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 525 series drive. It is capable of generating 2 horsepower or 1.5 kilowatts of power in both regular duty operations and heavy-duty applications, and it runs with an input voltage of 200 to 240 volts AC of a single-phase and a voltage range of 0 to 230 volts AC of a three-phase output voltage. The 25B-A8P0N114 drive is equipped with support for a standard interface module and an open enclosure with an IP 20 rating.


The 25B-B024N104 is an adjustable frequency AC drive provided by Allen-Bradley. In order for the 25B-B024N104 to function, it has to be fed with a voltage that lies in the range of 170 to 264V AC and contains three phases. It features a programmable frequency range of 0-500 Hz, an output voltage range of 0-230 VAC, an output current range of 24 Amperes, and an output power range of 7.5 horsepower or 5.5 kilowatts. This drive allows for the conventional technique of remote control to be carried out via hardwiring of external signal devices and electrical loads.


Allen-Bradley produces the PowerFlex 525 drive known as the 25B-B048N104. The 3-phase input voltage range that it needs is between 200- and 240-Volts AC, and the 3-phase voltage output range that it shows is between 0- and 230-Volts AC. The 25B-B048N104 AC drive has output values of 15 horsepower and 11 kilowatts for its normal-duty operation, and it has output values of 10 horsepower and 7.5 kilowatts for its heavy-duty operation. The 25B-B048N104 AC drive does not have a filter, however, it does come with a protective shell that has an IP 20 rating.


Allen Bradley manufactured 25B-B062N104 has come from PowerFlex 525 sequence drives. This 25B-B062N104 adjustable frequency drive takes 200 to 240 Volts AC (-15 percent to +10 percent) to run its functions properly, then delivers outputs of 0 to 230 Volts AC, besides its heavy-duty is 15 HP, and regular duty output is 20 HP.


Allen Bradley manufactures the 25B-E012N104 drive, and this AC drive is suitable to regulate an AC motor. It is powered by a three-phase input power of 446V to 660V AC, which also converts to a PWM, or Pulse Width Modulated output between 0 VAC and 575 VAC, as well as a motor-applicable current flows of 12 amperes, power rating of 7.5 kilowatts. It also has a maximum frequency of 500 Hz which the operator may adjust.


The 25B-E019N104 drive from Allen-Bradley is an adjustable frequency drive. It has a maximum output current rating of 19 Amps. The open enclosure of the 25B-E019N104 variable frequency drive is rated IP 20. This drive delivers a maximum output power of 15 horsepower in both typical and heavy-duty applications, with a maximum energy loss of 290 watts.


The Allen-Bradley MANUFACTURED 25B-E022N104 is an AC drive that is a part of the PowerFlex 525 range of products. It accepts input voltages ranging from 525 to 600 Volts AC, and the valued AC output voltage limit is anywhere from 0 to 575 Volts AC and uses a three-phase alternating current. It has a horsepower output power rating of 20 for regular duty and a horsepower output power rating of 15 for heavy-duty.


The Allen-Bradley manufactured 25B-E0P9N104 is a PowerFlex 525 sequence AC-powered 3 phase drive that has a voltage rating of 600V AC. Additionally, it is outfitted with a conventional multilanguage human interface module (HIM) that features a 5-digit LCD display (with 16 segments). The greatest output power that this AC drive is capable of producing is just 0.5 horsepower.


The 25B-E1P7N104 is a 3-phase AC-powered Low-Voltage Drive from Allen-Bradley. It is a great choice for networked machines that need easy system integration and more motor control options. It has an input rated power of 525–600 V, an input current rating of 2.3 Amperes, a power output of 0-575V AC, an output current of 1.7 Amperes, and an output power of either 1 Horsepower or 0.75 kilowatts, depending on whether it is being used for heavy or normal duty.


The 25B-E3P0N104 from Allen-Bradley is a Variable Frequency Drive. This AC drive item is powered by an input 3-phase AC voltage of 446 to 660 volts, and offers an appropriate motor output of 3.0 amps and Power 1.5 kilowatts (2.0 Horsepower) for standard duty and Heavy-duty operation respectively. It has an Ethernet input/output connection port built right in.


Allen-Bradley created 25B-E9P9N104 is an AC Drive with Variable Frequency. It works using 525 and 600 volts AC 3-phase input voltage supply and with 0 and 575 Volts AC 3-phase output voltage, and it offers output power levels of 7.5 Horsepower or 5.5 kilowatts for both standard duty and heavy-load applications. Its effectiveness in controlling the situation is 97.5 percent.


The 25B-V6P0N104 is an AC drive as a part of the PowerFlex 525 line. It has an input voltage requirement of 100VAC to 120 VAC an incoming current flow of 3.2 amperes, and has an output of 0-230 V; its output current and power of 6.0 amps and 1.5 horsepower or 1.1 kilowatts, respectively for heavy and regular duty. The 25B-V6P0N104 has a 0.98-watt power rating and 50-60 Hz frequency.


The 25-COMM-D, a DeviceNet adapter connects a PowerFlex 525 sequence element to the DeviceNet section. This adaptor features three LEDs and a 5-pin wire, and it provides 125, 250, and 500 Kbps, as well as Autobaud DeviceNet interfaces. This adapter comes with a 5-pin DeviceNet connector, two interfaces, and a work instruction.


Allen Bradley offers an incremental encoder input device, which is denoted by the model number 25-ENC-1. This encoder card draws power at either 5 or 12 Volts and can take input voltages of 5, 12, or 24 Volts in either a single-ended or differential configuration. This encoder serves as a feedback device for closed-loop PM control and may be set to up to 1024 pulses per revolution, depending on the configuration chosen.

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